One history that most Somalis don't know

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Bantu countries have the best land in East Africa. Rift Valley mountain range, Great Lakes, fertile Volcanic lands, high rainfall etc.

Our ancestors were a bunch of fools for staying in the most arid part of East Africa and leaving all the good stuff for the Bantus.
Nope the British Setted the rules that Somali people should move beyond the lake Tana.
The Ajuuran Empire made most of their fortunes from the Shabbele and Jubba river.

Ajuran was ended in 17 century but the British at end of 18 century decided that Somalis should not go beyond tana lake, even the Bantu in Kenya said without British colonial we would see the Somalis in cape


Ajuran was ended in 17 century but the British at end of 18 century decided that Somalis should not go beyond tana lake, even the Bantu in Kenya said without British colonial we would see the Somalis in cape

That was already way too late. Around the time of Jesus's birth (0 CE) there were no Bantu speakers in East Africa. It had a very low population density and was totally up for grabs. But Somalis or Cushites in general didn't bother to conquer it.
That was already way too late. Around the time of Jesus's birth (0 CE) there were no Bantu speakers in East Africa. It had a very low population density and was totally up for grabs. But Somalis or Cushites in general didn't bother to conquer it.

At that period all Africa were green even the great Sahara was green


At that period all Africa were green even the great Sahara was green

Green Sahara was between 7500 BCE and 3500 BCE. It became a desert around the time that the Egyptian civilization started.

Somalia was already dry around 0 CE, it didn't push them to look for land in what is now Kenya and beyond.


Habar Magaadle
f*ck all of you new age cadaan wannabe african pride nacalads, I came from sheikh ishaaq radiyallahu canhu, that evidence is plain to see in the heritage that remains in the land, abiihina wase.
Somalis in Oman still carry their subclan and families name, they keep somali dances, culture even intermarriage among themselves and never claim the Omani history.
Hun I'm starting to believe that you really are my cousin, my grandfather my mother father is from Oman and he is Dhulbahante.
Hun I'm starting to believe that you really are my cousin, my grandfather my mother father is from Oman and he is Dhulbahante.
Hun I'm starting to believe that you really are my cousin, my grandfather my mother father is from Oman and he is Dhulbahante.

i don't think so, my second grandpa used to go for trade Oman and Yemen but he is not from there, he had sisters who married Yemen and stayed in Adan since the dervish war.
Of course the cushite one will be in Somalia and runs by Oromo since they outnumber us, the habashi one in Ethiopia also runs by Ethiopia . Talliye is Somali.
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