Official Thread: Somali City by Size


He should get his father here on Somalispot so that we can get the bullshit claims straight from the source.


Hey my father is dadki hore sxb. I am telling you dadki hore ma aadan meelaha fadhi ku dirirka. Waxay aqriyan stats, maps, etc. He even used to carve out somalia news from newspaper, libraryga ayuu tagi jiray for all different newspaper articles. He read so much on keenadiid, boqor osman, iyo darawishta siiba arimaha nugaaleed. Osman mahmoud are the leaders in Somalia, wallahi they are not the same as the other clans oo waqti dhumis ku jira. He is talking about galgala iyo dahabka meesha ku jira iyo sida loo hanan laha for beesha osman mahmoud, he said dahab wa luqad qarni kasto lagu wada hadli karo lakin guri waa burburi kara ama dadka waa guri karan lol. His biggest project nowaday is minerals and speaking to bah dubays sarkaal in galgala iyo wixi la helay hada



But my father is no fan of Farole, he said 'dadku durdura' he hadalo buu turtura haloo jawabe loooooool. He said maxamed abshir airport is disgusting in loo magacabo wa ki yiri hubka hala dhige markay xabadu socotay. My father said lakin wax dhaamo farole hada maba joggo ama dibaday joggan.


So my family 40 people who are on camels are not going to be counted only 10 people will represent my qoys and you will say that is the total of my qoys, that's when I will walk out of the room and say live in your fantasy. Go away your new somalis, you don't have good elders your dads must of been small time people in OLD SOMALIA.

By the way it doesn't even matter who has large city, hal malin laga qaxay hamar according to my dad. Qaxooti ba sugayso magaalo. Anyways let me work on my miyi calculation, that's real protection, they don't flee unless 'abaar' dhacdo. They don't flee cause someone invaded them. City settlers flee the second a miyi soldier walks in. It's been proven for all eyes to see. That's why galgaduud controls all the south now, dhulbahante can control all waqoyi if they close the hawd guys out. Largest miyi presence would be them.


If your cities fail to protect themselves, it doesn't matter how much population u r. U need to dedicate an army for them like the old somalia did for cities ama they will flee. Infact once u lose your army and the miyi guys beat them, you will be taken over like what happened to hamar. City folks don't fight what dont u guys get sxb? ma wax indhahina arki karin baan idin sheegaya? my dad doesnt tell me anything oo indhahayga ku arki karin.

Go to every town in the south and ask them who controls u. He will say niin reer galgaduud. It's simple as that, miyi stronger then city. If miyi defeat your army, your finished in the city.


That's all Somalis can do even if u use science or show them something their eyes can see qabil jeclaysi ayay ku diidayan. So we need white guy and we present my facts and you present your facts, ayaa decision noo gaadhayo and we have to accept it whatever that decision is. Cause we can't convince each other even if we show each other what is visible to the eye u will still refuse what i say because im from another qabiil. So lets just take our facts to a white guy, he will analyze it with no bias and reach a decision. I will win and I know it.


My father till this day fears miyiga. Wa dadki ka kiciyay hamar isaga oo 15 years old illa his whole life degana till 1991, he was reer magaal, markas buu fahmay awood daradi magaloyinka. He focused on miyi after that wuxu naxa keliya marku abaar maqlo hada ama markay miyiga wax ka jiran, hadu maqlo magaalo ba wax ka dhacay he doesn't care, way bax iska turturayan buu yirahda. He knows what will happen to them hadi xaqiiqda timado mar kale oo miyiga. Markad wax turturaysid sxb, that's not good, waxad tahay qof diidan xaqiqda dalka taal. It's like a kid throwing a tantrum but it won't change his still a kid and baby and can be handled.

Reer magaalka hadi aysan dawlad jirin khatar buu ku jira. Roman empire was the same, barbarian sacked it, the roman empire gone. Those civilians can't do anything against the barbarians. It's a world wide fact this phenonemen. Cities need to dedicate a good portion of their citizenry to army constantly, make sure economic is good, make sure disease isnt spreading and wiping them out, wars because they are contained, it's a big problem for them not the MIYI GUY.

Anywhere umad hal meel ku arursan hal mar bay dhiman karan, hisabka ha lagu daro. My dad said I learned in 91 this hard lesson. Lonegevity is not good for people contained in one area as history shows, they always collapse in the end to something be it war, disease, natural disaster. That's why they disappear, the reer miyi guy simply isnt contained, he is in small groups at all times, nothing can harm him in centralized way like a city. Hadi cudur dhaco, qoyskagi dhimanayo, not all of them since their separated. If u attack them, u can't because hal meel maba joggan aad ku weerarto.
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I am serious, I am city folk too so my descendants rely on me to make good decision for them as they will be most likely living in a town or city. This shared collective city settler issue. We can't afford to live as tribes, this can work in miyiga lakin not cityga. That's why dadki hore ay iska cilowi jireen qabiilka waxayna ku biireen dhaqanka magalada oo saxibo iyo amiko la ahan jiray. Why? they have a shared interest in the city, the land ayaa midaayo dadkan, hal meel bay wada joggan, haday isqaybiyan ciidamadooda ayaa burburayo akhirkina reer miyiga ayaa uu soo galayo oo uu tashanayo dadyowgani oo tashan wayay.

Reer miyiga daaqsinta ayaa ka dhaxayso, xeer bay samaysteen wayna ku socodan looooooool. Xeer samaysta magaloyinka oo bulshada midayo sida miyiga. Forget qabiil iyo corruption hal meel ku wada jirtan hal meel ku wada dhimanaysan. Reer miyiga challengekooda way ka gudbeen, they are safe and free to grow their livestock. Hadi aan xeer jirin, meel kasto bay isku dili lahayeen. The reer miyi united and said 'maxaa noo dan ah' they replied 'xoolaheena inu bato' maxay uu bahan yihin 'daaqsin iyo biyo' markasay xeer ku samaysteen ilaliyo danhooda guud. Illa manta waa aragta siday uu shaqayso. While u stupid magaalo danahina garan maysan, miyiga intay dhaqankina qaatan wa habeenki xalay tagay. Why u taking dhaqankooda into magaalo.

Hadafka reer miyiga waa gaadheen inay xoolahooda badiyan. Magaalo hadafkooda ma gaadhin, there is no denying that. You need to create a system kalsooni lagu gabo oo ayaar ahayn sida miyiga. Manta intan adeerkay raco illa ethiopia waan gali kara, why? xeer baan hos galaya, qabiil hos gali maayo. Magaloyinka xeer lama hos galayo qabiil ayaa la hos galaya. Its big difference miyiga iyo magaalo oo investigation xoogan bahan
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My dad said magaalo manta qabiil bay hos jogan iyo meeshu hal goof, hadee wala burburaya waana sidi hada tahay. Xeerka miyiga qabiil ma quusayo, xeerka waa dhulka weeye iyo siday dadka uu socon karan free and undisturbed. Magaloyinka abahay wuxu ka yiri qosol baan la dhacay wallahi, he said goofti ayaa laga rabay inay xeer uu dejiyan iyo degaanka iyo dhulka oo umada uu dhaxaysa, ma aha in qabiil loo dhigo xeerka. Wala burburaya markasi ileen qabil ba qabil la tartamayso, lakin goofta hadi sharciga la saari laha qabiil walbo ayaa goofta hos imanayso.

Marka common law based on land ayaa loo bahan yahay ileen taas ba midaysa magaalo. Marki xeer guud la samayo which common law, ayaa loo gudba siyasad in la samayo. Lakin meel xeer oolin maba la sheekaysan karo. Can u imagine walking around miyi with no common law between the nomads, ileen isku qabil maba tihine, xeerkas waa common lawkina. Miyigu magalo bay ku xaareen lakin adigu kuma ogola inaad timaado oo sharcigooda guud ku xad gudubto. That's why they are at peace, weligoodna way ahayeen ileen kalsooni bay ku gaban xeer guud, qabiil kalsooni keeni mayso.

The law of the land is the most important, it unites people who share a land. All laws must apply to the land not the individual. Dembiga ayaa gashay dhulka midayo umadasi. Xeerkisana in lagu dhaqo weeye dambiilaha si aysan umada uu burburin akhirki. If i go to Somalia though, magaladi ayaa is horistagayso inaan gaadho hadafkayga horumar sida shaqo, waxbarasho. Lakin cid ii horistagayso miyiga inan xoolahay badiyo ma jirto, ileen xeer ba jira oo shaqaysa waa ORAL LAW.

That's why my father said awoowahay he would tell his son adigu hamar tag wax soo baro, qoyska wax uu soo kordhi aniguna carurta kale xoolo ayaan gelinaya si ay noo ilaliyan hantigeena halkani adiguna hanti magaalo noo dhiis. That was the old somalis buu yiri abahay.. Way tashan jireen. Hada buu yiri its not like that. They used to like to 'grow' inu wax soo kordho. Miyi iyo Magaalo labaduba way jeclayeen. But now the people are different. I would hate to be born in the 80s wallahi cause if u go to the city as a young man, duli ayaa ku soo baxaysa ileen wax wayn kuma soo kordhayso hanti, shaqo, cilmi, waa meel dhintay, its better to stay xoolo dhaqaato.

Abahay waa ka carara magaloyinka hada when he visits home. He goes to see his miyi family and says idinka ayaa naga nool, kuwa magalada waa duli ee idinku aan xooga idin saari doona si mustaqbalka aan uu si jirno. That's why he is focusing on galgala project because of the dahab. Only diaspora somalida yar ayaa magaalada aado, not dadki hore. My dad is adamant u need to use your time wisely. Hadi magaalo dhintay. badiyo la aada oo xoolaha la badiya oo hanti harayo weeye or u go where they are digging gold iyo warkooda ayaa la so hubiya.
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Dr Osman let us repounder your logics and mathematical methods. According to you Mogadishu has an area of 91 km2 and with a household of 8 people they have at maximum 1.6 Million citizens. So in other words: There are 17852 citizens/km2. Let us use the same method u used for xamar now for Puntland and SL.

PL: Area_PL= Bosaaso + Garoowe + Galkacyo (let's be generous and give you have of it) = 14.5+10.6+8.5= 33.6 km2

Citizens of Puntland's major cities:
33.6 Γ— 17582 = 590,755 citizens

SL: Area_SL= Hargeysa+Burco+Berbera = 76.9 + 25.6+9.3= 111.8 km2

Citizens of SL's (only Isaaq) Major cities :
111.8 Γ— 17582 = 1,965,667 citizens


@DR OSMAN leave the heavy stuff you take. Af Soomaali tidho Majeerteen lagu kobcin kari maayo saaxib. "We wuz 99% Nomads and the other 5 Million hide in the Baadiye", is not scientific, it's just desperate bro.
Mujahid @Abdurahman_somali Al Sanaagi has made interesting use of the google maps provided data & Ditoore Scientifik abbroach:salute:


In miyi there is common law so there is stability. So you can invest into your xoolo and grow it. Develop rural wealth untill the city wakes up but not waste your time in city where there is nothing growing for you or your family. Trust me my dad said badiyo ayaa aadaysa waqtiga yaysan ka dhumin kuwan magaloyinka oo mooda common law isn't important. That's why they cant grow in the city and there is lalush, corruption, kalsooni daro, is dhexgal xumo waxaa loo kala fadhiya sida ethiopianka addis joggo oo shaki la kala gaba. He said invest your time rurallly, there is a LAW to grow from. You can't grow your people if there is no common law in the cities, your wasting your time and decades as you dwindle away and become like rahanwayn. At least they moved, way tashdeen iyagu there no dumb. Settlement bay ka yimadeen oo sharciga burburay, mana hormari karan. So they moved upwards at least.

I am moving rurally though, I will see u guys in the town every couple of weeks tho, but I cant hang around u, your dying sxb sitting there 30 years. No growth gains.


When Cade Muse went to majiyahan he said there is no nation here to my father. My father paid for that guys education in Rome so he likes my dad. But he said 'dadka wa jira lakin ma noola' which means their existing but no 'alive'. He said we need to focus our time on rural matters oo sharci taalo oo wax lagu kordhin karo beesha. So osman mahmoud have focused heavily on that project from 2005 in qarsoodi.

I am only letting it out now cause it's all over youtube now. But I wouldn't of told you if you didn't know about it. I keep my clan secrets lol. Bah Dir are our leaders loooooooool :drakelaugh:

While you Somalis were sitting for 30 years talking about boqolki mala soo diray loooooool in the cities and ur absent clan elders not planning for your clan in this time of burbur lol. I mean come on guys lift your game up. There is other projects I won't conceal cuz it's still not known publically but wallahi u need to get your act together in Somalia stop blaming other tribes for your tribe lack of direction. Heck even HG planned and looted Hamar, what are you doing sitting there in maqahayad talking about this clan and that clan while your clan is literally in negative growth rates loooooool.

He even quoted me cade said 'niin nool ayaa la noolayn kara' meaning miyiga waa nool yahay, sharci ba taala, waa laga si kordhi kara meeshasi. Now I can buy 750 football fields in mogadishu farming fields wooooohoooooo just from my awoowe livestock, he was smart guy wallahi never invest all your eggs into a city. Now its up to me to add more. We even went fishing some of my family who never FISHED before.
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