Non-Somalis who fetishize and lust one Somali gender but hate the other!

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There are plenty of Somali male models to the point they won and this recognized Somali men as the most handsome men in Africa. Here:

Somali population in Canada was recorded 200k just in 2010, imagine how big it is now not to mention the majority of them are concentrated in the Ontario region specifically in Toronto. We are not tiny at all so stop making bullshit up.

Somalis literally got Toronto onlock, are you dumb? I can list all the gully blocks they control you dumbass not just dixon just proves you're a liar and don't know anything about Canadian Somalis.

The only Somali girl fetishize by the Anjabis is mostly in the U.K, mainly left over reverts.

Do you really want me to post Somali men with Anjabi pictures? I've done this before and people called me a self hater. I know what you're doing, after I proven disproven you about Islam and how much of a liar you are, you want to come back at me with this? :mjlol:

You listed a bullshit article from razzonline. The funny thing is that it's not some study conducted that has a well written methodology, it's some anonymous persons opinion on some unknown and unrecognized website. Try again.

According to the 2011 National Household Survey, 44,995 people in Canada reported Somali ancestry. Of those, 37,115 were Somali language speakers and 4,315 were recent immigrants. Somalis tend to be concentrated in the southern part of the province of Ontario, especially the Ottawa and Toronto areas.

44,995 people reporting Somali ancestry and you think you run Toronto, a city with over 2 million people. Cut that shit out.

You tried to brush off the U.K. like it was nothing, the U.K. Is very diverse with a plethora of different kinds of men and women. In this location Somali women are literally worshipped, there's a saying that goes around there by the girls "thank the Somali guys for taking all the ugly genes" because they know somali girls are way more desired.
50 million Black Americans, 90 % Christian.
3.7 million Arab Americans, 75-80 % Christian.

Refugee Somali Americans = 100,000, 99 % Muslim.

Im not talking about Arab Americans. I'm talking about arabs from all over. If you search up Arab models nearly all of them come from super Muslim countries like Egypt and Jordan


You tried to brush off the U.K. like it was nothing, the U.K. Is very diverse with a plethora of different kinds of men and women. In this location Somali women are literally worshipped, there's a saying that goes around there by the girls "thank the Somali guys for taking all the ugly genes" because they know somali girls are way more desired.

You must be red pilled on ''The Woman Question''. You don't understand them. They are after power and Somali men don't have power in the West. It's as simple as that. Nothing to do with looks, Somali women look like Somali men.
Why are there no Bhutanese male models in the West? Hurr durr, similarly dumb question.

You know what’s funny? How powerful the media can influenc people’s thoughts and opinions. The first male sex symbol in America was actually a Japanese man and all the white women in America went crazy for the guy. But now how are Asian men portrayed in the media today? As geeky, dorky effeminate es. Luckily for them Kpop is changing this.

I guarantee if we just had 10 Somali dude celebrities who were good looking, were ripped (all celebrities workout) then bang, our image would be looked upon favourably in the West. Just look at will smith, he started out with a natural skinny geeljire frame in the Fresh Prince.



You listed a bullshit article from razzonline. The funny thing is that it's not some study conducted that has a well written methodology, it's some anonymous persons opinion on some unknown and unrecognized website. Try again.

According to the 2011 National Household Survey, 44,995 people in Canada reported Somali ancestry. Of those, 37,115 were Somali language speakers and 4,315 were recent immigrants. Somalis tend to be concentrated in the southern part of the province of Ontario, especially the Ottawa and Toronto areas.

44,995 people reporting Somali ancestry and you think you run Toronto, a city with over 2 million people. Cut that shit out.

You tried to brush off the U.K. like it was nothing, the U.K. Is very diverse with a plethora of different kinds of men and women. In this location Somali women are literally worshipped, there's a saying that goes around there by the girls "thank the Somali guys for taking all the ugly genes" because they know somali girls are way more desired.

Why do you get on to lie so much? There are many articles reporting the same thing after they got their data from the model companies who not only used African models but votings from African females which is evident that Somali men are ranked number one most handsome men in Africa. From those articles you get the sources so check them out. It's even recorded on YouTube for Somali men.

Now moving on to Canada. You used Wikipedia and the 44,995 are the registred one in the health service you fucking idiot the 150,000 are the unregistred ones in the health servce. Check the news yourself. Here:

Somalis were recorded to be 200 thousand just in 2010 meaning the population estiminate is even much greater. Read the Wikipedia properly next time you fucking fool!

Most dangerous gangs in Toronto are of Somali descent and I suggest you check the police reports. They also run the rap game and are highly respected and feared across the city. Anjabis will tell you Malis run the dot, quit about us and also, Somali men here are not only worshipped in this city but North America. Just remember Somali women are pretty because of their Somali fathers so if Somali men are ugly so are their women.

Sorry, data has shown that most marriages in the U.K for Somali females for Anjabis are reverts which is why they are considered cheap and clean when you read the Ummah forums, now you have been debunked.
You know what’s funny? How powerful the media can influenc people’s thoughts and opinions. The first male sex symbol in America was actually a Japanese man and all the white women in America went crazy for the guy. But now how are Asian men portrayed in the media today? As geeky, dorky effeminate es. Luckily for them Kpop is changing this.

I guarantee if we just had 10 Somali dude celebrities who were good looking, were ripped (all celebrities workout) then bang, our image would be looked upon favourably in the West. Just look at will smith, he started out with a natural skinny geeljire frame in the Fresh Prince.


This guy is an ugly faraax who is upset that no girl wants him. Probably an incel.

I think he's confusing his problem with the rest of noble Somali men which is to be honest unfair just because we share the same ethnicity.


Google ''Jay Rwanda'', the best male model from Rwanda looks nothing like most of the Bantus there, but looks like the most Somali guy in Rwanda.

Also, most of the female models from Rwanda look more like Somalis than the norm there.
Google ''Jay Rwanda'', the best male model from Rwanda looks nothing like most of the Bantus there, but looks like the most Somali guy in Rwanda.

Also, most of the female models from Rwanda look more like Somalis than the norm there.

Cushitic face and ripped >>>>>>>>> Bantu face and ripped

Most of the African-Americans have white admixture to a certain extent.
You tried to brush off the U.K. like it was nothing, the U.K. Is very diverse with a plethora of different kinds of men and women. In this location Somali women are literally worshipped, there's a saying that goes around there by the girls "thank the Somali guys for taking all the ugly genes" because they know somali girls are way more desired.

Twitter really did a number on you. Who worships Somali girls? 99% of the time it's minorities directly around Somalis. Akhis every now and then to score points, but the overwhelming fetishization is coming from other blacks. Somali girls, East African girls actually are definitely the wave right now. That said, are you honestly implying that Somali/EA men don't have access to BW?

I do unquestionably agree that Somali women are more desired. Purely because there is no market for us. A woman's low is always higher than a man's low. To be blunt, if nothing else, a woman still brings pussy to the table. We're literal refugees with no clout, power, wealth or particularly impressive looks. We're conservative and culturally look down on a lot of things that are considered attractive particularly among younger women. Somalis hate to hear these, but we're ultimately viewed as Black and just like all the others, when we become 'integrated', especially into the black community we'll pull shit and put white women/actual 'exotic' women on a pedestal. Give it time

Is this what all these 'women only care about looks' stuff you've been posting is coming from?


Cushitic face and ripped >>>>>>>>> Bantu face and ripped

Most of the African-Americans have white admixture to a certain extent.

Rwandans clearly think 'Somali-looking' Rwandans are prettier than 'Congolese-looking' ones:



Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
This is a common theme for people who say they have a racial preference for someone. That shit doesn't exist. It's a fetish. In order for a fetish to form, an opinion must exist within the individual's mind. Like, we'd all wanna smash a sexy ass Brazilian model, but there's no stereotype of them wanting to hook up with Somali men. I'm sure some would love us, like women from all races. It's just an example.

A good case is White men and Asian women. Basically, it is the preconceived notion that Asian women are White worshipers that creates the Asian fetish for White males. If that stereotype didn't exist, White men wouldn't have the balls to get Asian women. And Asian women through the media end up with a lot of insecurities and beliefs about Asian men being bad, resulting in them leaving their culture.

Basically, in order for the Somali fetish to exist, and I'd say we're in the beginning phases of it, two stereotypes must exist:

1. Somali women hate Somali men.

Without this stereotype, Non-Somali men wouldn't be bold enough to try to get a Somali woman. It is the idea that the woman hates their men that gives other men the window to act. In the UK, due to the Twitter wars, stereotypes started to exist. These enabled men of different races to get with Somali women. In Toronto, no one hates anyone, which is why Somali interracial relationships are pretty much non-existent.

2. Somali women are easy to get for Non-Somalis.

Without this stereotype, Non-Somali men wouldn't be brave enough to approach a Somali woman. Once again, due to the mehr scandal in the UK, Somali women now have a bad reputation as easy women. In Toronto, this doesn't fly, and a lot of Somali women here simply hate the idea of getting with reverts. I shit you not, they find them perverted.

Now, some Somali men and women are going to want men and women of different races. This is a natural consequence of multi-cultural societies. It's an inevitability. We just have to understand that there's a difference between an outlier, and a trend. Trends requires rational explanations. Outliers are simply rare but possible events.


@Factz Yes let's see your stash of somali guys in relationships with sexy white girls or Asian girls

Fine but I just hope Xalimos don't see me promoting self hate because I ain't.

Somali man and a Yemeni woman.


Somali man and his beautiful moroccan wife.


Somali man and a Lebanon woman.


Somali man and a Persian woman.


Somali man and a Dutch woman.


Somali mand and his white American girlfriend.


Somali man and his Latino girlfriend.


Even Somali Adeers can pull sexy blonde milfs. :manny:


Anyways, just don't waste my time again with your lies.
Fine but I just hope Xalimos don't see me promoting self hate because I ain't.

Somali man and a Yemeni woman.


Somali man and his beautiful moroccan wife.


Somali man and a Lebanon woman.


Somali man and a Persian woman.


Somali man and a Dutch woman.


Somali man and a Habesha woman.


Somali mand and his white American girlfriend.


Somali man and his Latino girlfriend.


I saw this on couple goals in their house.


Even Somali Adeers can pull sexy blonde milfs. :manny:


Anyways, just don't waste my time again with your lies.

bruh you should stop posting that


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Fine but I just hope Xalimos don't see me promoting self hate because I ain't.

Somali man and a Yemeni woman.


Somali man and his beautiful moroccan wife.


Somali man and a Lebanon woman.


Somali man and a Persian woman.


Somali man and a Dutch woman.


Somali mand and his white American girlfriend.


Somali man and his Latino girlfriend.


Even Somali Adeers can pull sexy blonde milfs. :manny:


Anyways, just don't waste my time again with your lies.
Pride in the 6ix my nigga!! :salute::salute::salute:


This guy facts is embarrassing as hell. He’s posting essays and shit dude calm the f*ck down, it’s not that serious.
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