Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Read @JamalFarah’s point.

He is educating you.

If you’re too slow to even get the premise of what everyone is telling you, why are pushing back?
Have I argued that women are not murdered and raped by men and face crimes specific to them? Why do you jobless niggas spend so many pages over something so insignificant. You're arguing with me not over the belief or ideology I have but simply words. Niggas just argue for the sake of it

I used to take classes and write about things like this, it was called things like "violence agaisnt women" such and such. I don't care about whatever word Is used. No one irl would be fighting Me over semantics. But niggas just come on the internet cause they got nothing better to do
Because taking a word is beyond the word itself, erasing a word is similar to erasing the existence of an issue or entity. For example, the manner in which the word 'mother' is being wiped away from public discourse and replaced with 'birthing body'.

No word= no crime.
Yep and peak sexism and he can’t even see it.

Let’s be real even if I was to not use the word femicide and said Mexico has a higher rate of DV and Sexual violence murder, him and Omar will still argue with me and say but men are murdered to.

He is very dishonest kid and it’s annoying Wallahi. He wants to ban an English word that encompasses all forms of sexist rooted murders of women.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Because taking a word is beyond the word itself, erasing a word is similar to erasing the existence of an issue or entity. For example, the manner in which the word 'mother' is being wiped away from public discourse and replaced with 'birthing body'.

No word= no crime.
Have you read anything I said? I made multiple posts talking about violence against women in this thread are people illiterate


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Yep and peak sexism and he can’t even see it.

Let’s be real even if I was to not use the word femicide and said Mexico has a higher rate of DV and Sexual violence murder, him and Omar will still argue with me and say but men are murdered to.

He is very dishonest kid and it’s annoying Wallahi. He wants to ban an English word that encompasses all forms of sexist rooted murders of women.
When have I said I want to ban the word femcide? The whole thread you people have just been putting words into my mouth. The only thing you could get from my posts is that I don't use this word because I've never heard it.
Have I argued that women are not murdered and raped by men and face crimes specific to them? Why do you jobless niggas spend so many pages over something so insignificant. You're arguing with me not over the belief or ideology I have but simply words. Niggas just argue for the sake of it

I used to take classes and write about things like this, it was called things like "violence agaisnt women" such and such. I don't care about whatever word Is used. No one irl would be fighting Me over semantics. But niggas just come on the internet cause they got nothing better to do
What do you want?

You are against the use of the word femicide. That’s your argument so what now? Let’s ban the word? Okay femicide literally means death that’s rooted in violence against women due to sexism. We have a word for it: Femicide?

Read Jamal’s post. He articulates well and there is nothing to be said.

You sound crazy. I literally said femicide is a real word and a real issue and you’ve been pushing back against it from the beginning. You said the word is silly since men die as well.

Like what do you want from me? To not use the word? For me to not be specific about the type of murders.

Ask what’s your damn point?


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
What do you want?

You are against the use of the word femicide. That’s your argument so what now? Let’s ban the word? Okay femicide literally means death that’s rooted in violence against women due to sexism. We have a word for it: Femicide?

Read Jamal’s post. He articulates well and there is nothing to be said.

You sound crazy. I literally said femicide is a real word and a real issue and you’ve been pushing back against it from the beginning. You said the word is silly since men die as well.

Like what do you want from me? To not use the word? For me to not be specific about the type of murders.
Am I talking to myself
Banghead GIF by Ant Hodges

Ask what’s your damn point?
I should he asking you That, what's the big issue that makes me so evil and against women. When I made too many posts repeating the same thing thay women are subject to xxxxx and yyyy too many times
Am I talking to myself
Banghead GIF by Ant Hodges

I should he asking you That, what's the big issue that makes me so evil and against women. When I made too many posts repeating the same thing thay women are subject to xxxxx and yyyy too many times
Khaem do you have mental health issues because I’m serious now?

You literally said verbatim that murder is murder and hence we should’nt use the word femicide.

You said it.

I know you acknowledge DV killings and the like but you have an issue with us calling it ‘femicide’ since it’s still just murder. According to you we’re not allowed to be specific.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯


Like what the hell do you want?
I have no issue when have I said I wanted the word erased? You guys are bugging for no reason.

In this entire thread, I've gone university, been gym, went for kebab and now I'm playing games on my pc. I still don't know what you man keep @ me about. Niggas just got no life walahi, I'm looking for used cars with low mileage to buy for myself and people are beefing me over something I never said
May Allah deal with both of you @Omar del Sur @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 . The way you guys spoke to each other was disgusting. Omar, how dare you come into a Somali forum and insult Somalis who dies in this war. I appreciate the apology, and you are not known to speak like this and are generally a nice person. However, @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 the way you spoke was vulgar and disgusting and very unladylike. You rejected a SAHEEH hadith and displayed tribalism repeatedly even though Omar apologised. You commited Kufr Akbar and you must absolve yourself from your apostasy.
Just seen a video of an innocent dude getting dragged out his car by cartel and shot up on reddit. It's obvious cartel kill whoever. They'll skin you alive for the smallest thi gs. Especially random guys who try snake them to feds.
Splitting up female and male victims of cartel murder is stupid.

There was an earlier point she made justifying the use of Femcide by saying these women were killed by men they knew in the family. How many young men were killed by their own cousins and family in the civil war? This is just another stupid argument pushed by western people. They do not care about the reality, it seems like everything now has some new terminology pushed through the news cycle to create divide where there shouldn't be.

You literally said we shouldn’t use the word femicide. It’s here black and white hence you’re either crazy or liar.

You said we can’t be specific because men too can be killed by family. But femicide is about a woman being killed due to sexism.
You said acknowledging that is dividing men and women. I have highlighted that in r

@JamalFarah explains why your point wrong.

FYI: Femicide isn’t a new terminology and has been around for centuries.
May Allah deal with both of you @Omar del Sur @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 . The way you guys spoke to each other was disgusting. Omar, how dare you come into a Somali forum and insult Somalis who dies in this war. I appreciate the apology, and you are not known to speak like this and are generally a nice person. However, @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 the way you spoke was vulgar and disgusting and very unladylike. You rejected a SAHEEH hadith and displayed tribalism repeatedly even though Omar apologised. You commited Kufr Akbar and you must absolve yourself from your apostasy.

Who are you trying to admonish like a child?

Go make Takfeer on this scholar

It's over, I officially retire from social media. I quit everything else I'm gone abaayo. I just wasted my time for nothing. I need to get a life, new year new me
Because ive caught you and you’re liar.

You can’t lie and then back out when caught in 4K.

1. You said many men die hence we can’t use the word femicide.

2. you said some men get killed by family so we can’t use the word femicide.

3. murder is murder.

4. femicide is a new word to divide men and women when all it means is murder due to sexism like DV, honor killing and sexual violent murder.

It’s mad to lie this way and act like someone can’t get your older post.

Even you don’t know what the source of your argument is.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Because ive caught you and you’re liar.

You can’t lie and then back out when caught in 4K.

1. You said many men die hence we can’t use the word femicide.

2. you said some men get killed by family so we can’t use the word femicide.

3. murder is murder.

4. femicide is a new word to divide men and women when all it means is murder due to sexism like DV, honor killing and sexual violent murder.

It’s mad to lie this way and act like someone can’t get your older post.

Even you don’t know what the source of your argument is.
I'm currently having existential dread realising every hour I spent arguing on the internet in my life amounted to nothing and I cannot achieve what I want like buying my first car, if I keep rotting my brain like this on stupid social media. And here you are banging on about the same thing 10 pages later.
These creeps are trying to call me a Kafir, not that I actually care about their bullshit takfeer, as I am a Muslimah, but for those who are not aware, the hadith I took issue with, is the hadith in which the Angels allegedly curse a woman who refuses to sleep with her husband when he calls her.

This particular hadith is used to abuse married women, into giving their bodies when they don't want to.

These people, takfeering me, take issue with the fact that women are free human beings, whose bodies are subject to consent, and cannot just be taken, because a man is her husband. No means no, it's a simple concept.

And here we have a male scholar who refutes it.

A comment by a sane male, who perfectly summed it up;

He said "the ability to have intercourse is based on two things; physical and desire, what if one cannot be achieved, we are being misled by jaahil 'wadaads'.

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I'm currently having existential dread realising every hour I spent arguing on the internet in my life amounted to nothing and I cannot achieve what I want like buying my first car, if I keep rotting my brain like this on stupid social media. And here you are banging on about the same thing 10 pages later.
Alright great. I don’t even know why you’re on this forum anyway. Go have fun with your friends and learn new words. Femicide, infanticide, Patricide, matricide.

All of these words are very old and have ancient latin roots. They’re not new ‘buzz words and have been used for centuries.

The new education system must be very bad if we’re fighting the use of specific words which simply enriches our communication in terms of being precise.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 the lovely and intelligent Punt came up with fantastic point. Imprecision: Without a broad vocabulary, it becomes difficult to find the exact word that matches a specific meaning or nuance.

Clearly on a subconscious level, you wanted women to have the difficulty to be specific about the unique violence rooted in sexism women face.
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Since I’m a tad interested in history, one of the oldest words that specifies a specific type of murder is patricide. Ancient Romans had it in their laws as an exact description of a son murdering a father. Murder is murder indeed, but it specifically highlights the act of a son doing it to a father in a particularized manner.

The idea of being specific and exact isn’t new, it’s ancient and it makes a language richer since they can pinpoint the type of nuance and meaning in a way that’s easy and fast to understand.

