Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We are talking about deaths here.

There is a difference between DV assault and DV deaths.

Let’s stick to the program. Changing the goal lsnt logic.
So if we are only talking about deaths why mention stuff like abuse and rape? Stop shifting goal posts this is illogical.

The 44% includes, physical abuse, Rape and Homicide
I can't be bothered reading 8 pages but I've lurked on this website since it was created and I liked most of Omar's posts.

99% mostly about islam
The Ogaden war is a pivotal moment in unified Somali history. That was an all hands on deck effort. For him to boast about our lost in the war due to his “cousins” is a collective insult on all Somali. At the end of the day the guys a Mexican in a Somali forum. You don’t do stuff like that if you actually respect a people. In that small post he exposed what he really thinks.
I never denied women are the ones thay face domestic violence and rape, walahi I've been repeating myself for so long I don't even know what you're trying to make me say

Walahi am I bugging
so why are you arguing about femicide rates? Femicide simply looks at the amount of women that have been killed via DV, sexual violence murder ect and compares the rates to other countries?

You’re basically saying you shouldn’t differentiate Murder is murder but people are murdered via different causes and that’s how we know if something is a particular issue. Like we differentiate people being murdered via tribalism, or racism or any other ism apart from sexism?

why does the idea of women talking about murder because of intense sexism an issue for you men? If i spoke about people being being murdered because of racism you wouldn’t have an issue?

Like what’s the issue then if you don’t deny it I’m confused?

Do you have issues with the Gov collecting data specifically women killed via DV and sexual violent deaths?
Mexican cartel owned regions are pretty lawless. The women in those regions aren't safe at all and get raped and murdered all the time.

Police can't do shit about it since cartels would just kill their families.

Arguing against the femicide issue in Mexico is dumb since cartel members will always be xaasid towards Mexican women.
They literally control parts of Mexico. The women in those regions are vulnerable to rape, kidnapping, and murder.

In fact it's gotten so bad in some parts of Mexico that serial killers have traveled across the border just to kill with ease. Police never investigate any further since they assume all these horrific murders are cartel related.
They’re saying that murder is murder and that we shouldn’t differentiate. @Khaemwaset

But that’s an incredibly bigoted take since we differentiate between people being murdered due to racism, tribalism and classism but the only ‘ism’ they have issues with being spoken about is sexism. I mean a white person might have issues with black people talking about being murdered due to racism, but it seems many men operate the same way, since most of these women killed via sexism is because of sexist men, some men feel uncomfortable to delve into it so they’ll try to dismiss it by saying ‘everyone in Mexico can be murdered!’ Well no shit Sherlock we know!

That’s my frustration and feel those that oppose the use of the word femicide come from a place of sexism and they don’t even realize.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
They’re saying that murder is murder and that we shouldn’t differentiate. @Khaemwaset

But that’s an incredibly bigoted take since we differentiate between people being murdered due to racism, tribalism and classism but the only ‘ism’ they have issues with being spoken about is sexism. I mean a white person might have issues with black people talking about being murdered due to racism, but it seems many men operate the same way, since most of these women killed via sexism is because of sexist men, some men feel uncomfortable to delve into it so they’ll try to dismiss it by saying ‘everyone in Mexico can be murdered!’ Well no shit Sherlock we know!

That’s my frustration and feel those that oppose the use of the word femicide come from a place of sexism and they don’t even realize.
You are creating an issue out of nothing. Femcide isn't a legal term we either call it murder or a homicide. If someone is killed for tribal reasons do we call it a tribacide?


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
so why are you arguing about femicide rates? Femicide simply looks at the amount of women that have been killed via DV, sexual violence murder ect and compares the rates to other countries?

You’re basically saying you shouldn’t differentiate Murder is murder but people are murdered via different causes and that’s how we know if something is a particular issue. Like we differentiate people being murdered via tribalism, or racism or any other ism apart from sexism?

why does the idea of women talking about murder because of intense sexism an issue for you men? If i spoke about people being being murdered because of racism you wouldn’t have an issue?

Like what’s the issue then if you don’t deny it I’m confused?

Do you have issues with the Gov collecting data specifically women killed via DV and sexual violent deaths?
I aay one thing and you make a completly unrelated. When have I been agaisnt these things?? Do you think they already don't have data on this? You literally used data saying 3 woman are killed per week in eruope. Is that not data collected from female homicide victims?
You are creating an issue out of nothing. Femcide isn't a legal term we either call it murder or a homicide. If someone is killed for tribal reasons do we call it a tribacide?
Its not either/or, all femicide is murder but not all murder is femicide. Not all homicide against women is femicide but all femicide is homicide against women.

We can look at the systemic murder of Somalis in Ethiopia and feasible call it Somalicide, how goofy it sounds, because they are killed most of the time because they are Somali.

Would you agree with an Oromo/Habesha who said that we should call the systemic killing of Somalis just regular homicide and not something rooted specifically because they are Somali?

Femicide is specifically named because the homicide is rooted in the victims sex.

One thing to note, the vast majority of homicide victims are men. These men however are not killed because they are men. Vast majority fall under a third reason, gang violence, business disagreements or just a fight that spun out of control.
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I aay one thing and you make a completly unrelated. When have I been agaisnt these things?? Do you think they already don't have data on this? You literally used data saying 3 woman are killed per week in eruope. Is that not data collected from female homicide victims? View attachment 343976
Are you fighting the use of the word femicide? Is that it or the sentiment around separating women that are murdered via DV sexual violence murder and honor killing? Isn’t it easier to just call it femicide?

Why is it men don’t have an issue with the world infanticide but with femicide?
Never heard those two words come out of someone's mouth. Stop arguing semantics, murder is murder, homicide isn't type of murder.
It’s a word to describe the killing of children. But oops! I can’t use that word since murder is murder and I’m not allowed to differentiate!
Its not either/or, all femicide is murder but not all murder is femicide. Not all homicide against wom is femicide but all femicide is homicide against women.

We can look at the systemic murder of Somalis in Ethiopia and feasible call it Somalicide, how goofy it sounds, because they are killed most of the time because they are Somali.

Would you agree with an Oromo/Habesha who said that we should call the systemic killing of Somalis just regular homicide and not something rooted specifically because they are Somali?

Femicide is specifically named because the homicide is rooted in the victims sex.
You’ve raised a very obvious point but when someone is influenced by severe biasness, this is the end result.

I was trying to explain this simple concept to him for a long time. It’s incredibly rational and simple and most of the world gets it apart from misogynistic men or those a tad influenced by it.

Now @Khaemwaset wants to ban English words like femicide and infanticide as well, a word thats used when talking about abortion ect or the murder of small children.

When misogynistic men have no where to hide and their logic fails them, they then start to fight the English language and the use of specific words.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
It’s a word to describe the killing of children. But oops! I can’t use that word since murder is murder and I’m not allowed to differentiate!
You need to mature or read what I write you quote my posts but always write something completely unrelated or push logic to it's limit
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
You’ve raised a very obvious point but when someone is influenced by severe biasness, this is the end result.

I was trying to explain this simple concept to him for a long time. It’s incredibly rational and simple and most of the world gets it apart from misogynistic men or those a tad influenced by it.

Now @Khaemwaset wants to ban English words like femicide and infanticide as well, a word thats used when talking about abortion ect or the murder of small children.
What are you even arguing about get a job
You’ve raised a very obvious point but when someone is influenced by severe biasness, this is the end result.

I was trying to explain this simple concept to him for a long time. It’s incredibly rational and simple and most of the world gets it apart from misogynistic men or those a tad influenced by it.

Now @Khaemwaset wants to ban English words like femicide and infanticide as well, a word thats used when talking about abortion ect or the murder of small children.

At the age of 18, they start young don't they.

The kind of guy you have to plead with by saying "she is a daughter, a sister, a mother, a wife", and audition for a girl/woman's humanity when she's harmed. Bonus point if the female victim is related to men, it humanises them even more.

You need to mature or read what I write you quote my posts but always write something completely unrelated or push logic to it's limit
View attachment 343979
You have issues with the word femicide. But the English language has infanticide as well. You’re saying murder is murder, but we have words that look at a specific type of murder- the murder of children. That’s the same concept as femicide.

I don’t understand why you will have an issue that looks at a specific type of murder. A random killing of a woman via a shot out isn’t femicide. Femicide is specific since it’s easier to say DV related or r-word related or Honor killing related. You might as well have a name that is under one banner, that looks at the murder of women due to sexism. They’re both murders but due to different reasons. One is rooted in being a woman and one isn’t.

Why you have an issue with a word is beyond me Wallahi.
You have issues with the word femicide. But the English language has infanticide as well.

I don’t understand why you will have an issue that looks at a specific type of murder. A random killing via a shot out isn’t femicide. Femicide is specific since it’s easier to say DV related or r-word related or Honor killing related. You might as well have a name that is under one banner, that looks at the murder of women due to sexism.

Why you have an issue with a word is beyond me Wallahi.

Because taking a word is beyond the word itself, erasing a word is similar to erasing the existence of an issue or entity. For example, the manner in which the word 'mother' is being wiped away from public discourse and replaced with 'birthing body'.

No word= no crime.