Official Game of Thrones: The Final Season Thread

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I have no proof, only whispers
Two things.

Kings landing before and after.



Notice how the last two pictures have a dessert but the first two do not.


I have no proof, only whispers
Jon is seen as family, while Dany an outsider so it makes sense.

She will never have the influence in the North that Sansa or Jon do

Jon is pretty much as useless as Bron at this point tho, his story arc has gone nowhere

Yes he's family but the Starks were never meant to be like the Lannisters who only care about their family. Ned was allied and close friends with Robb and other houses. Why can't Sansa just let Jon and Daeny get married and become warden of the north herself. All this tension between Jon/Daeny/Sansa is contrived.
Yeah, f*ck this show. The producers have ruined it. Stupid plot contrivances and shit dialogue have ruined the last couple of seasons. Characters don't even make any sense anymore. The creators are only interested in shock value now.


It just keeps on getting worse wallahi wtf is this shit show nacala kuyala dumb and dumber :pacspit: that goblin Arya should have died 30 times in this shit show and wtf happened to the anti aircraft grade ballistas? :drakewtf: at least I have to only suffer one more episode and I can forget about this travesty till they remake it in 20 years or so :kodaksmiley:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
wow they turned dany into a villian and gave cercei a honourable death! WTF! I was waiting for her head on a stick not death by rubble!?

horrible writing!


Engineer of Qandala
Apparently the Night King was less important than a crying Cersie:pachah1:

That said, this episode was still fun to watch with all of the action:banderas:


I have no proof, only whispers
I hope you all realize this is probably how GRRM wants to end the series, however the journey there and Daeny's decent to madness and the defeat of the others will be much better written. I actually did not have any issue with Daeny going mad. I just wish DnD and his writing crew weren't so fucking stupid.

I laughed when Euron suddenly had no aim with the scorpions and magaically appeared to fight Jamie for no reason. I did not care at all for cleagane bowl.

Thry are trying to trick us into thinking Arya is going to kill Daeny but it most definitely will be Jon who does it.

Also, where is Bran? What exactly is the purpose of his character? Is he not able to see the future and warn them of what is to come?
Just finished the 5th episode! I was actually hoping for Cercie to win. Why did they have to kill her and jamie:5hcpspq: It would be better if Jon died and Arya confessed Jons true origin to everyone which in turn turns everyone towards Dany, and Tyrion ends up killing her or better yet maybe Drogo (her dragon) Gets mad and kills her himself. I think that would be better because it would be the most unexpected scenario.

Anyways, Dany is going to die the next episode 100%. The way they were looking at her :uCkf6mf:like Tyrion probably regrets not trusting varys, Omg What if Vaarys would have won, He kind of was the last one who I thought was intelligent enough to rule. Like I don't get why people say that Tyrion is smart like he has made so many mistakes and what he did towards Varys was disgusting:vqbuyv0: fucking dameer, someone needs to kill him off. I honestly don't even know who should win at this point, all the good contestant are dead, the last one died in this ep.

And what is the thing with Dany going mad after the ringing of the Bells?? Like, did I miss something?? I would understand Cercie going mad over bells cuz of the PTSD she received from the shame of walk thingie. But Dany and Bells?? And also, Am I the only one who saw the wildfire whiles she was burning up the city?? Is that the same wildfire that was installed by her father a long time ago, when he wanted to "BURN THEM ALL". :icon exclaim::icon question:

Other than that, actually think it was a good episode, just that they killed the wrong characters. I am not at all mad at Dany going mad, cuz now she has a reason to be killed of, only wished they didn't kill all the people who would be good enough on that throne. And also I don't see Jon getting the throne either, probably going to be Arya or Tyrion!


I have no proof, only whispers
Just finished the 5th episode! I was actually hoping for Cercie to win. Why did they have to kill her and jamie:5hcpspq: It would be better if Jon died and Arya confessed Jons true origin to everyone which in turn turns everyone towards Dany, and Tyrion ends up killing her or better yet maybe Drogo (her dragon) Gets mad and kills her himself. I think that would be better because it would be the most unexpected scenario.

Anyways, Dany is going to die the next episode 100%. The way they were looking at her :uCkf6mf:like Tyrion probably regrets not trusting varys, Omg What if Vaarys would have won, He kind of was the last one who I thought was intelligent enough to rule. Like I don't get why people say that Tyrion is smart like he has made so many mistakes and what he did towards Varys was disgusting:vqbuyv0: fucking dameer, someone needs to kill him off. I honestly don't even know who should win at this point, all the good contestant are dead, the last one died in this ep.

And what is the thing with Dany going mad after the ringing of the Bells?? Like, did I miss something?? I would understand Cercie going mad over bells cuz of the PTSD she received from the shame of walk thingie. But Dany and Bells?? And also, Am I the only one who saw the wildfire whiles she was burning up the city?? Is that the same wildfire that was installed by her father a long time ago, when he wanted to "BURN THEM ALL". :icon exclaim::icon question:

Other than that, actually think it was a good episode, just that they killed the wrong characters. I am not at all mad at Dany going mad, cuz now she has a reason to be killed of, only wished they didn't kill all the people who would be good enough on that throne. And also I don't see Jon getting the throne either, probably going to be Arya or Tyrion!

Varys and Tyrion are intelligent in the books and very different characters tbh. They aren't as nice. Neither would ever rule since one is a dwarf and the other a Eunuch. Arya has no claim to the throne so she'll never rule. If Jon is alive next episode, best bet is that he becomes the king, if not, it all goes to Gendry. He was legitimized in episode 4 in front of a lot of witnesses. Although, something could be said as to whether his legitimization will hold since it was done by Daeny.

Dany snapped because she struggled so hard for the throne and lost a lot on the way there. Two of her closest friends, a lot of her army, two of her dragons and now because of Varys and Sansa her claim to the throne will be questioned. She saw victory but it wasn't for her. I think she feared the people choosing Jon over her once she captured KL and went bonkers. Like I have said, no issue with Daeny going mad. My only issue is with the journey there. There was no reason for Rhaegal to die in episode 4. Imagine if he had died from a rouge sniper shot, once the bells had started ringing and Daeny then lost her mind. The final string. That would've made more sense at least.

I have a theory. Bran could've told them of the future. Pretty sure he had a vision of Drogon flying over KL and saw Daeny burn it to the ground. What if Bran is the NK and is waiting for the humans to weaken themselves before he makes himself known. I hope that's what happens at least.
Varys and Tyrion are intelligent in the books and very different characters tbh. They aren't as nice. Neither would ever rule since one is a dwarf and the other a Eunuch. Arya has no claim to the throne so she'll never rule. If Jon is alive next episode, best bet is that he becomes the king, if not, it all goes to Gendry. He was legitimized in episode 4 in front of a lot of witnesses. Although, something could be said as to whether his legitimization will hold since it was done by Daeny.

Dany snapped because she struggled so hard for the throne and lost a lot on the way there. Two of her closest friends, a lot of her army, two of her dragons and now because of Varys and Sansa her claim to the throne will be questioned. She saw victory but it wasn't for her. I think she feared the people choosing Jon over her once she captured KL and went bonkers. Like I have said, no issue with Daeny going mad. My only issue is with the journey there. There was no reason for Rhaegal to die in episode 4. Imagine if he had died from a rouge sniper shot, once the bells had started ringing and Daeny then lost her mind. The final string. That would've made more sense at least.

I have a theory. Bran could've told them of the future. Pretty sure he had a vision of Drogon flying over KL and saw Daeny burn it to the ground. What if Bran is the NK and is waiting for the humans to weaken themselves before he makes himself known. I hope that's what happens at least.

If that was the reason as to why she went mad (messandai and jorahs death) then she would have gone off in the beginning. If you rewatch the scene, you can tell something clicked in her head when she heard the bells ring. Up until that moment, everything was going according to the plan they made up. But after the bells rang, she started shaking and went the f*ck off and started burning all of those people. I have no problem with her going mad, just don't understand why Dany of all people would react specifically to bells! There is no indication what so ever that I have seen to explain dany being triggered by those bells. It would make more sense if it was cercie being triggered by the bells after the whole walk of shame thing but not Dany unless I have missed something.

Varys was intelligent, he realised quickly that Dany wouldn't be a good ruler and sensed her madness before most people did. However, he is dead and can't do much from the grave. Tyrion was intelligent at the beginning of the show but for the past couple of seasons, he has been rusty. He has made ALOT of mistakes and starting to become quite useless since Dany doesn't even listen to him anymore. And also, Again, don't like how he betrayed Varys and maybe he will work against dany as a way to make up to Varys, you know?

Perhaps, Bran knew all of this but also knew that Dany was going to go mad and that is why he allowed the dragon to die ( he never warned them about the iron fleet) Because he knew that there was going to be a future conflict between Jon/Arya co. and Dany. And by having another of her dragons dying and a handful of her army dying aswell evens out the future conflict or at least makes it easier. Don't know, just a theory. :zhqjlmx:

As for Jon, I don't think he will be king since its too obvious at this point, you know with the whole " he has a stronger claim" and "he is a better ruler" BS. At this point, I don't think the people want a Targaryen ruler. The show has been focusing on Arya (in a heroic sense) a lot lately and tbh I don't think legitimacy matters anymore in regards to the next ruler of Westeros. Robert Baratheon wasn't legitimate but ended up being king after overthrowing the previous one (danys father) so the person who kills Dany will most likely be the next ruler and that can be either Arya, Jon or Tyrion. And who knows, maybe Gendry and Arya get married to strengthen the claim. Also, I saw an interview that Jon snow did in real life ( don't know his real name) were he said he cried after reading the script so I am assuming after that, that jon snow will die maybe with Dany just like Cercie and jamie.
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