Non-Somalis who fetishize and lust one Somali gender but hate the other!

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They are only desired by low quality men who are left over reverts who can't find their own women so they have to marry cheap and clean Somali women from Salafi masjids.

Somali men are very desired and don't forget they are ranked the most handsome men in Africa. It's just they have standards and dignity for not marrying people below their race unlike the dusty Xaarlimos specifically the ones from the U.K since the overwhelmingly majority of the Somali women stick with their kinsgs.

What are you talking about? Somali women are way more desired


When you search up somali female models, they give you a whole list of prominent xalimos


When you search up Somali male models, there's not a single name that pops up, it just sends you to images
Have you read his memoir, he goes on and one about being a superior aryan white who should get any female. He hates on Asian features and disparages his own Asian side.
He had a mental illness due to his fucked up upbringing and environment.
Yeah he was mental. Felt bad for his poor Asian mother.


What are you talking about? Somali women are way more desired

View attachment 42931
When you search up somali female models, they give you a whole list of prominent xalimos

View attachment 42932
When you search up Somali male models, there's not a single name that pops up, it just sends you to images

Listen I'm from Toronto. Somali men here run everything and every women literally worship us. I actually know some anjabis who said our women are ugly and only Somali me defend them.

Majority of Somali woman look like this sxb so don't front. Only 20% of them look like what you have shown. This is how average Xalimos look like wallahi.



What are you talking about? Somali women are way more desired

When you search up somali female models, they give you a whole list of prominent xalimos

When you search up Somali male models, there's not a single name that pops up, it just sends you to images

Somalis are known as refugees in the West, this makes them unattractive, not because of their looks.

Somali men also don't go into modelling because of culture. A Somali male model would be the laughing stock in his family.
Listen I'm from Toronto. Somali men here run everything and every women literally worship us. I actually know some anjabis who said our women are ugly.

Majority of Somali woman look like this sxb so don't front. Only 20% of them look like what you have shown. This is how average Xalimos look like wallahi.

Sxb women don't worship Somali men in Toronto :tacky::ulyin:


Sxb women don't worship Somali men in Toronto :tacky::ulyin:

Oooo yes they do like crazy wallahi. I hated it and always complained to my parents that these Anjabi women always hit on us Somali men in schools. Ufff, it's what happens when you are a feared and respected community.


You guys should stop seeking the validation of ajnabis so much.

I don't but all of this Anjabi Somali issue is in the U.K so they need to stop bringing their issues with the rest of Somali diaspora. We Somalis here are proud people. Somali men in Canada only use Anjabi women as buckets until they marry their Somali Queens.


I don't but all of this Anjabi Somali issue is in the U.K so they need to stop bringing their issues with the rest of Somali diaspora. We Somalis here are proud people. Somali men in Canada only use Anjabi women as buckets until they marry their Somali Queens.
You’re the biggest beg on the forum. My little minion.
Listen I'm from Toronto. Somali men here run everything and every women literally worship us. I actually know some anjabis who said our women are ugly and only Somali me defend them.

Majority of Somali woman look like this sxb so don't front. Only 20% of them look like what you have shown. This is how average Xalimos look like wallahi.


Hahahahaha you gotta be bullshitting me bro. Somali population in Toronto is so small you guys Definitely don't run anything except Dixon. Show an interracial couple of a Somali guy with a hot girl from another race, madow girls don't count since they're ugly by default.

I've heard plenty of guys fetishize a Somali girl and say they'd love a Somali girl but I've never heard anyone fetishize a Somali guy.

And the model thing proves my point, somali girls are in the modeling business and dominating. But not one Somali guy is a prominent model
Somalis are known as refugees in the West, this makes them unattractive, not because of their looks.

Somali men also don't go into modelling because of culture. A Somali male model would be the laughing stock in his family.

Modeling for guys is just taking a picture with a suit on. Nothing to laugh about
I'm not a girl, it's simply a fact that Somali girls are more desired. Recently they did a #FinePeopleFromSomalia thing and all the popular tweets were of girls except for a few guys.

And @Factz would get humiliated if he tried to say somali guys are more desired

So what’s your point, genius? That women are more desired than men? :chrisfreshhah:


Hahahahaha you gotta be bullshitting me bro. Somali population in Toronto is so small you guys Definitely don't run anything except Dixon. Show an interracial couple of a Somali guy with a hot girl from another race, madow girls don't count since they're ugly by default.

I've heard plenty of guys fetishize a Somali girl and say they'd love a Somali girl but I've never heard anyone fetishize a Somali guy.

And the model thing proves my point, somali girls are in the modeling business and dominating. But not one Somali guy is a prominent model

There are plenty of Somali male models to the point they won and this recognized Somali men as the most handsome men in Africa. Here:

Somali population in Canada was recorded 200k just in 2010, imagine how big it is now not to mention the majority of them are concentrated in the Ontario region specifically in Toronto. We are not tiny at all so stop making bullshit up.

Somalis literally got Toronto onlock, are you dumb? I can list all the gully blocks they control you dumbass not just dixon just proves you're a liar and don't know anything about Canadian Somalis.

The only Somali girl fetishize by the Anjabis is mostly in the U.K, mainly left over reverts.

Do you really want me to post Somali men with Anjabi pictures? I've done this before and people called me a self hater. I know what you're doing, after I proven disproven you about Islam and how much of a liar you are, you want to come back at me with this? :mjlol:


What about Arab male models, black male models,etc? They're from super homophobic cultures yet they still have a good list of models

There are millions of Arabs in the West, way more than Somalis. They also been there for longer and got bigger portions of secular and Christian elements. Somalis are newer, smaller in number, and more conservative socially. You got to do all the mathematical Suugo Science.


What about Arab male models, black male models,etc? They're from super homophobic cultures yet they still have a good list of models
50 million Black Americans, 90 % Christian.
3.7 million Arab Americans, 75-80 % Christian.

Refugee Somali Americans = 100,000, 99 % Muslim.
Generally speaking, yes

We can make that argument for all women. Women, in general, are more beautiful and sought after than men. I could make the same arguement by stating that even Ethiopian women are more desired than their male counterparts. Nothing surprising there, really.
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