I will never understand how a non-USC affiliated Somali gives an iota of damn about how those thugs are portrayed in Black Hawk Down. How are you riding for the same criminal group that ethnically cleansed your families and made you a refugee??
I don't believe in 'Somalinimo' when it pertains actual war criminals. Those mooryaan are the same ones who launched a surprise attack on unarmed civilians and caused the civil war that Somalia has yet to recover from. A wild orgy of violence. Waa bahalo waalan.
They are NOT heroes. They were rapists, thieves, cowards and uncivilised goons that couldn't even agree with each other on how to form a government to replace the Kacaan. Search their images online, and their true history, before you clutch your pearls on any ACCURATE portrayal of them. Any movie/documentary will not even scratch the surface of how demonic these monsters truly are/were. Walahi if I tell you the things they did during the civil war, you would be traumatised.
Below you can see them, wearing stolen clothes, even hospital uniforms and upending anything that resembled a civilisation.
Go ask your family, who caused you to be a qaxooti, hint (see images below).
"USC Fighter for Aideed and his girlfriend"
I don't believe in 'Somalinimo' when it pertains actual war criminals. Those mooryaan are the same ones who launched a surprise attack on unarmed civilians and caused the civil war that Somalia has yet to recover from. A wild orgy of violence. Waa bahalo waalan.
They are NOT heroes. They were rapists, thieves, cowards and uncivilised goons that couldn't even agree with each other on how to form a government to replace the Kacaan. Search their images online, and their true history, before you clutch your pearls on any ACCURATE portrayal of them. Any movie/documentary will not even scratch the surface of how demonic these monsters truly are/were. Walahi if I tell you the things they did during the civil war, you would be traumatised.
Below you can see them, wearing stolen clothes, even hospital uniforms and upending anything that resembled a civilisation.
Go ask your family, who caused you to be a qaxooti, hint (see images below).
"USC Fighter for Aideed and his girlfriend"

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