Ogaden elites have realised the treachery of HSM

@cow gunyahow xiinanyaha aad Ogaadeen ula soo baxeysid maxaa kuu diiday in aad Gelinsoor ku tagto? Hawiye ayaa maanta Gelinsoor ku ciidaya adna Ogaadeenkii Baardheere iyo Faafaxdhuun Maxamed Siyaad ka soo eryadey ayaad rabtaa in aad Diif ku qabsatid. Gun gun dhashay, boon foqol boon.

Abaayo why are you crying who made you sad.
Jubaland will never be a functioning FMS until Marehan accept that Ogaden lands belong to Ogaden. It is that simple.

Maxaa gafuurkara weyn oo zanzibari ah ku soo dax galiyay, afaaraxa jubbaland. Munaafiq.

Nobody will discuss my land with a shisheeye like yourself. So abaayo puntland ka hadal.
Maxaa gafuurkara weyn oo zanzibari ah ku soo dax galiyay, afaaraxa jubbaland. Munaafiq.

Nobody will discuss my land with a shisheeye like yourself. So abaayo puntland ka hadal.
Harti Jubaland way ku noolyihiin. It concerns them so aflagaadada jooji warya wasakh baa tahay.


Jubaland will never be a functioning FMS until Marehan accept that Ogaden lands belong to Ogaden. It is that simple.
This is the issue with Jubbaland. How can you share a state with someone who wants your house? Jubbaland needs a final solution. The guulwade barracks needs to be turned into the city park
This is the issue with Jubbaland. How can you share a state with someone who wants your house? Jubbaland needs a final solution. The guulwade barracks needs to be turned into the city park

Guulwade is Somali National Land, and logically should be transferred to Jubbaland Security Forces. Dadkaan meeshaas halaga raro, this appeasement policy has made them very audacioua.
Marti oo edeb daran baa tahay zanzibari. There are more marehan in puntland their zanzibaris in kismaayo. Yet I don't claim that shithole puntland.

Marehan in Puntland kulaha. LOL!!

You are the one who was begging Puntland, and claiming a Madhibaan settlement. In fact, your elders were in Puntland for an entire month to beg access to our land and political system. Gafuurkaaga wayn hadaadan xirin, I will go back to my daily topics exposing your disgraceful antics. Gunyahay uriya!
Read the entire thread only to find out couple guys going at it over unpopulated small tuulo with no running water or electricity. Yaab.
There’s a reason why this thread wasn’t moved to the fkd section yet. Baardheere is a town Cowliyan natives were forcibly removed from by kacaan mooryaan with the help of the government you should know this at least maxad iskaga indho tiraysaa nacala


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Maxaa gafuurkara weyn oo zanzibari ah ku soo dax galiyay, afaaraxa jubbaland. Munaafiq.

Nobody will discuss my land with a shisheeye like yourself. So abaayo puntland ka hadal.
We are not shisheeye. We are family, and I’m your cousin.

This is the issue with Jubbaland. How can you share a state with someone who wants your house? Jubbaland needs a final solution. The guulwade barracks needs to be turned into the city park
Marehan weli xeerada salkeed mey soo taaban. Weli ma aysan quusan. Waa reerka keliya ee aaminsan in magaalada ugu weyn ee reer kale leeyahay awood lagu qabsan karo laguna haysan karo. Waalidaana waxaa sabab u ah Ogaadeen oo diiday in uu runta u sheego. Kir cid tiraaha aye waayeen markaasay nagu soo kala qabteen. Waa in la edbiyo.
dont blame us because madobe cant stop his soldiers from getting slapped silly on a regular basis outside kismayo.

If kismaayo was a ogadeen majority city. Ogadeen wouldn't need kenya and ulusow. It is that simple. We all know the moment amisom leaves somalia shabaab will take over kismaayo.

13 years and he is still stuck inside kismaayo with 5000 Kenyans guarding him. While barre hiiraale reached everywhere in jubbaland.
This is the issue with Jubbaland. How can you share a state with someone who wants your house? Jubbaland needs a final solution. The guulwade barracks needs to be turned into the city park

First of all guulwade is the biggest xaafad inside kismaayo. It is 25 percent. Secondly we live in every other xaafad. Every 10 new houses build atleast 5 is marehan.


We are not shisheeye. We are family, and I’m your cousin.

Marehan weli xeerada salkeed mey soo taaban. Weli ma aysan quusan. Waa reerka keliya ee aaminsan in magaalada ugu weyn ee reer kale leeyahay awood lagu qabsan karo laguna haysan karo. Waalidaana waxaa sabab u ah Ogaadeen oo diiday in uu runta u sheego. Kir cid tiraaha aye waayeen markaasay nagu soo kala qabteen. Waa in la edbiyo.
Ilaa eegga siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha Ogaadeen way diiddan yihiin in ay tilaabo cad ka qaadaan Mareexaan. Kibirkooda wuxuu gaadhay in ay maanta Diif sheegtaan. This could all have been stopped haddii Guulwade iyo tuulada Quddus xagaf la marini lahaa 2012


First of all guulwade is the biggest xaafad inside kismaayo. It is 25 percent. Secondly we live in every other xaafad. Every 10 new houses build atleast 5 is marehan.
And you’ve never been to Kismaayo. Cawramale ayaa Kismaayo kaaga badan


Cawrmale waa nimankii oo zanzibari cagga ku dhuftay.

Sxb I doubt you ever been to somalia let alone kismaayo.
Which is why I said there are more Cawramale in Kismayo than Marehan. Anyone who’s been there will know this. You guys really lack numbers


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