It's true he's the tank master. We've made good picks with JC, JR and Russel. I'm pissed we didn't get any good FA the last two summers. I'm not complaining this team is much better than the team we had last year. We've added Lou, Roy Bass etc and got rid if dead beats like Lin, Boozer. I still don't know why Sacre is still on our team tho smh. Lol at Russel can't shootScott was a great hire. He's the fucking tank commander. Yall got good picks the past two years cuz of him. Blame the front office for picking a tweener one year and a slow ass pg who can't shoot. I love Clarkson tho, dude csn ball
Anyone else sad that Grantland is done ? It was the only thing worth reading on ESPN. It was a great site loaded with top tier sports journalists. I'm going to miss reading Zach Lowe's detailed blogs and kirk gold berry's beautiful stats analysis. Hopefully bill Simmons picks up the good writers on his HBO shit
They're all playing on trash teams. Who ever gets the most minutes will win it. KAT and Mudiay are beasts tho. Ninyow Mudiay has an ugly shotBetween muiday, Okafor, and KAT I can't tell whos going to be ROY. This rookie class to stacked. KAT too nice tho the f*ck. I didn't think his offensive gsme was this polished.
Scott was a great hire. He's the fucking tank commander. Yall got good picks the past two years cuz of him. Blame the front office for picking a tweener one year and a slow ass pg who can't shoot. I love Clarkson tho, dude csn ball
Anyone else sad that Grantland is done ? It was the only thing worth reading on ESPN. It was a great site loaded with top tier sports journalists. I'm going to miss reading Zach Lowe's detailed blogs and kirk gold berry's beautiful stats analysis. Hopefully bill Simmons picks up the good writers on his HBO shit