Old fathers Pose Significant Health Problems For Children AND the women they impregnate!


You need people like me
Yes and millions of kids are born to mothers past 36. In fact the average Somali mother has 6 kids and tends of have her last 40-43. That doesn’t stop men from going on about the pitfalls of late birth despite their mothers still getting giving birth to their young siblings late as well.

They go on about it because it’s significant in absolute terms. The %’s for birth defects for a 35 year old man is not close to the figure for a 35 year old woman.

A majority of autistic Somali kids I see have older mothers. We shouldn’t be proud that lots of 40-43 year old women have kids.
They go on about it because it’s significant in absolute terms. The %’s for birth defects for a 35 year old man is not close to the figure for a 35 year old woman.

A majority of autistic Somali kids I see have older mothers. We shouldn’t be proud that lots of 40-43 year old women have kids.
No, a lot of young couples in the West have autistic children and the main reason for it is due to lack of Vit D, so you’re just chatting rubbish now. Back home women have kids in their 40s due to lack of contraception and they have much lower rates of autism.

I’ve literally read studies that suggest that Autism is more of an issue that’s due to the fact that they also have older partners and that Autism is more significant due to the age of the fathers being 40+ yrs.

Older men and women are more likely than young ones to have a child with autism, according to multiple studies published in the past decade. Especially when it comes to fathers, this parental-age effect is one of the most consistent findings in the epidemiology of autism.

The link between a mother’s age and autism is more complex: Women seem to be at increased odds of having a child with autism both when they are much older and much younger than average, according to some studies. Nailing down why either parent’s age influences autism risk has proved difficult, however.

I’ve read studies that suggest that girls under 20 have higher rates of autism than women over 30, so again it isn’t conclusive.

Also, historically women always had kids until they hit menopause. Contraceptive didn’t exist so it’s a silly and moot point you made.

All in all, I find it hilarious how you were very quick to suggest that fathers age and the link to autism is exaggerated, despite the fact that you’re equally to quick to suggest that it’s a real issue for women over 35. But we have studies that suggest the opposite, autism is heavily associated with father’s age. It’s obvious that you come from a place of sexism rather than facts.
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The link for older mothers is also small as well but that doesn’t stop sexist men;

Studies have found that children born to mothers who are older, typically over the age of 35, may have a slightly increased risk of autism compared to younger mothers. However, it's important to note that the overall risk of autism associated with maternal age is relatively small.

Where did you get the idea that is significant?

Also, there are studies show that it’s because of mostly paternal age and not maternal age:



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
There are various factors contributing to conditions like autism and schizophrenia, and it's challenging to separate environmental influences from other causes. Neurodegenerative diseases often have links to toxic metal exposure, though that's just one piece of the puzzle. Regarding preconception health, I doubt the average Somali person is aware of or concerned with reducing these risks. However, I'm noticing a growing openness among some. Generally, women are more receptive to supplementing and making lifestyle changes. In contrast, men often resist, driven by pride and a misguided sense of invulnerability—although male infertility accounts for about a third of all cases.

Do you honestly think these men are eager to improve their sperm quality? Most aren't even aware of preconception health in men, let alone how to address it. I'm fully aware of this, but I’m not about to offer advice, given the rampant misinformation and misguided sentiments they spread here about women.

Tea Time Oops GIF by TERRELL


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
I mean doesn’t this logic apply in the reverse as well? The egg quality of women takes a significant nosedive during their mid 30s increasing the likely hood of complications. If based on that, I say no woman past the age of 32 should get pregnant, you would rightfully look at me like I got some screws loose. Ultimately, these are matters that we do not control and are solely in Allah’s hands.

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
In our community, it is normalised to see old men marry over and over again, producing children until they are literally in the grave. I would love to see a study into the age of fathers, when assessing people with health issues.

For example, the link between old sperm, autism and schizophrenia:



Higher risk of brain cancer and breast cancer:


Birth risks, such as low weight, seizures:


Plus, pregnant women, who have babies with older men, are at higher risk for getting gestational diabetes.

Lies . Old Somali men sperms is far more quality than the younger idiot ones. As generation goes- so does the deterioration of sperms and genetics