New Batch of Puntland Maritime Police Forces conclude training


True Puntlander
To compare Turkey to the UAE is delusional. Just look at how their medias even portray Somalia. I don't want no Turk to love me but just to have a mutual agreement. If I am a shit hole and your going to rebuild my port, army, roads, and government buildings; why not? Turkey is an ally of Somalia not Farmajo! The UAE closed a hospitals, millitary training, and ended military's founding just because we choose to be neutral. We clearly see which is the better of the two.
UAE didnt close, they open hospitals in north west Somalia. Xamar is not Somalia.


True Puntlander
You mean they open hospitals in the regions that bend over for them. If the north west went against the UAE how long do you think the hospitals would stay open
My point is, Somalia is not just Xamar. So start calling South Somalia :yousmart:.
Be wary of the Turks theyโ€™re our friends for the time being but they are here for their own interests not ours
Their intrests align at the moment. They aren't their friends but they don't need us to be in the current situation we are in because they lost Sudan, can't come to djibouti or Eritrea, and Egypt is a sworn enemy so they need an Ally in the indian ocean/ red sea. UAE already has Saudi, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and Kenya so that's enough for them Somalia is the gateway to africa and the Medeterainin which is why they're angry we aren't there puppets.
PMPF on Bosaso's streets today



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