Nah its cool. Keep doing you eedoI'm not in the mood but if you want to play I am ready..

Nah its cool. Keep doing you eedoI'm not in the mood but if you want to play I am ready..
Thank you, you just saved your internet life.. now go back to chatting shit with the rest of them.Nah its cool. Keep doing you eedo![]()
Kkkkkkkk he's my neighbor I love this guy
Hell yeah isku xafd ba nahay.You live in Columbus ?
Abdijohnson were you in Chiswick yesterday with some girl driving a silver whip at the petrol station. By Allah that was the most effeminate thingy thing I've seen.
Hadii ay daacad ka tahay Duufle tabcaan agent-
Could he please surrounder his passport and head Galgaduud desert cabudwaaq-
Hadii au run ka tahay-
Are you hutuking
I'll report you ina Adeer - how dare you
Hutuking waa ina Adeerkey.
Adoonkiii Johnson r u in London- and where about in London.
KkkkkkkkkI am in north London.
Reer England are all fuley. They don't want to see me. They want to remain anonymous because of the shameful things they've written online.
Go meet up with your sxbKkkkkkkkk