Number of Oromos get abducted in Mogadishu, “Release Abdi illey and they go free” - Kidnappers

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Bax orod isfaree
Wa quraxleexay


Weeping for the Nation of 68
This is clearly classical Hawiye Intelligence.
Abducting Oromos to free a guy who killed their people in Galgaduud.

Ethiopians must torture that rat Abdi Ileey to death.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
May Allah protect oromo muslim dir somali brothers tribes like akisho and jaarso are oromo dir madaxweyne honestly hawiye need to realise that oromo are IRIR samaale
This is clearly classical Hawiye Intelligence.
Abducting Oromos to free a guy who killed their people in Galgaduud.

Ethiopians must torture that rat Abdi Ileey to death.

Abdi Iley is lucky. Thanks to PM Abiy, torture is forbidden in today's Ethiopia and Abdi will be treated well unlike his prisoners who went through horrific torture.
Look, I don't know who this Hawdian guy is so speak to him, not me.

You're in denial as usual trying so hard to make the Oromos the victims here. You disgust me.

@embarassing Abaayo, could you show him all the latest reports of Somalis being killed and looted by Oromos? This guy is denying everything here including the innocent Somali lost souls.

There is more than enough evidence out there and I'm sure he's seen it, he just doesn't care and likely supports it. Don't waste energy trying to convince him.

This is also from today
this will just make us shoot abdi illey and display his body on etv
and do dhanto dance on his corpse

I actually want this to happen because iley was a tigrey controlled dog. So he deserves that and more. Plus it shows other somali that being a dhabadhilif is not a respected profession.
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