It might be based off when Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon and when Lyanna Stark and the mad king were alive. Or it could be based on Aegon's conquest.The show writers said that there will be a prequel/spin off after GOT.
It might be based off when Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon and when Lyanna Stark and the mad king were alive. Or it could be based on Aegon's conquest.The show writers said that there will be a prequel/spin off after GOT.
Ngl, I didn't really like this episode that much. Maybe bc I'm comparing it to the rush of the last one but, meh, things didn't pan out like I expected and it felt like more of a 'preview' to the next episode than anything substantial in its own right. Kinda lacklusterEpisode 5 review.
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Episode 5 review.
@TooMacaan @shan-futo-le how was the episode?You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
episode 6
- they fight the army of the dead
- they capture one
-several in the group die
-danny comes to the rescue
- one of her dragons is killed by the knight king
-that dragon is turned into a ice dragon
1. I think so tooEpisode 5 : Review
This episode was alright to be honest nothing major happened , it felt like they were speeding through trying to squeeze different storylines in what little time they did have left. The greatest happenings occurred with Samwell Tarly in my opinion not only did he steal the scrolls/books but there was a reveal by Gilly as she read from that books stating that there was in fact a secret wedding between Rhaegar and Lianna (making Jon a legitimate child and not just another bastard) or at least thats what i think , also Samwell was dismissed ALL the bloody time and i guess he realised that being a maestro was not all he thought it would be therefore he left well done. Jorrah finally came back and ...wait ..well.... WHAT DO YOU KNOW HE GOES BACK TO BEING A LITTLE c*nt kullaha i came back to serve you waar shad ab. Meanwhile Arya and her little flop with littlefinger LMAO. The hound and Gendry are back good to see , again i felt like everything was sooo rushed especially the whole time skips to when they suddenly sail to different parts to the continent in like 5 min . A bit of a disappointment but hey ho hopefully we get some action next week , can't help but feel pissed off that the only reason they're going out there is to capture a whitewalker to prove themselves right. Also Cersie is lying about being pregnant that is too old to conceive , she's only saying it to re cuck Jaimie , you heard it here first folks.
PS: How could i forget that little bonding moment between Jon and Drogon so cute![]()
1. I think so too
3. Dragon realised that Jon is a true Targ
Tyrion will ride the other dragon since he's Danny's older bastard brother. That's why Tywin hated him because he's the bastard child of the mad king.Yh Gilly was about to go on , but of course Sam had to throw a hissy fit there and then uff talk about bad timing also Drogon was about to be a dick to Jon and roar in his face but then he realised well...shit ... i guess imma have a father too now ....anywho i think of the remaining two dragons Jon will ride Rhaegon as he's named after his father ...who knows some are already saying Jon will ride Drogon.guess we'll see.
Thats what i'm thinking too , but then again why bring all 3 , we all know Drogon won't be killed .....right.....right???!?!?!
I read your review and I understand where you're coming from. And it definitely couldn't outdo the last episode in terms of action and plot reveals. I personally believe they're rushing through these final episodesHow is this episode compared to the last? Not better, I assume...? Is it just the fall out of the last ep?
Yep a lot to look forward to on the next two episodes.I read your review and I understand where you're coming from. And it definitely couldn't outdo the last episode in terms of action and plot reveals. I personally believe they're rushing through these final episodes
But break down the episode we've got:
a Baratheon fighting alongside a Stark (kind of).
Jaime meeting with his lil bro
Jaime finding out Cercei is pregnant with his child (he will at some point have to kill her probably, this makes that situation more complicated)
The Brothers without Banners (Lord of Light followers + The Hound) teaming up with the King of the North's crew to go north of the wall
Jon Snow bonding with a dragon
Littlefinger Littlefingering
The Northern lords turning on their King kind of
This episode brings it all together and sets up the next episode
Tyrion will ride the other dragon since he's Danny's older bastard brother. That's why Tywin hated him because he's the bastard child of the mad king.
If you touched a dragon you'll ride it. Only 3 people have touched dragons and they'll be the three riders imo.I've heard of that theory before , but it doesn't seem like they're going with that in the shows , who knows we'll see
I don't know what dragon will be killed but the night king is going to kill a dragon next episode and will then turn it into an ice dragon
If you touched a dragon you'll ride it. Only 3 people have touched dragons and they'll be the three riders imo.
I know that , but what i'm saying is why would she bring all 3 to a fight she never does , she only ever rides Drogon and if Drogon dies... lets just say i'm not ready for that.
There is a reason for all 3 dragons next episode and you shall see it, we are also going to see Benjen stark
Yea true, quite a bit happened probably just didn't feel satisfying due to how they rushed through it, as you mentioned, and it being more of 'laying the groundwork for the next ep' type thing. Felt very crammed in.I read your review and I understand where you're coming from. And it definitely couldn't outdo the last episode in terms of action and plot reveals. I personally believe they're rushing through these final episodes
But break down the episode we've got:
a Baratheon fighting alongside a Stark (kind of).
Jaime meeting with his lil bro
Jaime finding out Cercei is pregnant with his child (he will at some point have to kill her probably, this makes that situation more complicated)
The Brothers without Banners (Lord of Light followers + The Hound) teaming up with the King of the North's crew to go north of the wall
Jon Snow bonding with a dragon
Littlefinger Littlefingering
The Northern lords turning on their King kind of
This episode brings it all together and sets up the next episode