NCC Announces 1 Man 1 Vote And Extensions For FMS Presidents

Expect Ahmed Madobe to hold his own 'elections' soon and to announce himself the winner in response. Deni and mucaarad will then attend his inauguration and HSM will protest just like Farmaajo. It's like we are going back in time and watching a dumb movie we know the ending to. Atleast things are getting interesting though:



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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Need the president to compromise with these guys to at least achieve 1m1v. They all bow to follow bin zayed but can’t agree on one thing, useless lot.
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Hassan is really going for it. He has a scheme for those three too, but let’s see if it goes according to his plans
They have come out already against the extensions for those 3 so called states which is probably their biggest objection, and they know the end game is extension for Mr dhiiqo
1m1v September 2025 and jun 2025 for FMS elections. Not that big of an extension but places like galmudug already beating war drums against Qor Qor
There are a lot of candidates each from separate HG clans that are running to unseat QQ and seem well funded. They have been campaigning hard for a while now. No way they accept this. They will treat QQ as a warlord and not a legal sitting president with a mandate. Might get ugly.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaranka ayaa lagu soo gabagabeeyey magaalada Muqgdisho, waxaana laga soo saaray war-saxaafadeed rasmi ah oo dhowr qodob ka kooban.

“GWQ ayaa kulankooda ku dhagaystay warbixino faahfaahsan oo taabanaya amniga Qaranka,” ayaa lagu yiri hordhaca bayaanka.

War-saxaafadeedkaan waxaa lagu sheegay in Goluhu ka hadley ajandeyaal masiiri ah oo ay ka mid yihiin la-dagaalanka argagixisada, qorshayaasha qaranka ee dhinaca aminga, geedi-socodka dimuqraadiyaynta, iyo xaaladda dhaqaale ee dalka.

“Goluhu waxuu bogaadinayaa sida ay Dowlada Federaalka (DF) u maaraysay goobihii ay kala wareegtay ciidamada ATMIS, taas oo caddeyneysa sida DF ay uga go’antahay gaarsiinta isku filnaansho dhinac walba ah,” ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka.

Qoraalka ayaa intaas ku sii daray, “Goluhu waxa uu soo dhaweeyay tallaabada taariikhiga ah ee Markabka dalka Turkiga ee Oruc Reis, oo baaris ku sameynaya shidaalka dalkeena, isagoo ku ammaanay dadaalka dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay gelisay sidii looga faa’iideysan lahaa kheyraadka dalka.”

Sidoo kale golaha ayaa ugu baagay xubnaha ka magan shirka in mar walba diyaar loolayahay wadaxaajood iyo wadahadal lagu soo afjarayo wixii kala aragti duwanaansho ah ee jira.

Qodobada Shirka ka soo baxay waxaa kaloo kamif ah:

GWQ waxuu si qoto-dheer u falangeeyay xaaladaha aminga, siyaasadda, iyo saalada bini’aadanimo ee dalku uu marayo.

Sidoo kale GWQ, isaga oo tixraacaya heshiisyada shirarkii bishii December 2022, March 2023, iyo May 2024, wuxuu ku heshiiyay qodobada soo socda:

  1. GWQ wuxuu go’aamiyay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in la fuliyo heshiisyadii horay loo galay isla markaana dalka la gaarsiiyo doorasho xor iyo salaal ah oo ku dhisan nidaamka xisbiyada badan oo ay shacabka Somaliyeed si toos ah wakiiladooda ugu soo doortaan.
  2. GWQ wuxuu isku raacay in si degdeg ah baarlamaanka federaalka loo horgeeyo sharciyada doorashooyinka, xisbiyada badan iyo guddida doorashada iyo xuduudaha. GWQ wuxuu soo jeediyay iney xukuumadda JFS soo dhamestirto dhismaha Gudida Qaran ee Madaxabanaan ee Doorashooyinka iyo Xuduudaha.
  3. GWQ wuxuu isku raacay in Gudida Qaran ee Madaxabanaan ee Doorashooyinka lyo Xuduudaha uu soo diyaariyo jadwal faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan habsami u socodka geedi socodka doorashada si shuruucda dalka waafaqsan.
  4. GWQ wuxuu isku raacay in Doorashooyinku ku gabsoomaan sida soo socota:
  • 5.1. Dowladaha Hoose waxay doorashadooda dhici doontaa Juun 2025.
  • 5.2. Doorashada Baarlamaanka iyo Madaxda DXDF waxay dhici doontaa Sebtember

Local elections will start June 2025 and Parliament elections September 2025

Hore loo soconaya no need for PL and JL. Walle Culusow has surpassed Farmaajo if he even achieves this.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
So what are the options? Himilo qaran and UDP. What voting system they going to use?

We become puppet for UN. Beesha 6 waa in la cuno.
Two parties can compete for Presidency according to the new constitution. FMS have their own local parties to elect their MPs. Its over for Madoobe and Deni who prefer dictator style leadership and caano isku shub. Now they will be held accountable by the people.

If Farmaajo couldnt do this let HSM try, we are tired of MP appointeed by corrupt vassals.
Two parties can compete for Presidency according to the new constitution. FMS have their own local parties to elect their MPs. Its over for Madoobe and Deni who prefer dictator style leadership and caano isku shub. Now they will be held accountable by the people.

If Farmaajo couldnt do this let HSM try, we are tired of MP appointeed by corrupt vassals.
That means it’s also over for your autistic uncle farmaajo, but then again it already was over for him :pachah1:


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
That means it’s also over for your autistic uncle farmaajo, but then again it already was over for him :pachah1:
Farmaajo had consensus, that’s the difference. Every state signed his 1m1v, hsm might succeed if UN tent leave Somalia by then which is what he’s trying to do. So we’ll have to see what happens.