Oromos came from Somalis

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Young Popeye

Call me pops
Fairytale Arab daddy myths doesn't prove anything. It's been proven Somali lineages were Arabized during the 10th century after becoming prominent Muslims and establishing closer ties with Arabs.

Sheekhaal are dark skinned people with Somali phenotype while Argobba are lighter with Amhara phenotype.

This is how Sheekhaal people look like.


This is how Argobba people look like.


The Argobba could have intermarried with another tribe over the years and changed completely. You would be surprised of how your ancestors look compared to you.


then how come 20% of somalis in somalia belong to the e-v2881 subclade, which is a common hg in oromos? digil& mirifle make up 20 % of somalis in somalia. Also look at the map of shabelle and juba river. and look at where both groups of arsi and rahanwen live. The migration route makes sense tbh.

You're again speaking nonsense. Oromos never lived in arsi until the 16th century while Rahanweyn are mentioned in the ancient times for occupying Jubba and Lower Shabelle. Rahanweyn are genetically similar to Somalis than Oromos, now have a rest kid.


then how come 20% of somalis in somalia belong to the e-v2881 subclade, which is a common hg in oromos? digil& mirifle make up 20 % of somalis in somalia. Also look at the map of shabelle and juba river. and look at where both groups of arsi and rahanwen live. The migration route makes sense tbh.

You are lying, 20%?? On the Somali DNA project all the Somalis are only:

E-Y17859 (E-M78 subtype) - the majority.
T-Y16897 (T-M70 subtype) - runner-up.
J-ZS8630 (J-M267 subtype) - rarity.



Here are the Eastern Cushitic languages of southern Ethiopia. I note how close they are to the headwaters of the Dawa and Genale on one side and the headwaters of the Nile on the other. The Oromo and Somali are only two of 21 groups comprising the Eastern Cushitic speakers.

Somalis are the only ones in the ancestral form of Lowland East Cushites of ~4,000 BCE.

Oromos have incorporated Omotics, Agaws, and Habeshas. The others have incorporated Omotics and Nilotes.

Macro-Somali & Lowland East Cushitic originated in Somalia or the Eastern part of the Ogaden, not Ethiopia proper.
You're again speaking nonsense. Oromos never lived in arsi until the 16th century while Rahanweyn are mentioned in the ancient times for occupying Jubba and Lower Shabelle. Rahanweyn are genetically similar to Somalis than Oromos, now have a rest kid.
you are clearly ignoring the elephant in the room. Rahanwen are farmers, most somalis are not. they speak a very different language than us. and they belong to a low caste clan called sab. this is enough proof they are not real somalis. so their origin is obviously something else, and the best candidate here is oromo.


you are clearly ignoring the elephant in the room. Rahanwen are farmers, most somalis are not. they speak a very different language than us. and they belong to a low caste clan called sab. this is enough proof they are not real Somalis. so their origin is obviously something else, and the best candidate here is oromo.

Holy shit, Rahanweyn were originally nomads until they settled in the rivers and became farmers same way as other Somali tribes settled and adopted agricultural lifestyle like Ajuran, Hawadle, Gadabursi, Gurgure, Jidwaaq, Geri Kombe and some Habar Awal and Abgaal sub-clans.

Also, both Samaale and Sab go back to Hiil who is the father of all Somalis.

Did you know Oromos speak five different dialects? Somalis only have two and there is a reason after Somalis separated from each other in the 1st century, it's common sense.

Rahanweyn does not look like Oromo. Af Maay and Afaan Oromo is extremely different, it's much closer to Af Maxaa Tiri and lastly, Rahanweyn are genetically Somali so give it up.


you are clearly ignoring the elephant in the room. Rahanwen are farmers, most somalis are not. they speak a very different language than us. and they belong to a low caste clan called sab. this is enough proof they are not real somalis. so their origin is obviously something else, and the best candidate here is oromo.

North Somalis lived in South Somalia a few thousand years ago (around Moses' time). South Somalia belongs to North Somalis.

Ancient DNA from South Somalia will be identical to modern Issa Djiboutians, Somalilanders, and Puntlanders.
You are lying, 20%?? On the Somali DNA project all the Somalis are only:

E-Y17859 (E-M78 subtype) - the majority.
T-Y16897 (T-M70 subtype) - runner-up.
J-ZS8630 (J-M267 subtype) - rarity.

maybe wikipedia was not the best source to choose, but nevertheless it shows that the two biggest hg:s in somalia are without doubt e-v32 and e-v1792. the latter is a subclade of e-v2881 which you will find mostly in oromos, and some amharas. Which of all tribes in somalia is the odd one out? you guessed right, the rahanwen.


maybe wikipedia was not the best source to choose, but nevertheless it shows that the two biggest hg:s in somalia are without doubt e-v32 and e-v1792. the latter is a subclade of e-v2881 which you will find mostly in oromos, and some amharas. Which of all tribes in somalia is the odd one out? you guessed right, the rahanwen.

I have hundreds of distant relatives on 23andMe and not a single one is E-V1792.

This lineage (E-V1792) is utterly laangaab and irrelevant.

A Garre man (Raxanweyn) on 23andMe is E-M78 like most Somalis and not V1792. A study sampling a hundred Garre in Kenya also found E-M78 to predominate and not E-Z830 derivatives such as those you mentioned.

You are talking out of your ass and have a malicious agenda.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
you are clearly ignoring the elephant in the room. Rahanwen are farmers, most somalis are not. they speak a very different language than us. and they belong to a low caste clan called sab. this is enough proof they are not real somalis. so their origin is obviously something else, and the best candidate here is oromo.

Why canโ€™t they be an extinct group? Why oromo? u do know there was a tribe called Maya west of harar that got wiped out by oromo. Oromo r new to the area I think u r oromo, only they claim to have been native

Young Popeye

Call me pops
You're again speaking nonsense. Oromos never lived in arsi until the 16th century while Rahanweyn are mentioned in the ancient times for occupying Jubba and Lower Shabelle. Rahanweyn are genetically similar to Somalis than Oromos, now have a rest kid.

Oromo elders do not deny arriving in arsi and taking it from the previous inhabitants. They claim to have intermarried with hadiya a sidamized population orginially from harar. Northern arsi seems to have been maya tribe.
https://books.google.ca/books?id=HGnyk8Pg9NgC&pg=PA47&lpg=PA47&dq=the+genealogical+traditions+in+arsi+repor+a+marriage+between+the+oromo&source=bl&ots=s_zlPcpj_H&sig=2ICwlRjpkAwGYf_BbX9vbgMw04g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO8YnbjcbcAhWYxIMKHZrmDNQQ6AEwAXoECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=the genealogical traditions in arsi repor a marriage between the oromo&f=false



Hadiye and Sidamo are both highland east Cushitic native to southern highland of Ethiopia. During Al-Farah Al-habesha, it's very possible that Hararis migrated and intermarried with Hadiye people. I heard Silte are lost Harari people.

I heard the Maya tribe were also eastern highland Cushitic closely related to Sidamo and Hadiye that lived in northern Arsi. They got slaughtered and assimilated by Oromos.
Hadiye and Sidamo are both highland east Cushitic native to southern highland of Ethiopia. During Al-Furah Al-habesh, it's possible Harari migrated and interrmarried with Hadiye

I heard the Maya tribe were also eastern highland Cushitic closely related to Sidamo and Hadiye that lived in northern Arsi. They got slaughtered and assimilated by Oromos.

The Mayya are Oromo, a subclan of the Babille. They live in Haromaya, Harar and babile.


Highly Respected
The same Maya. They are the first subclan to move into the area.

You sure? It says:

"It does not appear that that they Maya Oromo in Hararghe were the descendants of the Maya conquered and assimilated by the Borana Oromo pastoralists"
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