Official Game of Thrones: The Final Season Thread

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I have no proof, only whispers

So what is going to happen next? After the first two episodes I was wondering how they were going to tie everything up in 4 episodes... now I'm wondering how they are going to stretch it out.

Episode 4 is probably going to be a celebration episode and getting ready for the southern war. Episode 5 is going to be the march down with their remaining army if they have one at all. Episode 6 the final war and whoever wins, wins?

Episode was fucking enjoyable but ... THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING WE ARE MISSING. IT CAN'T BE THIS EASY. The Knight King's army is should be more of a threat than Cersi... They had 100k+ undead who need no sleep or food.

I wish they had fought Cersi first then went against the undead army.


I have no proof, only whispers
There are two types of people in this world. Those who did not like how the Knight King died and those who did.



I have no proof, only whispers
Why was the Knight King even there for? Did he have to be the one to kill Bran? Why not have his generals surround Bran and wait until ever last human there was killed. He had the numbers... He could've killed Bran then. He know where he is at all times.

As you can tell, I'm pretty fucked emotionally about this episode. Sad/Happy endings don't matter to me. It has to be satisfying though and make sense. Does GRRM not get a say as to how the tv show unfolds?


I have no proof, only whispers

Replace Brienne with the NK :mjcry:


I have no proof, only whispers
Just accept that its a mess
I can't just accept it. It will take a couple of days for me to cool down.

I just watched the "Inside the episode' clip and D&D basically decided Arya would be the one to kill the NK 3 years ago. f*ck reason, she was just a cool character and they had to subvert expectations somehow... f*ck Azor Ahai, f*ck the enigma that is the NK... She somehow magically appears behind him and gets through the encircling WWs.

I wanted to see the NK put up a fight at least. Why not have Jon fight the guy and then have Arya assist or someshit like that? Why not let us know what the motivation is behind the NK, he clearly has intelligence and reasoning behind all of this.

I don't think GRRM figured out how to end the story and just told them to come up with whatever they like.

I'm going to go watch Billions and Killing Eve now...


Engineer of Qandala
I heard the Knight King does not actually exist in the books.

He still went out to suddenly/poorly I agree.


I have no proof, only whispers
I heard the Knight King does not actually exist in the books.

He still went out to suddenly/poorly I agree.

There is something called the "Great other' which is apparently where they got the NK from. The Winds of Winter is apparently suppose to take us further north than ever before and discuss the army of the dead.

There are so many cool things in the novels they left out. Lady Stoneheart and book Euron being two. I don't know if I should wait for the show or novels to be complete before starting... I don't want to get through the books and have to wait another decade for the series to end.


Where did melisandre come from
Why did the dothraki charge half a mile into battle
How did they get back on foot at the same time as their horses
Why are main characters always staring around and looking at each other during battle without repercussion
Why didn't they open with the dragons
Why were the formations so shit
Why were they relying on dragons to set fire to the trench
What was daenerys doing for the entirety of the blizzard
Why did jon just sit on the wall for half an hour
Why didn't they use the dragons to burn the undead while the gates were closed
Why did bran warg into the crows and then do nothing
What was bran warging for 60 minutes
Why didn't theon and his men have a sword
Did arya seriously have a special staff made when she could have just used one of the unsullied's
What was the point of her entire scene in the library
Why is the dripping of her blood louder than her footsteps
Why did she realise her blood was making noise and not do anything about it before being investigated
Why is she considered a sneaky but sneaking around a fucking library was like a splinter cell segment
Why was one giant left standing just to kill lyanna
Why did it pick her up and stare at her before killing her
Why did daenerys and drogon sit on the battlefield for five minutes while all the zombies were getting up around them
Why didn't drogon breathe fire on daenerys after he knocked her down
How did daenerys manage to hold her own despite no experience wielding a sword
Why did the crypt starks do literally nothing and how were so many people able to hide from them
Why the f*ck did theon leeroy jenkins the night king
Why is the night king such a jobber that he didn't react at all to arya's move
Why are the white walker commanders such jobbers that they didn't notice arya until she was right next to them
Why didn't they react when they did notice
What did they even do in the entire episode

Im getting tired of this shitshow



I have no proof, only whispers
Where did melisandre come from
Why did the dothraki charge half a mile into battle
How did they get back on foot at the same time as their horses
Why are main characters always staring around and looking at each other during battle without repercussion
Why didn't they open with the dragons
Why were the formations so shit
Why were they relying on dragons to set fire to the trench
What was daenerys doing for the entirety of the blizzard
Why did jon just sit on the wall for half an hour
Why didn't they use the dragons to burn the undead while the gates were closed
Why did bran warg into the crows and then do nothing
What was bran warging for 60 minutes
Why didn't theon and his men have a sword
Did arya seriously have a special staff made when she could have just used one of the unsullied's
What was the point of her entire scene in the library
Why is the dripping of her blood louder than her footsteps
Why did she realise her blood was making noise and not do anything about it before being investigated
Why is she considered a sneaky but sneaking around a fucking library was like a splinter cell segment
Why was one giant left standing just to kill lyanna
Why did it pick her up and stare at her before killing her
Why did daenerys and drogon sit on the battlefield for five minutes while all the zombies were getting up around them
Why didn't drogon breathe fire on daenerys after he knocked her down
How did daenerys manage to hold her own despite no experience wielding a sword
Why did the crypt starks do literally nothing and how were so many people able to hide from them
Why the f*ck did theon leeroy jenkins the night king
Why is the night king such a jobber that he didn't react at all to arya's move
Why are the white walker commanders such jobbers that they didn't notice arya until she was right next to them
Why didn't they react when they did notice
What did they even do in the entire episode

Im getting tired of this shitshow


I had all the same questions during the episode... When Arya drops the knife you see the NK look at the blade falling... He has enough reaction to turn around and grab Arya but not to stop her from stabbing him?

That library scene was bs and only filmed as a way to explain Arya sneaking up on the NK. That and when she reunites with Jon and he's like 'How did you sneak up on me.'

The Dothraki making it back on foot was so stupid.

Lyanna should've died after she got knocked aside by the giant.

Sam should be dead.

Jamie should be dead.

Davos should be dead.


Yes, Theon and his men should've had swords... wtf was that even about.

I'm not sure how long it takes to make wildfire but was that not an option for them? Could Tyrion not have spoken with some alchemists to make a heap load for them to use in battle?

D&D said the plan was for Daeny and Jon to wait on the mountain side for the NK... Daeny only went down to help them because she saw the Dotharki die which are her people. If Daeny had not reacted and saved them with her dragons they would've all died. The writers are fucking stupid. Do they not have modern/historical battle consultants to confer with when coming up with these battle strategies?

Melisandre was on her way there. She has always known how she would die at that battle.
We have to ignore travel time jumps because they decided to end the show early

Arya asked for that spear because it's detachable from the middle unlike the unsullied.

Did you also notice Jon ran into the middle of hundreds of white walkers and in the following shot they are mostly all gone?


I have no proof, only whispers
The show has no re-watch value now tbh... You're going to see the WWs throughout the seasons and you'll just end up rolling your eyes.


I have no proof, only whispers
Good episode.
If this took place early on in like season 2-4 then yes but unfortunately we had this massive build up to the most dangerous army in their world history that ended in a single battle. Early in the series there were wars after that everything was just a one episode battle.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Man that was some bullshit...
Never thought I would say this but I'm rooting for Cersei now f*ck that dragon hoe.


I have no proof, only whispers
Man that was some bullshit...
Never thought I would say this but I'm rooting for Cersei now f*ck that dragon hoe.
I would've been okay with the NK losing if he lost during a fight. I was expecting Bran to do something crazy like warg into the white walkers or someshit...

If Euron dies I won't mind Cersi winning because f*ck that lame ass character.


This show has turned into fan fiction.

Why the f*ck didn’t any main characters die in this battle?

They kept getting saved at the last minute like some Hollywood BS.


Been there, done that
Who would you rather have as the final villain?

An evil ice demon that took 8 seasons of teasing and buildup that has a giant ice dragon and can resurrect the dead thus giving him an army of zombies that double after every battle...

... Or some blond rich girl down south accompanied by Jack Sparrow?
Those Hollywood Jews fucked us raw.

The biggest ass-pull.

- Forget about the Azhor Azai I guess;
- Forget the three-eyed raven's purported connection to children of the forest, the white walkers, and the first men and its significance to end plot;
- Forget all about using the Wyrwood trees - nope not important;
- Forget making ANY use of Bran's warg ability, besides getting some sick drone footage that is;
- f*ck all ASoIaF lore;
- Say, how do you get rid of 40,000 veteran light-cavalry? Have them rush blindly into darkness;
- Battle preparations? What the hell are those? Traps, projectiles WITHIN castle walls, a moat, baiting tactics? Pffft;
- We are in a zombie apocalypse - let's hide our weakest in a CRYPT;
- Why didn't they give the WW Commanders any popcorn?
- Nice seven season build up for the hero himself, Jon Snow, to play hide-and-seek with dragon ice-daddy. Totally what you prepared that character for 10 years to do;
- Red woman and Beric's goal was to save Arya all along (who was outside of the continent and any major action for most of the story); Melisandra: "Jon? Who the f*ck is that?"
- Hey lets do a call-back and emphasize that blue-eye shit she said to Arya way back when - that will put a ribbon on this dog's dinner;
- Arya/Solid Snake manoeuvring around some poor nerd-zombies chilling in a library. Gets detected by blood dripping. Don't underestimate the nerds!
- Same Arya who got exposed by nerd-zombies ninja's past thousands of Whites and the WW Commanders (likely using Harry's magical cloak);
- 12 year old edge-queen has her internals mushed...still able to swing a dagger to bring down a tank. Cool story bro;
- Dany staring at Jon's booty, allowing the Whites to swarm Drogon like Libyan refugees;
- Drogon the moryaan running away from hooyo;
- Farewell Lord Friendzone the Cuck - still couldn't get a kiss...damn;
- Samwell/Brienne/Tormund/Jaime/Grey Worm plot armour diamond status;
- Reek's death was arousing - sorry, not sorry;
- None of the hero's gathered for a drink in the last episode died. None.

Cool direction and cinematography tho...
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