One history that most Somalis don't know

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
"I'm gonna unite Africa and Asia to finally rid ourselves of the hawiye"

- Arsene Wenger (2016)



Stroking my Australinimo
The Somalians are relatives of Ethiopians and Eritreans. They were together before the spread of Islam and have lived under single rule (i.e Aksum).

The reason why they find this offensive today is because they have the impression that Ethiopia is associated with Christianity hence they created the mythical claims of being related to the Arabs so they could feel more attached to the Prophet and Islam.

They resemble the looks of Ethiopian and Eritrean ethnic groups more than anyone else. That alone is enough to say that they are related. There is nothing to be

From what I have heard is that according to the antropolist is that Cushitic people used to be one until they splitted due to migration and especially the spread of Islam that caused the seperation between Muslims, Pagans and Christians.
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The Somalians are relatives of Ethiopians and Eritreans. They were together before the spread of Islam and have lived under single rule (i.e Aksum).

The reason why they find this offensive today is because they have the impression that Ethiopia is associated with Christianity hence they created the mythical claims of being related to the Arabs so they could feel more attached to the Prophet and Islam.

They resemble the looks of Ethiopian and Eritrean ethnic groups more than anyone else. That alone is enough to say that they are related. There is nothing to be

From what I have heard is that according to the antropolist is that Cushitic people used to be one until they splitted due to migration and especially the spread of Islam that caused the seperation between Muslims, Pagans and Christians.
Somalia existed long before Abyssinia & Ethiopia was even founded.


Stroking my Australinimo
Somalia existed long before Ethiopia was even founded.
Both didn't exist. Somalia is a nationality that was created in the 20th century, Somali is an ethnic. Ethiopia is a nationality that was created in the late 19th century that consists of 88 ethnic groups.

Before Islam, they were under the Christian Highland empire which is well documented by Arab and Western historians due to the strong connection between the Arabs and the Highland which is located in modern Eritrea and Tigray region. After the spread of Islam, different ethnic groups (Somali had multiple tribal kingdoms) have formed their own Muslim kingdoms until the 19th century.

Self insecurities, no wonder why Somalia have identity crisis. Refusing to associate with their neighboring ethnic groups have caused this. Also, from my last thread asking about the hate issues among Somalians may be the reason.

Ask an outsider, they will respond Eritreans and Ethiopians first. Ask about the Arab part, they will laugh at you. The "Somali race", they will laugh at you.

Do you see any Eastern Europeans, Asians, West, Latin or West Africa who claim they are not related (despite the huge enmity between each other)? There is a reason why they are able to trace back and know where they came from.

Eg: The ethnic Agew or Beja claims Somalian were related to them, the Somalian would reject it (even tho they share 95% of the similar features and related Cushitic language) but if they would tell the ethnic Sidama or Saho they would probably agree. The same goes for other ethnic groups.
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Both didn't exist. Somalia is a nationality that was created in the 20th century, Somali is an ethnic. Ethiopia is a nationality that was created in the late 19th century that consists of 88 ethnic groups.

Before Islam, they were under the Christian Highland empire which is well documented by Arab and Western historians due to the strong connection between the Arabs and the Highland which is located in modern Eritrea and Tigray region. After the spread of Islam, different ethnic groups (Somali had multiple tribal kingdoms) have formed their own Muslim kingdoms until the 19th century.

Self insecurities, no wonder why Somalia have identity crisis. Refusing to associate with their neighboring ethnic groups have caused this. Also, from my last thread asking about the hate issues among Somalians may be the reason.

Ask an outsider, they will respond Eritreans and Ethiopians first. Ask about the Arab part, they will laugh at you. The "Somali race", they will laugh at you.

Do you see any Eastern Europeans, Asians, West, Latin or West Africa who claim they are not related (despite the huge enmity between each other)? There is a reason why they are able to trace back and know where they came from.

If the ethnic Agew or Beja claims Somalian were related to them, the Somalian would refuse (despite 90% similar features) but if they would tell the ethnic Sidama or Saho they would probably agree. The same goes for other ethnic groups.
Somali and Ethiopian does not look the same.
The Somalians are relatives of Ethiopians and Eritreans. They were together before the spread of Islam and have lived under single rule (i.e Aksum).

The reason why they find this offensive today is because they have the impression that Ethiopia is associated with Christianity hence they created the mythical claims of being related to the Arabs so they could feel more attached to the Prophet and Islam.

They resemble the looks of Ethiopian and Eritrean ethnic groups more than anyone else. That alone is enough to say that they are related. There is nothing to be

From what I have heard is that according to the antropolist is that Cushitic people used to be one until they splitted due to migration and especially the spread of Islam that caused the seperation between Muslims, Pagans and Christians.

Wrong information and you got this fake info from Twitter account Talliye.


Stroking my Australinimo
Somali and Ethiopian does not look the same.
Gee, you know what I am talking about.

Ethiopia is very diverse, when I am talking about Ethiopia, I'm referring to the Cushitic ethnic groups who are related to the Somali. That would be in the eyes of the East African BUT you have to remember, in the eyes of the outsiders, they don't see any difference. They view the people in the Horns of Africa the almost the same due to similar features.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
ok some of y'all are on some crack

i get differentiating somalis from west africans and other ethnic groups because of how distantly related we are after thousands of years of separation, but y'all don't even want to acknowledge a connection with cushitic ethnic groups outside Somalia?
Gee, you know what I am talking about.

Ethiopia is very diverse, when I am talking about Ethiopia, I'm referring to the Cushitic ethnic groups who are related to the Somali. That would be in the eyes of the East African BUT you have to remember, in the eyes of the outsiders, they don't see any difference. They view the people in the Horns of Africa the almost the same due to similar features.

Wrong again, one look at size & height of Somalis and you see the different


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Horners share a common ancestry with eachother including Habeshas.We all share Cushtic blood and descend from one group that left Egypt/Sudan around 8-10k years ago.

Hoes and retards like Canuck wouldnt know about that though.
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