On how the somali university revolution began

This is interview that ahmed baidyow gave . And from minute 1:00:00 to 1:05:00 he explains hiw when he and several other people started mogadihsu university they had a dilemma of how to restart education back in the country again. Then they realized it rhy started a university that it would awaken the competing nature in somalis and other people would copy them . And he was right everybody has opened a university. This is exactly my through process on how Somalia will develop. You see this same phenomenon of somalia copying each other with the explosion of book fairs all over the country in the last 10 years



A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I got a theory that tribalism is a double-edged sword, It may be destructive but if utilised correctly it can breed competition and competition leads to development, This is a perfect example of what I have been thinking about lately OP.
I got a theory that tribalism is a double-edged sword, It may be destructive but if utilised correctly it can breed competition and competition leads to development, This is a perfect example of what I have been thinking about lately OP.
I think so too. If tribalism is wielded by smart politicians we can use it to encourage local development. I even read an article talking about how somalis are using WhatsApp group to organize themselves in their tuulos and Deegans to raise money for local projects and other stuff.

There are of course negative side effects but it's a good sign that this trend of self organizing development is happening self directed. As long as it's guided it can do a lot. For instance we could have the fed gov sponsor gobols and smaller clan groups to increase centralized governance since these gobols and smaller clans will become reliant on the fed govt.

