Ogaden elites have realised the treachery of HSM


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Ilaa eegga siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha Ogaadeen way diiddan yihiin in ay tilaabo cad ka qaadaan Mareexaan. Kibirkooda wuxuu gaadhay in ay maanta Diif sheegtaan. This could all have been stopped haddii Guulwade iyo tuulada Quddus xagaf la marini lahaa 2012
Markii la tuso in Kismayo iyo Jubada Hoose sheegasho beeleed aysan uga furnayn aye iyaga oo ordaya miiska imaanayaan. Nimanka waa in shaabuug culus lala dhaco, oo aye xanuun daremaan. Gaaladu waxey dhahaan “there is nothing for you here”.

@Jungle dhaqan Daarood weligaa ma fahmeysid ee iska daa. Kalmadaydas waa waran Daaroodka dhexdii. Nin moxog diirta wax u fahmi karo ma aha.
Markii la tuso in Kismayo iyo Jubada Hoose sheegasho beeleed aysan uga furnayn aye iyaga oo ordaya miiska imaanayaan. Nimanka waa in shaabuug culus lala dhaco, oo aye xanuun daremaan. Gaaladu waxey dhahaan “there is nothing for you here”.

@Jungle dhaqan Daarood weligaa ma fahmeysid ee iska daa. Kalmadaydas waa waran Daaroodka dhexdii. Nin moxog diirta wax u fahmi karo ma aha.
Adeer adunka xooq aya shageyo, haday wanaq jirto ama anakaqa soo horayey, half of Puntland would Be Tanade and Sade
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Markii la tuso in Kismayo iyo Jubada Hoose sheegasho beeleed aysan uga furnayn aye iyaga oo ordaya miiska imaanayaan. Nimanka waa in shaabuug culus lala dhaco, oo aye xanuun daremaan. Gaaladu waxey dhahaan “there is nothing for you here”.

@Jungle dhaqan Daarood weligaa ma fahmeysid ee iska daa. Kalmadaydas waa waran Daaroodka dhexdii. Nin moxog diirta wax u fahmi karo ma aha.
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Markii la tuso in Kismayo iyo Jubada Hoose sheegasho beeleed aysan uga furnayn aye iyaga oo ordaya miiska imaanayaan. Nimanka waa in shaabuug culus lala dhaco, oo aye xanuun daremaan. Gaaladu waxey dhahaan “there is nothing for you here”.

@Jungle dhaqan Daarood weligaa ma fahmeysid ee iska daa. Kalmadaydas waa waran Daaroodka dhexdii. Nin moxog diirta wax u fahmi karo ma aha.
Talo ha keenan walahi waxan wax maskaxda gali karto maba aha. Dhul boobsigan iyo dhibaatan ay reer Marexan ku hayaan shacabka waa inay joojiyaan. Ma danyeer baa wuxu tolow?🤔 caqli ma leh? In ay wax dumiyaan ama inay wax xoogaan mooye wax ma dhisaan miyaa? The last time Cowliyan left karbaash on Marexan was during the gaalo madow wars all the sugar Marexan had was dumped into the river. Layagaaba hadii ay Marexan sii wadaan dhibaatadan waxan ka cabsanaya in cowliyan ay gabigii Marexan webiga ku guraan sonkor tana ka qaataan
:stopit:Jubbaland is just beautiful. Other non-darood clans not native to it would die for a slice of it. It’s literally the future of Somalia. Fighting for control of it just wholly pointless and detrimental.

Gedo is MX, Lower and Middle Jubba is Harti/OG. Don’t waste your time.


Dumar ayaad cayday. Hadalkaagu ka soo qaad ma leh. Dhaqan inan gumeed.
Yaa garsooraha ah? Adigaa? :mjlol: daciif oo daciif dhaafay aa tahay eboow ee issoo adkeey. Gun wax kale ismooday adaa ah runti markaa wax kale aad sheegtid aad weyse waxaa noola imaatay jufa hebel aan ka dhashay xiniyaha dunida ugu weyn aan leenahay war yaa hawada lugugu cunin cid kuma taqaane :drakelaugh:
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War Dameerkaan arka. If you had an ounce of Pride, you would have reacted to the Ugandhaan soldiers raping your sisters, and who knows while you are busy eating Mankaal, they are raping your wives as well? The prove?

Once they are done with the girls, You and your dameer men will be next.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
War Dameerkaan arka. If you had an ounce of Pride, you would have reacted to the Ugandhaan soldiers raping your sisters, and who knows while you are busy eating Mankaal, they are raping your wives as well? The prove?

Once they are done with the girls, You and your dameer men will be next.
Being xooged by ugandans and madows
I am truly ashamed to share the Ethnicity “somali” with southerners 🤢🤮🤮


Barni hiraale :deadmanny:

Horta didn't this whole darood vs hawiye war started when the Marehans were getting bullets to their futo by a united hawiye and the rest of the daroods joined the fight to help them? How did they turn 180 degrees and formed an alliance with the same folks trying to genocide them?
Whenever there's a conflict in the south or JL. Everyone yells darod vs hawiye lol. Yet JL is second homeland of PL and DDS and Sade not their primary homeland of east and west. Hawiye at best would fight a section of darods and even that has never happened as they try their hardest to fight darods on a sub clan and sometimes even at a jifi level.
To many undesirables have joined this thread like that deranged 50 year old zanzibari woman who is obsessed with marehan.

Or that munaafiq beenlow @Thegoodshepherd who claims he is my first cousin yet is advocating genocide for my people. If that is my first cousin. God help what my 2nd cousins thinks.

The munaafiq is spreading fake news about baardheere iyo kismaayo. Undesirables should stay in your lanes


We are not shisheeye. We are family, and I’m your cousin.

Marehan weli xeerada salkeed mey soo taaban. Weli ma aysan quusan. Waa reerka keliya ee aaminsan in magaalada ugu weyn ee reer kale leeyahay awood lagu qabsan karo laguna haysan karo. Waalidaana waxaa sabab u ah Ogaadeen oo diiday in uu runta u sheego. Kir cid tiraaha aye waayeen markaasay nagu soo kala qabteen. Waa in la edbiyo.
dadka quusan waa noocaga oo kale 10 years hiiraale 10 years madoobe and you still talking about Kismaayo.

meeshan waa la wada deganyahay laakin kismaayo xukunkeed waxaa idin ku dambeyse 1970s saxib runta aan isku sheegno the good ole days of SYL where MJ was above the law is no more.

Xal daroodnimo ku jiro waa in loo helaa Kismaayo, and let us not confuse hogaan with shacbiyad because everyone is living in the town.


Any Marehan who picks up arms to stake a clan claim in Lower Juba deserves to be put 6ft under. I don't say this out of hatred or cuqdad. I have deeply investigated the history of Kismayo and came to the conclusion that Marehan have NO clan claim to the city, or to Lower Juba.
The pastoral tribes of Northern Kenya 1800-1916

@Dalalos_ibn_Adali it does not matter. I have a clan based claim to Kismayo, and you do not.

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Adigoo ah nin Cumar Maxamuud oo Reer Cigale ah miyaa deegaan dad ka sheeganayo ? forget Kismaayo saxib you are from Eyl even Mudug and Doolo you are not from there if we go by your argument !

Aniga Daroodnimo ka hadlaye miisan aheyn Kismaayo dee xoog baa lagu haysta shalay iyo maantaba marka xoog la imow not baroor iyo calaal, koley kulayl baa ka muuqdo saxib :ftw9nwa:


Also outside of Kismaayo there is no deegaan issue between Harti and Mareexaan, there is usually issues between Mareexaan and Gaaljecel or Harti and Cawrmale or Ogaden and Sheekhal


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