Now I understand why fob Somali women bleach


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Why? Why do you guys repress healthy discussions? Especially those that expose Somali men’s degeneracy??
I've met more degenerate somali females than males.
And frankly being an irreligious murtad is kind of a nice way of starting a life of degeneracy.


Subhanallah, are you guys actually real people. Just say nobody wants you.:chrisfreshhah:
I just copied what he said mate. Who is checking for Somali men other than somali girls? A lot of you are acting like black American men who think they’re God’s gift to the earth. Humble yourselves
Why? Why do you guys repress healthy discussions? Especially those that expose Somali men’s degeneracy??
The OP just like you is generalizing based on tiktok comments, that's the problem. She apparently "now understands why fob Somali women bleach." How ridiculous is that? She's accusing the men of being the reason, how convenient.

Some of you are addicted to these gender wars or whatever you want to call it. It's giving you guys a hit of self righteousness. If anything, these threads make us look weird.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Arabs, the rest of Africa, South Asia, everyone wants white men. Nobody wants a Somali man. You should consider skin bleaching
Don't think people that dislike the men of your race would like you very much more, and if they do, it would never be because they feel equal to you.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
The OP just like you is generalizing based on tiktok comments, that's the problem. She apparently "now understands why fob Somali women bleach." How ridiculous is that? She's accusing the men of being the reason, how convenient.

Some of you are addicted to these gender wars or whatever you want to call it. It's giving you guys a hit of self righteousness. If anything, these threads make us look weird.
Can you imagine blaming some randomn ass nigga online with no life who sends some message in 5 seconds and moves on and not the person who decides to put unknown chemicals in their face despite probably knowing how much risk is involved 🤦‍♂️


Can you imagine blaming some randomn ass nigga online with no life who sends some message in 5 seconds and moves on and not the person who decides to put unknown chemicals in their face despite probably knowing how much risk is involved 🤦‍♂️
Men influence beauty standards and women want to be desirable to their men. Black American women wear wigs for a reason.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
@Angelina you seem like a fair individual,
but we men of sspot know what your trying to get at here.
If your nacas enough to do something your nacas enough to bare ALL the responsibility.
The fact of the Internet is there are clowns, don't blame the clowns, blame the one who (at least you belive) damaged themselves for the clown.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Men influence beauty standards and women want to be desirable to their men. Black American women wear wigs for a reason.
Men can only influence and this is my point. We can get angry about them and we can do it together, but what does it achieve?
Should, if caught, these nigga who are saying scandalous and damaging things be punished, absolutely id be the first to discipline them. But who do we care about more?
Catching someone who can't be caught, or teaching someone so they don't fall for any tricks?
Stating that most somali men behave this way is an injustice to the men who care about and understand you the most.
Men influence beauty standards and women want to be desirable to their men. Black American women wear wigs for a reason.
They wear it cause they’re insecure with what they have naturally. Why are they trying to attract men who don’t want their most authentic selves. If they had full confidence and healthy self esteem they would stop trying to impress people like that. There’s a lack of self accountability here.
Honestly I don't think these are being honest about saying they want cadaan woman. Reason being in Somalia even darkskin women if beautiful are chased after regardless of skin tone.

But what I see is that this is just a gender war where divestors are being used to get at the other gender. Somali women will marry an Ajaanib and say she doesn't want Lugo baasto biriq and the men will marry Ajnabi and use that to say they don't want a darkskinned woman. It's just a petty gender war where each side says whatever will make the other side more hurt.

Somali women know many Somali men are insecure about their weight so they cuss them as Lugo baasto. Somali men know that Somali women are sometimes looked down upon as being darkskinned and belittled so they use that insecurity to insult them.
I just copied what he said mate. Who is checking for Somali men other than somali girls? A lot of you are acting like black American men who think they’re God’s gift to the earth. Humble yourselves
You want Somali men to commit Zina we are Muslims we only court for the intention of marriage
Reading compression isn't your strongest attribute .

Neither did I mention or insinuate that I talk about anything other than bleached women .
Nah I can see where this conversation is going no need to twist it you guys look down on the women back home like if they chose their circumstances,you wouldn’t last a day in their shoes
You’re a 17 year old and a raging incel already… the state of young boys is actually concerning.
He's not wrong, you in particular are one of the biggest gender war instigators. Insufferable

Incel this and incel that. I struggle to understand how this would offend a Muslim since you can't be physically intimate with someone before marriage? But I forget you're an apostate
Arabs, the rest of Africa, South Asia, everyone wants white men. Nobody wants a Somali man. You should consider skin bleaching
Doesn't this make you just as bad as him?

Both you and the people you target are two sides of the same coin, fight and step over each other to praise cadaans

Everybody on this site is insufferable 💀
I've met more degenerate somali females than males.
And frankly being an irreligious murtad is kind of a nice way of starting a life of degeneracy.
Religion is not a metric for goodness.

There are pedophile mullahs and atheist pedophiles, and likewise there are good Muslims and good atheists.