wale raptors are a very low iq team.
So unclutch walahi...
@Air Jalam that was nasty... But they still took the L

wale raptors are a very low iq team.
lol how'd u know he's my boy
I've stopped watching Raptors til they get their shit togetherThe Latvian OG is way better than I thought walahi.
I'm cheesed the Knicks are doing well cuz the Raptors have their pick from the Bargnani trade
@methylamine that L last night was tough damn refs
. I hope he demands a trade at the end of the season lol
CP3 is playing like he's trying to get the SSpot ban list cleared.
Man I cried reading this. I don't know how I'll be able to watch basketball without the Black Mamba.