Official Game of Thrones Season 7 Thread!!

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Cultural revolution
People need to stop complaining about the story moving fast. No one wants to watch dragged out shit with Dany wondering around westeros with filler meaningless and forgettable episodes like its Season 5.

The season is 7 episodes. It's supposed to close the westeros politics bullshit and unite all the people. They can't afford slow useless episodes. Every episode needs to be important and that's why these episode are so good and action packed.

If you want slow boring and dragged out shit go watch Walking Dead :camby:


Cultural revolution
This episode was pure jokes :cryinglaughsmiley:

The hound and Davos were fucking hilarious :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

:dead: @ Davos trying to play those guards

"For fucks sake would you shut your hole" :noneck: That's what we were all thinking.


Cultural revolution
Another golden episode. This season takes no Ls. :blessed:

Just peeped Episode 6 and that shit looks :banderas:

Sad though. We have 8 more episodes left in the entire series. I'm gonna miss this shit man :tocry:



Your superior
episode 6

- they fight the army of the dead
- they capture one
-several in the group die
-danny comes to the rescue
- one of her dragons is killed by the knight king
-that dragon is turned into a ice dragon
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