Navalny dead

Unlike the West, Russia seemingly still doesn't know how to neutralise political opponents and resorts to primitive methods -- and this only makes Russia look like a white 3rd world Country.
I dont think theyre looking to sit at the table of the current western order, theyre tryna pull the world towards their way of doing things. Theyre in a different lane with china


Forza Somalia!
They guy was hella racist and islamophobe, especially toward Caucasus Muslims and Georgians. Deeply imperialist who supported the annexation of crimea, not only that, he also supported the war on Ukraine and criticized the execution of that war.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
He was a man of steel testicles, Putin little testicles look like baby ones compared. RIP


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Dead at 47. I wonder what health problems he had.
He suffered from Bulletlitis, a rare infectious disease that takes place at the rear of the head (Parietal bone). Sudden death is highly likely. Usually happens in Russian prisons however the Russian authorities couldn't confirm.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
He suffered from Bulletlitis, a rare infectious disease that takes place at the rear of the head (Parietal bone). Sudden death is highly likely. Usually happens in Russian prisons however the Russian authorities couldn't confirm.

There is no evidence he was murdered.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Lol who would believe this shit it's not even believable.
It’s not supposed to be believable. You try to take on the regime and you’ll end up /falling/ out of the public eye and your life will take a /down/turn. Permanently

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Unlike the West, Russia seemingly still doesn't know how to neutralise political opponents and resorts to primitive methods -- and this only makes Russia look like a white 3rd world Country.
How should they /neutralize/ him?
Did Demar Hamlin also died like this for a while before being rea alived backed.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Russian neo nazis will never not be funny. Did they forget what the Germans did to their ayeeyo's 80 years ago
Unlike the West, Russia seemingly still doesn't know how to neutralise political opponents and resorts to primitive methods -- and this only makes Russia look like a white 3rd world Country.
The difference is that in the West, if a president leaves office, he gets book deals and high speaking fees. In Mother Russia, you get sent to the gulag.

Putin cannot tolerate western backed opponents because if he loses to them, he's ending up like Saddam or Qadaafi.