New Law against Incels + Trolls

I see they found an angle to push it through after all.

For those who dont know, a similar but less draconian law was debated, I believe under Johnsons term, but it never went through.

This country gets darker and darker every day, the one thing that made it worth it, a culture of free expression for artists, writers, poets etc etc is going down the drain fast.

Last year, Scotland was threatening to shut down theaters and imprison stage actors who read out "transphobic" dialog

Some of you might just rue this day.

It's worth if for girls and women, whose lives are at risk. Let governments police the internet, they already do, and the only people who should be shaking in their boots are monsters, who post nasty things.

They are the ones who will 'rue this day'.
Questions should be about what they mean by 'Islamism.' They do regulate terrorists related ideology and rhetoric. Are we to assume they will be enforcing speech control targeting conventional Islamic discourse that threatens liberalism, mentioning Jews, Israel, etc?

They should treat Twitter like how the American government scrutinized Facebook several years ago instead of creating dodgy rules that regulate the internet across wide-expanding surveillance, making it less decentralized and less free for Muslims, the average user.
I see they found an angle to push it through after all.

For those who dont know, a similar but less draconian law was debated, I believe under Johnsons term, but it never went through.

This country gets darker and darker every day, the one thing that made it worth it, a culture of free expression for artists, writers, poets etc etc is going down the drain fast.

Last year, Scotland was threatening to shut down theaters and imprison stage actors who read out "transphobic" dialog

Some of you might just rue this day.
Don’t ever forget labour invaded Iraq/afghanlstan and were responsible for the over surveillance of Muslims.

Centrist Zionist leftist gov is going to go mad in the uk and there will be more implosions.
It's worth if for girls and women, whose lives are at risk. Let governments police the internet, they already do, and the only people who should be shaking in their boots are monsters, who post nasty things.

They are the ones who will 'rue this day'.
They’ve already passed the online safety bill which covers this and you also have the revenge laws passed a few years ago. New Home Secretary is trying to stamp her authority but I don’t see how it is different to pre existing laws.
I see they found an angle to push it through after all.

For those who dont know, a similar but less draconian law was debated, I believe under Johnsons term, but it never went through.

This country gets darker and darker every day, the one thing that made it worth it, a culture of free expression for artists, writers, poets etc etc is going down the drain fast.

Last year, Scotland was threatening to shut down theaters and imprison stage actors who read out "transphobic" dialog

Some of you might just rue this day.
Welcome to big brother. Everyone calling for tougher laws for words will soon be crying when all our freedoms are flushed down the toilet.

Yes online safety and awareness should be taught, and things like degrading images should be investigated and punished if need be. But sadly these laws are often abused by corrupt officials.
Inceldom has turned into terrorism, with creeps murdering women. Such as the man in Australia who stabbed 6 women, including a baby girl. And the Rwandan killer, who murdered 3 little girls.

It's high-time that misogyny is treated like the terrorism it is, and good news boys. In prison, you can come out of the glass closet, and openly be with your special friends.
What’s funny about this post?


Entitled uppity East African
Inceldom has turned into terrorism, with creeps murdering women. Such as the man in Australia who stabbed 6 women, including a baby girl. And the Rwandan killer, who murdered 3 little girls.

It's high-time that misogyny is treated like the terrorism it is, and good news boys. In prison, you can come out of the glass closet, and openly be with your special friends.
An 11 year old was stabbed in Leicester Square a few days ago aswell it’s insane


Entitled uppity East African
Afghan calls for h0n0r k1ll1ng

please report. @Wonyluvr