Netflix are putting out a documentary about the black hawk dawn incident.

I see some people are mixing cards here. USC was ordinary somali guerrilla movement just like SSDF (daarood) and SNM (Isaaq) to overthrow a brutal dictator who at the end turned qabiilist to stay in power and then things messed up. All those movements and most of the clans are equal in atrocities commited in the civil war. Still this can never be is an excuse for gaalo to come and massacre our peoples in our homeland. Somalis allways fight, do cafis resolve our issues and move on. Cuqdada ma fiicno


Some users on this site are acting like USC Warlords were fighting for the Haqq and Tawheed. :mjlol:
Only ICU can claim to be noble. Every faction was in it for themselves these cawaans can argue among themselves all they want. I don't care about dynamics of qabils in the south. And I know the reality that they were all selfish. But caydiid has my respect for how he karbashed Americans on Somali soil, many other leaders invited them in to kill somalis for their own benefit.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Aabe brought the VHS Black Hawk Down and watched it literally early 2000's. I'm surprised US didn't push to move the capital after seeing the uncouth HAG and feeling sorry for what the rest of us have to deal with


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Some would say whatever happened to moryaans was directly linked to their pogrom-esque barbaric behaviour towards Daroods literally just before. The best of all, the head of the moryaan movement mein fuhrer Aideed got shot and killed by Sacad, HG 13 year in the buttocks and died. Cannot make this up if I tried.
Sometimes I feel we do not speak up enough against these guys on this site. Always good to seek people sticking to facts against these clan rhetorics.

Like how are you in your 20s having this kind of fadhi kudirir mindset on serious issues like infidels invading & killing fellow muslims and somalis.

Seen quite the lot of them defending the 2006 Ethiopian invasion.

It gives me a lot of insight in to how Somali militia were able to convince people to kill their own cousins and aunts/uncles. There must have been a level of dehumanizations and propaganda. I’m happy that my family were not involved in this madness. I can’t imagine thinking every other Somali is my enemy.
The oil companies were close with Aideed. When he felt the Americans started favouring Ali Mahdi as their favoured Adoon (slave) things took a different turn. Aideed gets a lot of credit for the masses, Islamic forces and tribal fighters confronting the imperialists. The reality and the objective truth is that he was a poor leader, a dirty black Zionist who claimed to be of Indian origin, and one of the architects of the anarchy/famine in Southern Somalia. Make dua that worms are feasting on his skull in his grave. Ameen.
Yeah I heard he did make deals with them as well. I am not so sure why the Americans were so against him because he had the upper hand at the time. Makes no sense.

At which point did I mention children being used a shields? My post pertained USC goons who were the ones fighting in that area.

Moreover, children were also killed and raped in 1991, or do your sympathies only work in 1993 or whenever else your people are affected.

My great aunt and cousins died escaping USC. You no nothing about me.

My morality isn’t based on qabil neither is anyone in my family (even extended) have blood on their hands. I don’t support any militia.
Believe me it's soo much worse than that. They would just gun people at random. Gunning down unarmed people and people praying in-front of tea stand and gunning down dugsi kid's is not exactly defending themselves against violent hordes of Somalis

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Even goings so far as lobbing anti-tank missiles from helicopter gunships into a hospital and then claim it never happened despite everyone seeing it ..incredible. There is no use denying it either when there is footage as well.

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So when you hear the guy in the trailer say he was happy that the helicopters came down as @Midas pointed out, it was because American Black Hawk pilots consistently made deliberate effort to antagonize Somalis and even assaulted an Associated Press photographer who tried to document it.
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Most Somalis don't realize , a lot of the destruction in buildings, houses and even looting was done by US and UN forces. Even the church in Xamar etc were destroyed by them and not even Somali University staff and relatives were safe from their imperious conduct. Aside from the shelling that happened in 2006.
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But yeah it there is soo much stuff they did, thats just nuts to read about. I don't see how anyone can ever think they were there for humanitarian peacekeeping reasons.
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Also you don't even have to wonder it's 100% due to the American/UN involvement, every region and insurgent group in Somalia had peacebrokers that could settle things and stabilize it after some time like how it happened in Somaliland/Puntland. Even the USC or manifesto group had a moderate faction within it. Usually it was the local traditional elders in connection/cooperation with the moderates and religious leaders. It's also crucial for inter regional reconciliation between families.

What the Americans did was dismantle that by butchering them and it made people rally behind Aidid against them for a moment. In a way that is similar to ICU dismantlement in 2006 when you think about it and people rallied behind AS which was a tiny irrelevant youth group before it.

What @El Nino said is right though Somalis would have been supportive otherwise.
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They single-handedly were responsible for increasing the general instability across the southern part of the country and pro-longing a conflict that would have resolved itself from within.
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The humanitarian garb of the mission was complete nonsense as well, they came at the end of the crisis/famine when there was decline in human mortality. They just came to butcher, harass and turn Somalia into their favorite playing ground and didn't save anyone.
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I also forgot to mention most of the food aid that was sent wasn't looted , it reached it's intended destination. The primary aid distributor made it clear.


UN/US basically propagated and exaggerated ''looting'' as part of their justification for an intervention when in reality the food was delivered to most people and the mortality rate had started to come down significantly as a result of it.
Instead of using your clanmates info. Why don’t you research the facts on wikileaks?

USC were not massacred. It was women and children. People like puntite are the reason why the war never ends. They view ordinary people as defacto militia. Meanwhile send money to their militia.

AUN to innocent women and children killed by gaalos on their own soil.

You turning this to “clan mates” is the reason that the war will never truly end. Puntite is absolutely correct about the crimes of USC and that the Americans used them as a pretext for their deadly interference. Deflecting to innocent civilians when her point was specifically about USC says more about you than her.

One can oppose American propaganda and mourn innocent Muslim Somalis killed at the hands of gaalos while also calling out the likes of USC.
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They single-handedly were responsible for increasing the general instability across the southern part of the country and pro-longing a conflict that would have resolved itself from within.
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The humanitarian garb of the mission was complete nonsense as well, they came at the end of the crisis/famine when there was decline in human mortality. They just came to butcher, harass and turn Somalia into their favorite playing ground and didn't save anyone.
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Do you know the names of the books or text those images are from? Particularly these three?