Oromo expansion into Somalia

Lol weak proof, most somalis have arabic names even if he had some arab admixture he still became somali. Similar to your situation, would you be claiming somali or nah? Exactly, he was somali.
Man I looked at actual Somali empires theirs a mix of traditional somali names and the Arabic names and the Arabic names are like Abdirahman or osman Adal/Ifat use names like Sabr din or sihab ad din badlay these names aren’t used by Somalis
This nigga probably thinks John or Peter aren't English names just because they ultimately origin from Hebrew via the Bible
True but lets not shame him too much, We can simply educate him and show him how hes wrong. They [Oromo Peoples] have expanded tremendously, but when we show a correct map of where somalis have live almost instant he calls us expansionists. And I didnt really like that, it was actually quite disrespectful. Then man oh MAn why do these guys always pull the muslim card its getting too much. Yes Im for a united muslim state in the horn of africa but things must be mended before any of that
This nigga probably thinks John or Peter aren't English names just because they ultimately origin from Hebrew via the Bible
No bro all I’m saying is if these man were Somali they would’ve had Somali names in their lineage and history would say their Somali all I see is Somali hoteps claiming them
I never said that don’t flip this on me😂😂 I know Oromo came recently I won’t say otherwise
Major Admission, so what am I trying to prove here exactly? U can even see in the start, what I said was genuine. Im saying I would have no problem with ethiopia if they had just not occupied us. Ill admit, the map is a bit exaggerated. I didnt make it, ill make one this summer however, there are lands that have been taken away
Major Admission, so what am I trying to prove here exactly? U can even see in the start, what I said was genuine. Im saying I would have no problem with ethiopia if they had just not occupied us. I’ll admit, the map is a bit exaggerated. I didnt make it, ill make one this summer however, there are lands that have been taken away
Quit the sweat talk send the sources you said you were going to send
Quick Sources Quick Quick, Deep Research will be done later

This isn’t a source it’s a hotep spewing nonsense
Youre a hotep, what are you even arguing rn you jsut admitted Oromos werent even present during the time of bale sultanate and until the 17th century. Somalis has rule over Dat land Bruh. Just respect your roots,
Clueless Black guy on just read from Wikipedia not a source I can write anything on Wikipedia
What are u doing rn, this entire time Ive been trusting your word and that aint enough anymore. Hand over the sources, youre the only hotep here forcing ME to get sources then calling me hotep

Sheikh Hussein was born in bale his father was born in Somalia his grandfather was born in Arabia he was a Arab not Somali being born in Somalia doesn’t make you a Somali
Source? Even if, hes still somali and would support somalis. somalis live there.

