Obesity Epidemic among our Xalimo's out of Control

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cismaan maxamuud
:gucciwhat: What do you have against skinnies? I need to know.
I dont have anything against you guys,its just that you guys arent my cup of tea.I prefer bigger women,that doesn't automatically imply that i hate skinny women, its just that i dont see myself ever being with a skinny girl.:manny:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I dont have anything against you guys,its just that you guys arent my cup of tea.I prefer bigger women,that doesn't automatically imply that i hate skinny women, its just that i dont see myself ever being with a skinny girl.:manny:

Xalimos are the only ones to love you twigs unconditionally.:francis: And you have the audacity to develop a 'preference'.:wtf:
The pin interest link below has some great creative ideas, I also sometimes have potatoes, sorghum or barley for breakfast. (4 glasses of warm water with lime 45 minutes before you eat anything, at this has a cleansing effect as well as drastically increasing your metabolic rate)
4 glasses? :gucciwhat:


cismaan maxamuud
Xalimos are the only ones to love you twigs unconditionally.:francis: And you have the audacity to develop 'a preference'.:wtf:
Okay this has gone tooo faar,xalimos act like we owe them something for benevolently giving us their love.Foh.And i like how you make it seem like i chose to develop this preference:childplease:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Okay this has gone tooo faar,xalimos act like we owe them something for benevolently giving us their love.Foh.And i like how you make it seem like i chose to develop this preference:childplease:

Preferences change. If you ever decide to hop aboard the starvation train there will be an empty plate waiting for you.:mjswag:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Are you that desperate,just let me enjoy my fatties in peace :kodaksmiley:

Just testing your boundaries, child. You are an inveterate chubby chaser. Irredeemable. I must get rid of your kind. You're a public health menace. I didn't want it to come to this. :4uzpnkt:
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Whenever you hear a guy talk about "hold on to" it's an inexperience dimwit brainwashed by rap videos, he is just repeating the same talking points he heard.

if you actually put him in that situation with that grotesque repulsive malformed greasy subcutaneous fat and his hands feel that harsh stretch mark riddled protruding varicose veins he would be utterly disgusted and change his mind very fast, I have come across many of his types before.

As I was explaining to @Gambar Somali's are "xaasid" in general, they get off on your misery and perpetuating false narratives to stoke your ego, this is why self-consciousness and family are best, they will tell you the bitter truth.

You lost the amount i am planning to loose now (after gaining weight because of childbirth and chocolate). How many times did you workout and what did you eat?
@Inquisitive_ are u a vegan?
Vegan diet made me gained 15kgs, there's no way going back to vegan.
Avoiding sugar (cane, honey, fructose, corn syrup etc) and refined carbs like white pasta or white flour.

No! but if you were truly on a vegan diet you would never put on 15kg unless you were anorexic to start off with, your were on a vegan diet in your mind but practically you were not.

The greatest mistake vegans make is the consumption of oily foods, trans-fat, hydrogenated oil along with all the hidden dairies that come with biscuits etc. I don't blame them because without 80% starch daily, your body will begin to crave those things and you will not be able to resist it regardless how disciplined you are.

There is nothing wrong with natural sugar, fruits are filled with it as is honey mentioned as a cure in the Quran and also the favourite food of our Prophet along with dates, sugar doesn't turn into fat but is stored as glycogen, it's one of the greatest lies ever told that natural sugar is stored as fat.

I went on a low Carb diet several times over 10 years and each time I felt sick, low energy and ended up gaining much more weight in the end then I ever had, it's not natural to the body, you just have to look at the people that invented these diets, here is MR low Carb Atkins, the same stories with those whom push all these


You lost the amount i am planning to loose now (after gaining weight because of childbirth and chocolate). How many times did you workout and what did you eat?

The chocolate you were eating is high in trans fat/hydrogenated fat (synthetic fat unnatural to the human body hence stored as fat). This craving will only stop if you switch to a starch based diet which will give you all your nutritional needs and hence stop all the cravings.

80% is what you put in your body and 20% is workout, you will loose even without working out but what you will find is that if you do this correct (no meat, no diary, no oils) and only starch based foods you will have so much energy your forced into exercise naturally.

Previously with all the other FAD diets discipline and will power brought me to exercise against the bodies own will power, but when I switched it up and went to what the entire humanity used to used including our ancestors (grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables) I would walk for hours a day and love exercise (football/basketball/gym) on a daily basis with only injuries holding me back.


You lost the amount i am planning to loose now (after gaining weight because of childbirth and chocolate). How many times did you workout and what did you eat?
You need to create a meal plan. I would suggest drinking plenty of water, non sugar fruit juices, smoothies, and never juice (juice fasts, juices aren't good because the veg and fruit lose a lot of the nutrients). You need to do high intensity exercise that gets your heart rate up. If you just eat chocolate after a work out it defeats the purpose. :icon lol:
You need to create a meal plan. I would suggest drinking plenty of water, non sugar fruit juices, smoothies, and never juice (juice fasts, juices aren't good because the veg and fruit lose a lot of the nutrients). You need to do high intensity exercise that gets your heart rate up. If you just eat chocolate after a work out it defeats the purpose. :icon lol:

haha naah i am done eating chocolate.. I used to be very fit as in daily run flat belly fit. So definitively going back to that but its gonna be to hard.

Most people still don't categorize me as fat though. However most people are in denial about their own physique. There is no such thing as thick, its either fit or fat.


haha naah i am done eating chocolate.. I used to be very fit as in daily run flat belly fit. So definitively going back to that but its gonna be to hard.

Most people still don't categorize me as fat though. However most people are in denial about their own physique. There is no such thing as thick, its either fit or fat.
If you are feeling constantly tired, fatigued, sluggish then it's time to change the diet. Just eat chocolate sometimes lol.
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