Never get married.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Shit thats deep. I hope you find real love if it exists walaal.
Real love is a fallacy conjured up in a woman’s imagination and their desires to enslave men through mental manipulation since when is my penis valued less than her vagina? I say I’m the prize not her they need to serve us not the other way around.

In this gynocentric society why would you play Russian roulette with your seeds, I say a man needs to emancipate himself from this feminist society and return home where the man is still the man of the house.

There can’t be two captains sailing one ship women are meant to complete a man not compete with him since woman love to compete then give them competition by marrying a few more women let’s them compete on who can please you most between the sheets or who could cook you the best meal.

Have you ever considered raising kids back home and settling down?
That's real nice. But you know what, I suspect you need it more, bc you haven't experienced it yet.
Whatever happens, happens i guess. Im quite happy with my choices. Whenever I do stop feeling happy, i'll switch it up. Im happy with no relationships personally. There wasn't anything abnormal about my last relationship, we meshed well. But I didn't love her. I know what love feels like lool. But it was unrequited on her end. :mjlol:. Good luck.
Real love is a fallacy conjured up in a woman’s imagination and their desires to enslave men through mental manipulation since when is my penis valued less than her vagina? I say I’m the prize not her they need to serve us not the other way around.

In this gynocentric society why would you play Russian roulette with your seeds, I say a man needs to emancipate himself from this feminist society and return home where the man is still the man of the house.

There can’t be two captains sailing one ship women are meant to complete a man not compete with him since woman love to compete then give them competition by marrying a few more women let’s them compete on who can please you most between the sheets or who could cook you the best meal.

Have you ever considered raising kids back home and settling down?
I dont want kids lool.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Where am I going with it? :mjpls:

A year isn't enough.

I get wanting to be single, but you're gonna be dealing with competing desires and realities. In my case, my last relationship was over two years ago. I've been in setups since, maybe even something now, but no one I'd want to give a title, at least not at this time.
Matching clothes? :drakekidding: But he was perfect, and I say was bc he's dead. I discovered love and loss too young and in quick succession to one another, and I think it might've fucked with me, bc everyone after it has been bland. C'est la vie.

The widows curse. :( Despite their blemishes while living they reach perfection once departed. No one can compete with a dead bae.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@supz you're much too young and virile to choose a solitary existence. I say that, being a decade your senior. I could live quite well solo but you would fold (like a cheap suit). Even if you decide to let the world turn you into a cuck by feeding children with your tax paper dollars the least you can do is have a companion. Man or woman, we're in no position to judge. I just don't want to be your only vistor, in case something bad happens.


The widows curse. :( Despite their blemishes while living they reach perfection once departed. No one can compete with a dead bae.
You think so?
I'm not a widow, so to speak, but I get what you mean. I do compare and contrast a ton, but I've always been picking ppl apart. I did think I had a stroke of luck in life as well tbh, so I know it's not just a post-death thing. I think someone will compete with it eventually, and win, or at least be good enough to be good enough. As they say, the show must go on, or whatever.
Whatever happens, happens i guess. Im quite happy with my choices. Whenever I do stop feeling happy, i'll switch it up. Im happy with no relationships personally. There wasn't anything abnormal about my last relationship, we meshed well. But I didn't love her. I know what love feels like lool. But it was unrequited on her end. :mjlol:. Good luck.
As long as you're self-aware
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