Only ten days left for laftagareen


Roobow being a tool for de-radicalisation is like an ex Nazi that gassed jews who only stopped supporting Hitler when he was defeated being chosen to teach about anti semitism. That Ex Nazi would still be a nazi if Hitler won likewise Roobow would still be Al Shabab if he defeated Godane.
The greatest propaganda for AS is the governments own behavior and antics.

The entire persona and aesthetic of the government needs to change if they are to be serious in winning hearts and minds in the south. Roobow knows how to provide that.
I’m not talking politics because OG are pro federalism( JL). It’s just clear you have agenda against hutus and their leaders. I’m guessing you are a victim of 1991 because I don’t see any other explanation

how can you ‘set’ bounds on us when you are kikuyu and xabashi Adoons :pachah1: Gimme a break you have your own problems to deal with
Whats my agenda besides politics? I am also a current fan of HSM

If we are talking 91’ go visit my SPM thread. The last time an Ogaden saw a Hawiye was when Liyu met Galmudug forces. We know how that went.

Your bounds are Xamar Middle Shabelle and most of Galmudug. You will not be allowed any significant control of KG or entry north of Galkacyo.
Guudlaawe supporter Golfyare implies how Laftagareen is way better than their shameless Isbaarist Guudlaawe. lafta gareen waa xaafid Quran only his ceeb is impowering Qaraabada

Madaxweyne Lafta Gareen arrimaha uu ku amaanan yahay waxaa ka mid ah in aanu marna caqabad ku noqon mashaariicdii laga fulinayay deegaankiisa, oo ma dhihin halheyska caan baxay “Anna Maxaa iigu jira”.

Halka hoggaanka maamulada kale ay caqabad koowaad ku ahaayeen fulinta mashaariicdii laga fulin lahaa deegaanadooda oo la rumeysan yahay in dhowr mashaariic Tartan ku jiray ay u istaageen ama waqtigii ka dhaceen, iyagoo shuruudo ku hor gudbanaa.

Waa Garoonka Dr Ayuub ee magaalada Baydhabo oo maanta xarigga laga jaray, kana mid ahaa mashaariicdii uu ka faa’iday Maamulka Koofur Galbeed.

