Oromo illegal caught stealing minerals by SSC Citizens

Look im gonna make this clear if you dont care that Oromo/ethiopians are subjugating another somali land because of maybe cuqdad, jealously or what not. Then what is the entire point of repping your clan? There is none, youre gonna be next if you keep putting primitive clan over logic. I dont even find this entire conversation to be productive at all,


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
”They’re our Muslim brothers” ”they deserve asylum” 'One Ummah,' they said. But this is the end result: an invader is an invader, whether they believe in Islam or christianity. There's no difference between the two. Somalis lack common sense. A Malaysian would never open their door to a citizen of a country where they have historical enmity. Considering most Oromos, whether Muslim or Christian, the majority of them support Abiy Ahmed.
Absolutely, these people are Muslim one day Christian the next then they claim “Oromuma” religion. They are shapeshifters and must be kicked out of every Somali city. They already claimed Hargeisa due to their significant number. Look at them claiming Isaaq. This is the future of the South if we dont stop it now!

Absolutely, these people are Muslim one day Christian the next then they claim “Oromuma” religion. They are shapeshifters and must be kicked out of every Somali city. They already claimed Hargeisa due to their significant number. Look at them claiming Isaaq. This is the future of the South if we dont stop it now!

Some Isaaqs would argue they're closer to these Ethiopians than Somalis..


Absolutely, these people are Muslim one day Christian the next then they claim “Oromuma” religion. They are shapeshifters and must be kicked out of every Somali city. They already claimed Hargeisa due to their significant number. Look at them claiming Isaaq. This is the future of the South if we dont stop it now!

Hargeisa has fallen, their gonna ramp it up to the next level, sea control, land corridors and eventually throw them into Oromia state and use it as a flank deep inside Somalia and Somali region and Djibouti, they will also demand churches and oromuma temples, then it's official language status and then it's conquered.

Oromo is making some brilliant moves and their always learning the culture of the place they go so they can pass it onto Oromia leaders to begin crafting final solutions for the targeted area.
Some Isaaqs would argue they're closer to these Ethiopians than Somalis..
Chill out on isaaqs that believe that are probably less then the fingers on your hands and the rest are just oromo.

Hargeisa has fallen, their gonna ramp it up to the next level, sea control, land corridors and eventually throw them into Oromia state and use it as a flank deep inside Somalia and Somali region and Djibouti, they will also demand churches and oromuma temples, then it's official language status and then it's conquered.

Oromo is making some brilliant moves and their always learning the culture of the place they go so they can pass it onto Oromia leaders to begin crafting final solutions for the targeted area.
Hargeisa has No fallen, what are you talking about. Why do I feel like your writing this with a smile on your face.
I mean im not going to disagree, that is their plan. But it has not fallen and were not even close to that happen. Just in the past 30 something years of clan vs clan funded by foreign countries particularly ethiopia have they been able to make big moves. It has gotten so bad that now other somalis just dont care and happy if oromo takes 'their' land over some clan beef that is meaningless.
In fact, I dont know why you keep acting like this isnt a somali issue when the state you are always talking about and repping Pland is also suffering from this problem. Open your eyes and realize its a somali wide issue. And these road block states are not helping


Chill out on isaaqs that believe that are probably less then the fingers on your hands and the rest are just oromo.

Hargeisa has No fallen, what are you talking about. Why do I feel like your writing this with a smile on your face.
I mean im not going to disagree, that is their plan. But it has not fallen and were not even close to that happen. Just in the past 30 something years of clan vs clan funded by foreign countries particularly ethiopia have they been able to make big moves. It has gotten so bad that now other somalis just dont care and happy if oromo takes 'their' land over some clan beef that is meaningless.
In fact, I dont know why you keep acting like this isnt a somali issue when the state you are always talking about and repping Pland is also suffering from this problem. Open your eyes and realize its a somali wide issue. And these road block states are not helping

No smile here or any funny games on my part, I've studied them a long time ago, I've seen how they operate and how Somalis are un aware as they say oh their just maskins, oh like U just said their isn't many here, that's exactly their plan. They can't take over your land without first sending maskin ppl or else if they sent soldiers it will backfire, but the maskin ppl are basically their eyes and ears for places they want to expand, they pass this Intel onto Oromia leaders on the best solution to capture that area. They learn our language and clan system, histories, language, conflicts, weak points to exploit, etc.

They do this rite under your nose while U dont see them and think their not a threat which is what they want U to think so they can operate clandestinely for Oromia. What I do know Oromo never go to war untill they know the enemy and his weak points and how to manipulate and exploit it, which is usually siding with a clan against another even tho they don't have any love for either but it's an easier way of conquering.

They did this game plan in dire dawa they came as maskins, studied, learned the culture, found clan conflicts to exploit such as gurgura and Issa, then sided with gurgure and demanded they speak Oromo which they do till today, once that was breached they then flooded in oromos and now Issa live as the minority. Their also doing this in Jaarso and Geri kombe conflict. They really do select dir or hawiye clans usually who are fighting with darods.

They did the same now in Isaaq. I'm not agreeing with what their doing I'm just laying out how they operate and I never seen any clan who has alliance with them wasn't later conquered anyways by them.
I dont know about that laakin waxa jidha one clan that brought Ethiopians to kill their fellow Somalis. Hmm I wonder which clan was that?
There is one clan that you constantly calaacal and lie about like you have tourettes laakin Samiiro your clan is the only one that assimilated Ethiopians such as Jaarso and Akisho and perhaps other unknown balaayo.
Montage Reaction GIF by MOODMAN



He never came back @TekNiKo after seeing that a Marehan is deep inside Oromo and abtirsi to them and works as a spy for Oromia inside abuudwaq 😂

He ran as usual when we begin BBC hard talk on Marehan

I guess tekniko is busy here

Dance Dancing GIF by EsZ  Giphy World

He never came back @TekNiKo after seeing that a Marehan is deep inside Oromo and abtirsi to them and works as a spy for Oromia inside abuudwaq 😂

He ran as usual when we begin BBC hard talk on Marehan

I guess tekniko is busy here

Dance Dancing GIF by EsZ  Giphy World
The bonbon ran away just like they did from Surre, HG and OG. When times get tough, the Sade get going. He said xiriirkaan ku jaray like Ahmed Madobe
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU


The Gulf of Berbera
There is one clan that you constantly calaacal and lie about like you have tourettes laakin Samiiro your clan is the only one that assimilated Ethiopians such as Jaarso and Akisho and perhaps other unknown balaayo.
Montage Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
its the unemployed zanizabri jaariyad again.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

He never came back @TekNiKo after seeing that a Marehan is deep inside Oromo and abtirsi to them and works as a spy for Oromia inside abuudwaq 😂

He ran as usual when we begin BBC hard talk on Marehan

I guess tekniko is busy here

Dance Dancing GIF by EsZ  Giphy World
:damn: Haye iga rali noqdo Reer PL, it seems like the Oromo expansion has even reached my beloved home town. How can we tackle this issue?


Inaba Caadi Maaha
I can guarantee that these dudes got up from a maqaaxi and decided to harass this poor Oromo dude collecting scrap metal. Macdanteeni kulaha :drakewtf: Ayagu mey gurtaan hadii ay wax ku faleyaan? A no win situation. Now the Oromo guy has no money to send to his 5 kids in Dir Dawa, and the Somali dudes will returned to the maqaaxi having racked up sin.


Forza Somalia!
”They’re our Muslim brothers” ”they deserve asylum” 'One Ummah,' they said. But this is the end result: an invader is an invader, whether they believe in Islam or christianity. There's no difference between the two. Somalis lack common sense. A Malaysian would never open their door to a citizen of a country where they have historical enmity. Considering most Oromos, whether Muslim or Christian, the majority of them support Abiy Ahmed.
Don't host, but be civil when dealing with them, no need for humiliation, insults or intimidation.

Garaad Awal

Former African
No Oromos in Galmudug, its far too tribally insular and they get killed. Even eelay are not safe in Cabudwaaq.

They only target soft tribes like PL and Hargeisa
Hargeisa is the second largest Somali city in the Horn. Don’t ever compare it to your village.