Nacalah you speak fluent amhara, eat their food, wear their clothes, do their dances, etc... don't ever mention Somalis in the same sentence with your people. Very disrespectful.
I personally don't, but what's wrong with knowing multiple languages? Millions of your own Somali people in Ethiopia speak it fluently too, are they ''slaves''? Or inferior?
Injera wasn't invented by them, nor is there proof they invented the stews or wots, but even IF they did; so what? Somali food was influenced by many cultures as well, and I am sure they borrowed from here and there; is that also ''bad'' or ''inferior''?
Somali's ain't better than anyone, nor will your nationalistic pride save you from the punishment of the next life... you're a son or daughter of Adam like us all, and being Somali doesn't make you any better or worse.