Oromo illegal caught stealing minerals by SSC Citizens

Why he look like an cali besteen chieftain with that fur on his head? :deadmanny:

Pretendian nigga got chicken feathers in his head from indhoyare on Temu.

Native American And Alaska Native Heritage Month GIF



At least your finally awoke to Oromo

Gala Gala Gala Bay dhihi jireen meel kasto ay gabsadan, which means go in invade in war, this why ppl in Somalis called them gaalo it's linked dagaalo means wars and conflict as that's what they do.

But what our ancestors didn't know they first come as maskins not raising any suspicions, become the eye and ears of oromia and learn the culture, religion, clan, conflict, divisions, shortcomings.

They then report the intel back to oromo elites who either say let's wait and continue to a foster relationship with a clan who they chose to assist to fight another clan, but its all tricks since divide and conquer is much easy. They finally then throw even their allies into Oromia if they win and they all yell the famous ancient chant of Gala, Gala, Gala to oromo who begin flooding in and that original somali place has now fallen.

Oromo fear me one dude even came up to me and said Your like the Malcolm X of Somali which I didn't understand but it mean we kill them so he don't wake up his ppl.

Fear Me Malcolm X GIF by For(bes) The Culture

Somali urbanites don't know dhiiga loo daadshe dhulka ay manta haystan, they were all originally oromo and they know this and why their is great hostility. My father father used to tell my dad about the gaalo wars which alot of Somalis don't know and what they wear like, they think gaalo means even non Muslim which is the modern usage, the ancient usage had far deeper meaning and implications.


No joke the Oromo look at me like this when I was in Addis in 2012. They are amharic speaking now but not really amhara just their workers and they knew I knew.

I went fully equipped about what second awoowe passed onto my dad as a young kid but many Somalis are not equipped.

Season 3 Cat GIF by Paramount+


Amharo don't have the balls to f*ck with Somalis but they do send these Oromo slaves who speak Amharic to cause conflict with Somalis, yes the root cause might be Amhara but it's not them who are in your face for centuries it's these nacalad oo la abiidsado oo amhara xitaa kaga xoreeyo amharanimadu Amhara dhaladka.

Oromo know me and so do their sympathisers(horgal) and run and flee when I show up, they prefer the Isaaq vulnerable types.

Run Flee GIF by All Creatures Great And Small
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I really do sympathize with Somali ancients who must of been shocked at these ppl yelling gala gala gala even ajuran was fed up with them as they populated the majority of the country. Imagine hearing these gala gala gala boraan or their relative clans Chants as your minding your business some Somali sitting in some aqal. They even created walls for this ppl.

They were then given the name gaalo it didn't mean non Muslim at all in ancient usage, it meant their violent savage people since the word dagaalo doesn't mean non Muslim as modern usage love to translate it, da gaalo is reference to a war like savage people oo aan Laga Aman heli Karin. Gaalo links into da gaalo not non Muslim for ancient Somalis at least, in modern Somali it's used to refer to non Muslims.

It's amazing if U think about it our language reference of violence and savagery links to Oromo gaala.


Their does seem to be some ancient inherited fear on Somali part regarding Oromo like waa walalaheen myth, if their your brother why they always harm U or steal your land? Who do they work for Amhara as Oromo amharized subjects? I think deep down Somalis don't want a conflict with them thinking they can get some alliance or edge which never turns out well for clans who do that, it's always Oromo having the last laugh.

I think nimanku baqdin bay ku hayan somalidu so they deflect to Amhara or Tigray or useless topic not the actual enemy in your face for well over 500 years. War waxan cabsigu maxay tahay? You saw Abi Ahmed wuxu ks yeersiyay Hassan sheikh oo habeenka seexan Karin as Hassan knows Oromo is back, they never have this level of fear with Amhara or Tigray rulers.