Oromo State annexes Somali lands.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
There's a whole lot of 'we'. When did you become Reer Jigjiga? Silly tactic to turn into a Qabil fest won't work sxb. Stop forcing whats not there. Kulaha promise, we all know the state of Jigjiga today. It's as good as a Xabashi Makhaayad. :heh:

Focus on your own problems.
Am saying "we" bc i share blood with those people their my Darood kin and I will defend them from habaar, don't worry am already solving my problem with guns but how u solving yours?
Am saying "we" bc i share blood with those people their my Darood kin, u can keep habaaring them but that won't change much, don't worry am already solving my problem with guns but how u solving yours?
Who do you share blood with? And what would they done to support you in your conflict?

Anyway, you keep talking about habaar but it is the reality that will strike Jigjiga if we were to make a move. I've spent a considerable time of childhood in Jigjiga and have a connection to the city that you don't. So it isn't easy saying that but get off my nuts.

If you're here arguing for Daroodnimo, why has your clan been constantly targeting marxuum hamze for ignoring Reer Sool? :kanyehmm:
The tweet is fake news, the process of changing regional boundaries in Ethiopia is a long one.

I am guessing what happened is disgruntled locals waved Oromo regional flags to show dissatisfaction towards the Somali administration

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Who do you share blood with? And what would they done to support you in your conflict?

Anyway, you keep talking about habaar but it is the reality that will strike Jigjiga if we were to make a move. I've spent a considerable time of childhood in Jigjiga and have a connection to the city that you don't. So it isn't easy saying that but get off my nuts.

If you're here arguing for Daroodnimo, why has your clan been constantly targeting marxuum hamze for ignoring Reer Sool? :kanyehmm:
Few folk on twitter don't represent us we're not involved in the south nor put a lot of our attention to their politicians like Hamza, but I wish him the best, it'll be shameful for them to come out of Ethiopia to defend me that would be absolutely shameful as it's not our culture, every man stand in his own feet but nevertheless I will defend them from habaar, u seem to be emotional sxb isdaji Dee


Nabaddoonka Somaaliyeed "
Stop the cap. No Geri claim or merged with Oromos. Why do you think that there are constant fighting with them in that case? :heh:
You can search for this I am sure that there's oroma say that they're gari koobe And they may have united with them in the past
You can search for this I am sure that there's oroma say that they're gari koobe And they may have united with them in the past

Bruh, I'm Geri :mjlaugh:

Geri have never united with Oromos. They just had a political alliance in the past, with a neighbouring Oromo clan. That's as far as the relationship with Oromo goes, which doesn't exist anymore.
Few folk on twitter don't represent us we're not involved in the south nor put a lot of our attention to their politicians like Hamza, but I wish him the best, it'll be shameful for them to come out of Ethiopia to defend me that would be absolutely shameful as it's not our culture, every man stand in his own feet but nevertheless I will defend them from habaar, u seem to be emotional sxb isdaji Dee
It's more than just a 'few folk'

Your Isimo are currently in Xamar with HSM and marxuumka did not even care to show up. That's says a lot. Where is the Daroodnimo? One sided love all I see and I'm sure everybody else sees.

Emotional kulaha. How is anything I've said attached to emotions?

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
@GaradShabeel as soon as this dude mentioned Geri Koombe
Blank Stare Staring GIF

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
It's more than just a 'few folk'

Your Isimo are currently in Xamar with HSM and marxuumka did not even care to show up. That's says a lot. Where is the Daroodnimo? One sided love all I see and I'm sure everybody else sees.

Emotional kulaha. How is anything I've said attached to emotions?
He can't be everywhere at the same time and even if he did it intentionally it wouldn't change anything between us and Ogaden as we not cuqdad ridden people, sxb I promise u it's few folk if u ever visited sool u know how much we love Ogaden and everybody has second bracelet which is ogadenia, politic don't represent people u should know that, Ogaden people love dhulbahante same with us

