Only ten days left for laftagareen


xl don’t dislike Guudlawe because he was pro N&N. It’s because he’s an Abgaal that took the HS seat from them. If it was another harti abgaal but just Anti N&N/pro UDP, they would have still disliked him simply because they believe no other than them should be president of Hirshabelle. Political affiliations do not matter here
but they believe that Farmaajo put him into power and that Farmaajo supported Abgaal/Guudlawe and sidelined them. They’re even saying you guys ate well with the former government. If he was anti N&N then they believe they would of been the president of hiirshabelle.
but they believe that Farmaajo put him into power and that Farmaajo supported Abgaal/Guudlawe and sidelined them. They’re even saying you guys ate well with the former government. If he was anti N&N then they believe they would of been the president of hiirshabelle.
Guudlawe, despite being pro N&N at the time, was involved in middle shabelle political affairs for more than 2 decades. He would always return to what the tol overall believes is best. And that’s exactly been proven since May with him being pretty much the only N&N federal leader that is fully cooperating with HSM. So it’s a win win for Abgaal tbh. Guudlawe dropped his N&N rubbish and we have a state under our belt


Guudlawe, despite being pro N&N at the time, was involved in middle shabelle political affairs for more than 2 decades. He would always return to what the tol overall believes is best. And that’s exactly been proven since May with him being pretty much the only N&N federal leader that is fully cooperating with HSM. So it’s a win win for Abgaal tbh. Guudlawe dropped his N&N rubbish and we have a state under our belt
what is his history? was he involved in the civil war? anyway he has no problem with HSM because their interests are naturally aligned. If HSM left Lower Shabelle alone and didn’t try replace laftagareen he would likewise support him because their interests wouldn’t be in conflict. You can’t pick a fight and be surprised that they fight back. HSM should just focus on fighting al shabab which would cement his legacy instead of doing what he attacked farmaajo for.
please don't compare the good and loyal religious man laftagareen to the tuug isbaarist khaain Guudlaawe.

SFG gives this isbaarist $150k a month and he never paid for "his cabinet" they all eat in his xero dameero the good ones from hiiraan diaspora have resigned.

Guudlaawe ministers share one bed room 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

under Waare even was trying to pay for macawisley

only local dameero stayed with this isbaarist respectful people left him like this guy from America. he says "we haven't being paid a salary for 25 months" this happens when you install isbaarist in the highest office!
KG mps and ministers get paid and have nice offices. one of them is related to me.
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Madaxweynayaasha Abgaalka ama ha ahaado federal ama State ma xishoodaan ma yaqaaniin in mushaar laan ay tahay ceeb weyn. halka wax uu Farmaajo ku fiicnaa wuxuu barey inay ceebtaas ka xishoodaan hada xassan Sheekh wuxuu noqdey laga bartaa laga badiyaa CBB uu ka jarey iyo wixii taageeroyaal laakin shaqaalaha iyo ciidamada toos uu u bixiyaa lacag badana waa safegareeyay laakin dhaqankii hore mid ka daran ayaa hirshabelle ka jira

wareysigaan waa bilihii ugu danbeeyay Waare. labadaan uu lacagta ka jarey oo Farmaajo la saftey ayaa mudaharaad arbushaada ah ka sameeyay baladweyne oo farmaajo u dhigi rabeen policeka ayaa hilfaha u qaadey. waare xor ayuu ahaa. ninkaan allaha u naxariisto wuxuu ku shahiiday qarixii lamagalaay ma sheegayo wax bil ka badan oo waare uga maqan. wuxuu leeyahay lacagta SFG ayaa leh waa $150k aaway hada lacagtaas? xildhibaanada hirshabelle oo cuqdad qabiil noo qaadey waxay hoos u dhahaan "nimayahow waa idin sugi la,nahay intaad ka soo noqonaysaan"

Ali Osoble hotelada uu ugu dari jiray hotel dhan oo xl leeyihiin uu u kireeyay oo speakerka xataa la deganaa wuxuu ka buriyay mooshinkii kadib hotel Safa aa la dhahaa free ay ku deganaayeen qaadna u qaban jiray mushaarkana toos

Gaaljecel hirshabelle mp who supported Farmaajo

Kuye Guudlawe hassan sh uu raacay Abgaal ma state buu yaqaan horta waa governors ninkii joogaa waraabsada. 🤣🤣 sida waare oo kale State u dhaqan
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what is his history? was he involved in the civil war? anyway he has no problem with HSM because their interests are naturally aligned. If HSM left Lower Shabelle alone and didn’t try replace laftagareen he would likewise support him because their interests wouldn’t be in conflict. You can’t pick a fight and be surprised that they fight back. HSM should just focus on fighting al shabab which would cement his legacy instead of doing what he attacked farmaajo for.
Not really. He wasn’t ever a gunman but he was former governor of middle shabelle and before that he was in control of the regions finances.

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Madaxweynayaasha Abgaalka ama ha ahaado federal ama State ma xishoodaan ma yaqaaniin in mushaar laan ay tahay ceeb weyn. halka wax uu Farmaajo ku fiicnaa wuxuu barey inay ceebtaas ka xishoodaan hada xassan Sheekh wuxuu noqdey laga bartaa laga badiyaa CBB uu ka jarey iyo wixii taageeroyaal laakin shaqaalaha iyo ciidamada toos uu u bixiyaa lacag badana waa safegareeyay laakin dhaqankii hore mid ka daran ayaa hirshabelle ka jira

wareysigaan waa bilihii ugu danbeeyay Waare. labadaan uu lacagta ka jarey oo Farmaajo la saftey ayaa mudaharaad arbushaada ah ka sameeyay baladweyne oo farmaajo u dhigi rabeen policeka ayaa hilfaha u qaadey. waare xor ayuu ahaa. ninkaan allaha u naxariisto wuxuu ku shahiiday qarixii lamagalaay ma sheegayo wax bil ka badan oo waare uga maqan. wuxuu leeyahay lacagta SFG ayaa leh waa $150k aaway hada lacagtaas? xildhibaanada hirshabelle oo cuqdad qabiil noo qaadey waxay hoos u dhahaan "nimayahow waa idin sugi la,nahay intaad ka soo noqonaysaan"

Ali Osoble hotelada uu ugu dari jiray hotel dhan oo xl leeyihiin uu u kireeyay oo speakerka xataa la deganaa wuxuu ka buriyay mooshinkii kadib hotel Safa aa la dhahaa free ay ku deganaayeen qaadna u qaban jiray mushaarkana toos

Gaaljecel hirshabelle mp who supported Farmaajo

Kuye Guudlawe hassan sh uu raacay Abgaal ma state buu yaqaan horta waa governors ninkii joogaa waraabsada. 🤣🤣 sida waare oo kale State u dhaqan
Every post you make, depicts you as a laangaab ciilsan.
Not really. He wasn’t ever a gunman but he was former governor of middle shabelle and before that he was in control of the regions finances.

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Bal waxaan fiiriya, why are you dividing Abgaal? Hawiye have same interests, from Jubba to Gaalkacyo waxaan kal duwannahay maba jirto.
Every post you make, depicts you as a laangaab ciilsan.

Bak waxaan fiiriya, why are you dividing Abgaal? Hawiye have same interests, from Jubba to Gaalkacyo waxaan kal duwannahay maba jirto.
It’s true. Waceysle are my reer abti and ofc you guys put abgaal first but they are much more pro hawiye than harti and wacbudhan. It isn’t in any way some sort of diss. It’s just something that is how it is. I see you multiple times having some sort of kumbaya hawiye moment but you can’t change reality. Our goals as hawiye are not the same. Only time we are United is to go against the dooro
It’s true. Waceysle are my reer abti and ofc you guys put abgaal first but they are much more pro hawiye than harti and wacbudhan. It isn’t in any way some sort of diss. It’s just something that is how it is. I see you multiple times having some sort of kumbaya hawiye moment but you can’t change reality. Our goals as hawiye are not the same. Only time we are United is to go against the dooro
War every Abgaal is like that, why on earth would we be against Hawiye? Btw Saleebaan do like Sheikh Shariif and so does most Ceyr. Its Sacad mainly who dislike him.
War every Abgaal is like that, why on earth would we be against Hawiye? Btw Saleebaan do like Sheikh Shariif and so does most Ceyr. Its Sacad mainly who dislike him.
No they are not. By hawiye I mean hg. Every other hawiye we are not against because there is no reason to. What good have hg ever brought us? Waceysle are the only abgaal that don’t mind hg. Pretty much all my reer adeer + most HA I know don’t see hg as an ally.
No they are not. By hawiye I mean hg. Every other hawiye we are not against because there is no reason to. What good have hg ever brought us?
Why would be against HG? They are our closest relatives, we share blood and history. Civil wars happen, we move on and build a stronger foundation. Our goal is to make Mudulood iyo Madarkicis inseparable, if we succeed nothing can threaten beesha Hiraab we shape the future of our kids and grandkids. Niyahow don't let cuqdad cloud the big picture.
Why would be against HG? They are our closest relatives, we share blood and history. Civil wars happen, we move on and build a stronger foundation. Our goal is to make Mudulood iyo Madarkicis inseparable, if we succeed nothing can threaten beesha Hiraab we shape the future of our kids and grandkids. Niyahow don't let cuqdad cloud the big picture.
I respect business,living and money making together but I’m not a big fan of them that’s all.


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I am not Hawiye or Marexaan who’s ideology changes based on Qabiil political positions. I have never supported a strong central authority.

As for qabiil Hawiyes are of course an enemy even outside of Darood. You are simply an untrustworthy people with no bounds except what we set on you.
Why would be against HG? They are our closest relatives, we share blood and history. Civil wars happen, we move on and build a stronger foundation. Our goal is to make Mudulood iyo Madarkicis inseparable, if we succeed nothing can threaten beesha Hiraab we shape the future of our kids and grandkids. Niyahow don't let cuqdad cloud the big picture.
you know why Somaliland stable and Xamar not? for one reason: Isaaq waa lakala adkaadey in mid 90s maybe you were not exisisting or was a child but i saw with my own eyes the influx of Garxajis refugees into Ethiopia and carabta. look at their habro map. Garxajis are splitted into two deegaans one of them is between Habar awal and habar jeclo aka Jeegaan. these two attacked them from both sides and met in Burco. Garxajis became sandwiched between the two and this how the war ended. muuse biixi was leading the jeegaan war. Cigaal was state man there was no bililiqo or clan retaliation he formed golaha guurtida and filled it with new garxajis leaders one of them is cirro ex interior minister who is habar yuunis from Kulmiye so it was like state vs mooryaan and people chose the State over mooryaanism. there is still the same ruling jeegaan to this day.

In Xamar there was no winner actually HG had more control on villa Somalia, the port, the airport and south of Xamar but Abgaal were still bigger in numbers and supported by Daarood especially Mj at the end the Abgaas shelled the port and the airport so they closed it.

now bc of the Islamists there is cooperation betwern the two that is based on HG interests starting with Shariif la soo gantaaley by HG and currently Hassan Sheikh who is controlled by HG so this is the only way to coexist but HG is planning succeeding Hassan Sheikh once they stablish strong Govt the UPD candidate will be Bukhari then they can rig the elections. if amisom leaves Hawadle can play Habarjeclo role since they r in the middle to back one side. we are closer now to HG. HG has now Sanbaloolshe for Hirshabelle and minister Abdirizaq is their inlaw married to Sacad lady.

at the end this Hiraab shit doesn't work except for awrku kacsi they are each others biggest enemy also HG and Abgaal don't share the same culture and dialect wich is the biggest reason why they can't get on. HG has aggressive personality and Abgaal a passive personality so Abgaal takes them seriously if they call them doofaaryahow.

Habar Yuunis and Ciidagale(Garxajis) between Habar jecelo(blue)and Habar awal. these have been defeated up to Burco.

then you have Habar yuunis between Habar jeclo and harti daarood. they should form alliance with harti but Isaaq are one when it comes to Daarood.
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I am not Hawiye or Marexaan who’s ideology changes based on Qabiil political positions. I have never supported a strong central authority.

As for qabiil Hawiyes are of course an enemy even outside of Darood. You are simply an untrustworthy people with no bounds except what we set on you.
I’m not talking politics because OG are pro federalism( JL). It’s just clear you have agenda against hutus and their leaders. I’m guessing you are a victim of 1991 because I don’t see any other explanation

how can you ‘set’ bounds on us when you are kikuyu and xabashi Adoons :pachah1: Gimme a break you have your own problems to deal with
you know why Somaliland stable and Xamar not? for one reason: Isaaq waa lakala adkaadey in mid 90s maybe you were not exisisting or was a child but i saw with my own eyes the influx of Garxajis refugees into Ethiopia and carabta. look at their habro map. Garxajis are splitted into two deegaans one of them is between Habar awal and habar jeclo aka Jeegaan. these two attacked them from both sides and met in Burco. Garxajis became sandwiched between the two and this how the war ended. muuse biixi was leading the jeegaan war. Cigaal was state man there was no bililiqo or clan retaliation he formed golaha guurtida and filled it with new garxajis leaders one of them is cirro ex interior minister who is habar yuunis from Kulmiye so it was like state vs mooryaan and people chose the State over mooryaanism. there is still the same ruling jeegaan to this day.

In Xamar there was no winner actually HG had more control on villa Somalia, the port, the airport and south of Xamar but Abgaal were still bigger in numbers and supported by Daarood especially Mj at the end the Abgaas shelled the port and the airport so they closed it.

now bc of the Islamists there is cooperation betwern the two that is based on HG interests starting with Shariif la soo gantaaley by HG and currently Hassan Sheikh who is controlled by HG so this is the only way to coexist but HG is planning succeeding Hassan Sheikh once they stablish strong Govt the UPD candidate will be Bukhari then they can rig the elections. if amisom leaves Hawadle can play Habarjeclo role since they r in the middle to back one side. we are closer now to HG. HG has now Sanbaloolshe for Hirshabelle and minister Abdirizaq is their inlaw married to Sacad lady.

at the end this Hiraab shit doesn't work except for awrku kacsi they are each others biggest enemy also HG and Abgaal don't share the same culture and dialect wich is the biggest reason why they can't get on. HG has aggressive personality and Abgaal a passive personality so Abgaal takes them seriously if they call them doofaaryahow.

Habar Yuunis and Ciidagale(Garxajis) between Habar jecelo(blue)and Habar awal. these have been defeated up to Burco.

then you have Habar yuunis between Habar jeclo and harti daarood. they should form alliance with harti but Isaaq are one when it comes to Daarood.
Your cuqdad for Mudulood is unhealthy. The idea of Hiraab unity is making this guy tremble in fear.
Qof kursi u waalanaayo maba istaahilo inuu madax noqdo, waa arin diinta lagu sheegay. Everyday you prove to me why my Harti brothers say dadkaan waa reer baadiyo oo diplomacy aqaanin. Dhulka ku rafo you filth, waxba kuu tarimayso.

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Your cuqdad for Mudulood is unhealthy. The idea of Hiraab unity is making this guy tremble in fear.
Qof kursi u waalanaayo maba istaahilo inuu madax noqdo, waa arin diinta lagu sheegay. Everyday you prove to me why my Harti brothers say dadkaan waa reer baadiyo oo diplomacy aqaanin. Dhulka ku rafo you filth, waxba kuu tarimayso.

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this was pure analysis dabaal. aniga ma aheenoo ninkii idin kala celinayay 1991 hotel Guuleed Cali gar leh Caydiidna jidleh ood la heedeen "aryaa dhinca qaldan sheeg lama wada saxsanee" 🤣🤣
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