1) I am not from Somalia and dont ever plan to go there - so no point in saying leave somalia
2) this thread is to appreciate the beautiful oromo women
3) everyone is a qabiilest as they have qabiil
4) no one is talking about Somali women
Those oromo queens need to be appreciated more for their beauty and just nature
Wallahi you guys would think my female relatives are Xurul cayn compared to them.
1) I was addressing Suxufi who said they need their own state
2) You can do that without mentioning Somali women, everyone is entitled to their taste
3) You can have a qabiil without spewing hatred on other qabiils like you do. You make the most crass, unbelievably disgusting comments about Somalis like cheering rape by AMISOM
4) Somali women are mentioned several times in this thread
Sheekh Cad Cad got rosted
Ain't nobody got time for hairy women with beards.
I'll eat that raw meat ALL FOKIN DAY!! DAMN GIRRLLLL,Seconds please
Abaayo isdeji nooh, Lkn gabar oromo waa malawax, gabar soomali waa canjeero,@waraabe negro Somali women were clearly mentioned indhaha furrrrr
I hope we give them a state in Somalia asap! This women are much needed in our community
Nothing can beat Somali women we are always winning
No disrespect but oromos are bootleg Somalissiilaanyolaugh
Xalimos should make a similar thread praising Tyrones![]()