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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
most order followers are men. Order following men are the boots on the ground creators of the dark new world order, but women consistently support them throughout their careers and lives. How many women support what they do? How many of their wives, mothers, sisters or daughters, would continue to sanction the order following men if they were to wake up to the agenda these men are creating through their immoral behaviour?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Feminism was created by the rockerfellers in order to tax the other half of the population & get kids while their young & make it mandatory for them to attend an indoctrination centre (school)



Order followers?:mjlol:

You do know there's some form of order most everywhere right?

Are you some type of anarchist? If so, leave England for Afghanistan. Or I think Somalia was in complete anarchy post 91 for a good decade or so, is that what you crave?

Also, if you have problem with working women, it requires no conspiracy to avoid them and marry a woman who wants to stay at home. They're out there, you knowo_O


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Millennial women are the children of the post baby boomer generation and were largely raised by the state run education system, television and pop culture. They have been conditioned by these systems to behave in ways that are complacent, complaint, unquestioning, unthinking and nacassistc. They absorb large amounts of television programming, consume poisonous genetically modified foods, are obsessed with escapist pursuits, conduct only vapid, inane conversations and express an extreme lack of concern or interest in real world issues. They are the absolute dream of the social engineer controllers.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Order followers?:mjlol:

You do know there's some form of order most everywhere right?

Are you some type of anarchist? If so, leave England for Afghanistan. Or I think Somalia was in complete anarchy post 91 for a good decade or so, is that what you crave?

Also, if you have problem with working women, it requires no conspiracy to avoid them and marry a woman who wants to stay at home. They're out there, you knowo_O
I was quoting the guy from the video so if you have any issues go to his YouTube channel & leave a comment.

Yours sincerely dissonance


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The sexodus is a term used to describe a movement in which men, who have recognised the ubiquitous Unacceptable behaviour of the conditioned female, are giving up on women altogether and no longer pursuing any type of relationships with them. I see the so called sexodus as a reactionary stop gap, and a short term problem at hand, but only recognizes the symptoms at a skin deep level. They have not yet penetrated to the root causal factors underlying the condition, which is the rampant social engineering utilised by the control class.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Political correctness is a method of limiting free speech. Many women have been conditioned by the Neo-feminist agenda to censor those political issues. Men have been conditioned by the Neo-feminism agenda to censor themselves, because they fear the risk of being ostracised by most women if they speak out.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
Political correctness is a method of limiting free speech. Many women have been conditioned by the Neo-feminist agenda to censor those political issues. Men have been conditioned by the Neo-feminism agenda to censor themselves, because they fear the risk of being ostracised by most women if they speak out.

Ya but women in third world country are in need of a moderate feminism as its unacceptable how their treated. Are you living in the west? Liberalism has been good to immigrants aside from the feminist agenda. For example the conservatives in canada had to eliminate english class, that were set up by liberals, apparently the english teachers were all feminists who would brainwash the newly sponsored wives that would immigrate to canada. In between classes they would tell the wives that they have womens rights here and they can leave their husbands. Its not hard to find a girl who's religious in the west though. Most women will be attracted to feminism as they can come home anytime they want, it means absolute freedom.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
But yeah feminism has been routinely discussed in Marxist theory as an advent of the bourgeoisie class

And hilariously it has been discussed in that manner since the movement began


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
This nigga looks like Yo Gotti


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Most men will refuse to stand up to conditioned women and confront the fallacies they've been conditioned to accept and their associated unacceptable behaviour. They do this because they don't want to be socially and sexually ostracised by women.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Human beings are programmable much like computers. Like a computer, if a human being has a bad file system format (conditions during a child's formative years) a bad operating system (culture) their output (behaviour) onto the screen (life) will also be bad, and will contribute to the deteriorating human condition on a mass scale. Like a computer, the behaviour of a human being will largely depend upon its programming (the quality of the information put into it, which enables it to process and create efficiently).


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why would you so willingly give us your photo?

You know what ghost is capable of?
Japan is a experiencing what is being called an epidemic intimacy crisis and has the fastest declining population rate in the world. Almost half the population in Japan claims that it in no longer interested in any kind of sexual intimacy. This is happening because of destroyed sex drives in both genders due to extremely low testosterone levels. Japan is merely the social engineers testing ground for their population agenda. The American intimacy crisis has already began. It is just unspoken, and is not likely to make headline news in mainstream media.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The cultural Marxist plan to wage a covert war on America through a "long march through the institutions" was formulated by the Frankfurt school think tank under the direction of Italian communist Antonio gramsci. Realising America could not be conquered easily from without, the plan was weaken it over time by infiltrating its institutions and creating socially divisive issues. This would produce the long term effect of dividing the genders and destroying the familial dynamic in society paving the way for the takeover by the party.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ya but women in third world country are in need of a moderate feminism as its unacceptable how their treated. Are you living in the west? Liberalism has been good to immigrants aside from the feminist agenda. For example the conservatives in canada had to eliminate english class, that were set up by liberals, apparently the english teachers were all feminists who would brainwash the newly sponsored wives that would immigrate to canada. In between classes they would tell the wives that they have womens rights here and they can leave their husbands. Its not hard to find a girl who's religious in the west though. Most women will be attracted to feminism as they can come home anytime they want, it means absolute freedom.
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