Official Game of Thrones: The Final Season Thread

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"You are your best thing"
Everyone trying to make sense of the shit show that was the last episode :drakelaugh:I’m just pissed Jorah died like that, I was hoping now that Jon is her nephew she will give Jorah a chance :mjcry:


"You are your best thing"
Uff, that simp looks 70:what:
Age is nothing but a number waarya, did you see him lead that army like a man while Jon was hiding behind the dragons :kodaksmiley: plus his loyalty and dedication to his queen makes him that much more attractive


Engineer of Qandala
Apparently there are a bunch of leaks this morning on reddit about this weeks episode and also spoilers on how the series ends:damedamn:


At this stage I'm just waiting for this abortion of a show to end and going by the leaks of the next two episodes 9 years of TV will be going down the drain .:bell:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Missandei is gone RIP, I knew Cercei would never give up the throne.

Jon Snow pu$$y whipped and there goes another dragon!

Brianne of Tarth sex scene was so awkawrd lul


Engineer of Qandala
This is becoming a bad daytime soap opera, family paternity tests, one night stands, in laws fighting, marriage proposals blah blah..:snoop::snoop:


Been there, done that
Oh how will they know about Cercei's plans? It's not like they have someone who can literally see everything that's ever going on.

Let them go to Kingslanding by sea, and they don't need any scouts I'm sure Euron won't ambush them even though he's done it two times already.

Wow it's so hard to see any upcoming ships that might attack them, wish they had some magical creature that's capable of flight so they can get a better view from the sky.

Damn they're really bad at aiming for the second dragon aren't they? It's not like they just killed the first one from the sky with perfect fucking shots to the heart and throat while on a moving ship.

Fucking hell! This show has gone to shit! Waraa mods change my name


I have no proof, only whispers
@Solaris I didn't read your entire comment but it looked like a spoiler. Please don't post that kind of stuff here for my sake. As much as I loathe this show at the moment, I can't deal with spoilers.

What a shit season. Bran is beyond fucking useless... Why does he even care about the Stark family if he's no longer 'Bran Stark'? Why doesn't he just go back north and forget about who sits on the Iron throne if all he does now is spend his days in the past? What purpose other than exposition does he serve to the story? Why must Jon know who his real parents are? Why does Bran care? Clearly he is of no importance when it comes to helping them plan their wars.

Jon is stupid for telling Sansa his true origin, Sansa is stupid for telling Tyrion and he stupid for telling Varys. Anyone else catch Varys side eyeing Daeny the entire feast while everyone proclaims Jon the hero. She has the absolute right to be fucking pissed. She is the one who saved them. She gave up her war, lost one of her dragon and lost the majority of her army for the north and the entire realm. She put aside the squabbles of men to do the right thing. Yet somehow Varys has it in his mind that she is some mad woman who should not be Queen. Like Varys said, since 8 people know the truth, it is no longer a secret but information. Information he plans to spread like wild fire only to cause more division.

I like Sansa but what the f*ck is her issue? Daeny has done her no harm so why has she been such a this entire time? Does she not realize without her dragons and army they would've all been overrun and killed before Arya had a chance to kill the NK? Jon and the crew he took north would've also been dead.

Anyone else remember how Daeny saved a bunch of slaves in slavers bay and it caused the slave holders to revolt against her and start a civil war. Why don't we see that happening to Cersi? She is on an ill gotten throne, and blew up their holy landmark and a ton of upper class families. Did the army of the seven just disappear? No. Did the upper class families forgive her? No. Why are the Lannister men even taking orders from her? She killed Kevan Lannister, the head of their army. When the true power in a region dies (Tywin/Kevan Lannister) the army takes power for itself, it doesn't give it to some prissy women up in a castle who has no real claim.

Onto the dragons...

In the novels the dragons are much more menacing. Even the scorpion shouldn't be able to pierce it's scales. Only way to kill a dragon would be to get it right in the eye.

What makes absolutely no sense is DnD saying that "Daeny has forgotten about the Iron Fleet, but the Iron Fleet have not forgotten her." Really... that's your fucking justification for the surprise attack? They were literally talking about the in a scene prior.

...Okay so Daeny and everyone in her army forgot... how do you explain the fact that she is on a dragon and was unable to spot what looked like 10+ ships. How do you explain the perfect accuracy to kill Rhaegal but missing Drogon who was much closer and coming right at them? How do you explain the quick weapon reload? No way in hell should they have been able to do that. They spent too much money on next weeks episode and couldn't afford two dragons so this is how they solve their budget issues. Pathetic.

Somehow they find and recognize Missande, inform Daeny and crew and call them for a meeting. Daeny stupidly shows up with no army and Cersi just lets them walk away?


You know why? Because they have two more stupid episodes worth of shit content to show us. f*ck logic we need to see a big battle next episode. This is probably going to cause Daeny to go crazy and burn a bunch of people in KL and Varys is going to continue is plotting to overthrow her.

They also conveniently turn Arya into this OP assassin to deal with the NK situation and don't bother using her at all to kill Cersi. f*ck going to war people... you have a faceless man. Use Arya.

I swear if Cersi doesn't win this shit I'm going to be so fucking mad. I'm sick and tired of the Dues ex machina trope coming in to save the day all the time. With the army Daeny has and the one dragon, no way in hell she should win.

I need this show to end so I can forget about it.


Engineer of Qandala
At this point the only reason to continue is to see who survives this dumpster fire.

I wonder if this Cersei battle will kill more main characters than the
battle with the White Walkers:mjlol:


I have no proof, only whispers
At this point the only reason to continue is to see who survives this dumpster fire.

I wonder if this Cersei battle will kill more main characters than the
battle with the White Walkers:mjlol:

I wish someone would leak the last two episodes so I can just torrent them and be done with this mess. f*ck Arya, Sansa, Bran, Jon, Tyrion and Varys. They can all suck my dick them bastards. I hope Cersi cuts their heads off.

I also hope Daeny takes her Dragon and whatever she has left of the Unsullied/Dothraki and takes them back to Essos. Conquer slavers bay again. Those kingdoms looked way better than anything in Westeros.


Engineer of Qandala
Dany has always been boring to me so I am not mad seeing
everyone turn against her:pachah1:

At this point I wouldn't mind Cersei winning:salute:


I have no proof, only whispers
Dany has always been boring to me so I am not mad seeing
everyone turn against her:pachah1:

At this point I wouldn't mind Cersei winning:salute:

I was never really interested in Daeny either, but the bullshit they are doing to her is just lame. How can anyone be such a dick to someone you owe so much to? Why were they all praising Jon when everyone should be kissing Daeny's feet. He did absolutely nothing in the battle for winterfell. It was Daeny who made the call to go help them out with the dragons when all Jon wanted to do was play tag with the NK.


I have no proof, only whispers
Did you see this? :noneck:


They forgot to remove the starbucks cup... These fucking people.


Engineer of Qandala
I was never really interested in Daeny either, but the bullshit they are doing to her is just lame. How can anyone be such a **** to someone you owe so much to? Why were they all praising Jon when everyone should be kissing Daeny's feet. He did absolutely nothing in the battle for winterfell. It was Daeny who made the call to go help them out with the dragons when all Jon wanted to do was play tag with the NK.

Jon is seen as family, while Dany an outsider so it makes sense.

She will never have the influence in the North that Sansa or Jon do

Jon is pretty much as useless as Bron at this point tho, his story arc has gone nowhere
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