Oromo expansion into Somalia

Im not pressed your just making lies just make a claim
I mean youre lying about the somali guy creatin bale sultanate calling him arab. Thats a lie. At this point, Oromos were residing in kenya not 20 generations ago while somalis been rolling on these lands for multiple milenias Adal ruled over haraghe and somalis continued to rule over it until very recently, Until the amharic King (forgot his name) stole the control. But In the future, it will be returned. My prediction is in the 2040s. The 2040s will be rise of somalia, the 2nd Reich prosperity. Dont worry friend, this will be good for you too it will benefit all of the horn of africa. Finally we can get rid of abiy who, lets be real hes sitting on the throne till death
I mean youre lying about the somali guy creatin bale sultanate calling him arab. Thats a lie. At this point, Oromos were residing in kenya not 20 generations ago while somalis been rolling on these lands for multiple milenias Adal ruled over haraghe and somalis continued to rule over it until very recently, Until the amharic King (forgot his name) stole the control. But In the future, it will be returned. My prediction is in the 2040s. The 2040s will be rise of somalia, the 2nd Reich prosperity. Dont worry friend, this will be good for you too it will benefit all of the horn of africa. Finally we can get rid of abiy who, lets be real hes sitting on the throne till death
Bale sultanate was founded by sheikh Hussein he was Arab from Yemen not Somali his grandfather settled in Merka Somalia then went to bale to spread the Deen
I'm talking about Ifat/Adal. Because Bale was essentially a colony of Adal, a native Horner kingdom
They were Arabs both dysnasties Look at the names of the sultans of Adal/Ifat no African names all Arabic names Bale was Arab too their history got deleted from the Abyssinian Chronicles


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