Oromos that don't speak Oromo

You can't blame the Oromos, the Habesha have a strong culture. Oromos conquered them (not fully though). They carved huge swaths of lebenraum for themselves at the heart of the Highlands. The most fertile lands and the most pleasent weather in the Horn are under the Oromo.

What most people dont understand is strong cultures dont die. When a nation with a strong culture gets conquered. Most of the time the conquerors adopt the customs and traditions of the conquered and become culturally assimilated.

This happened to the Romans(to certain extent, Romans had a well developed civilization by then) who conquered the Greeks from whom they adopted their religion, philosophy and many traditions. Same happened to the Greeks who conquered Egypt( the Ptolemaic-Dynasty), the Mongols who conquered China(Yuan-Dynasty) became Chinese in less than a century, also happened to the Mantşus who conquered China(Qing-dynasty), the Mongols who conquered Persia became Persians etc...

If Im not mistaken Ibn Khaldun an Arab historian described this phenomena back in 13th century in his master piece the Muqaddimah. Essentially when a Nomadic ppl conquer a civilization they become its ruling class and assimilate. This happened in Abyssinia during a period known as Zemene Mesafint(Age of Princes). Oromo chiefs of Barentu branch (known as Warra Sheikh of the Yejju-Oromo, sub branch of Barentu) pretty much ruled the highlands through the half Oromo emperors. For a while every Ethiopian emperor had a Oromo mother and was subservient to his abti.

I believe Oromos would've become fully Habesha if it wasnt for two factors. ethnoreligious identity of the Habesha as decendants of King Solomon(Gods chosen people) and significant portion of Oromos adopting another culture, the Harari one thus becoming part of two cultures and religions.
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and when you say enslaved by amhara, remember today somalia is being colonized by the white man once again, immediately white troops are being resent back to mogadishu, kenyan troops there, ethio troops there, etc etc... in other words, you guys have a huge mess to clean, so i'd worry more about that, than oromo's problems.

kulaha white troops in Somalia. Don’t you read real news. No whites in Somalia and Somalia invited African troops

Ethiopian is being colonised by Eriterian troops. Turkish. Iranians and uae are also in Ethiopia to safe guard abiy

haile Silasi was actually oromo on his dad side his father was half oromo and his mum was oromo

he banned oromo. It was illegal to speak the language

Oromo is a good adoon if you pay him money he will change his religion. Hailed mum was Muslim she changed her deen for a few pennies

haule silasi the dog would wear Somali clothes and speak few Somalis words to impress the Somalis and he would say to ahmara elite you are ugly and short and Ogaden are best looking Africans

he would beg the ahmaar elite to bring their daughters to marry Somali men so they can make good looking kids

he was a midget 5”1 very short and considered the ahmaar as bantu jarer

he was weird dude. Also he was a bastard. His real father was a Pakistani trader paid to get the wife pregnant because his half ahmaar half oromo dad makonon looked like a monkey bantu so they wanted nicer features less jarer look for the kids

Ahamar men would pay tourist money to get their daughters pregnant because they were ascend of their semi bantu features and wanted to desperately look more like Somali tall and handsome

in fact haile selasi would beg somali young men specially Ogaden to come to adis ababa and make love to the habashi girls so they can have tall good looking cushtic babies

haile selasi would tell ahmaar uff your are adoon bantu and the ugliest horn of Africans and he would wish they were Somali specially Ogaden as he considered them far more attractive then habashi as they were taller and had more handsome features

Habashi waa garac all of them. This is why you see a hot chick and her brother looks like a monkey. Tourist are paid money to make babies with habashi females. This is why they say habashi malab is super easy

if you are tall and handsome habashi go rod would follow you are in the airport. Their men are short and live tall man

this is why I was such a hit in adis. I was treated like he Ogadenian Brad Pitt. Even a hawiye or an MJ dude has a chance despite their less Somali looks.

But to me habashi have this strange nasty smell. Specially ahmaar. Others are ok. Must be the raw meat sultan Ahmed Guey forced them to eat 500 years ago


Not true. The major two Oromo families, are Borana and Barentu. Borana did preserve the original Oromo culture, true, but they aren't the only Oromo group, but are regarded as 'Angafa' or the elder group.

By the way, Somali's have assimilated and conquered many groups too, hence the reason why you see so many different looks among them, you have some who have the traits a lot of you look down upon- the wider noses, wider lips, etc. While others have, the look type of Cushtic/''Hamitic'' people, i.e. thinner lips, aquiline noses, prominent foreheads, etc.

Not true in the slightest, there is no evidence there were pre-existing Cushitic groups in the Somali peninsula before ethnic Somalis nor do Somali clans look different from each other. The wider nose and wider lip people you speak of are Somali Bantus and they are descendants of the slave trade. They originally originated from Southeast Africa. They have adopted the Somali language, culture, and Islam but everyone knows they are not Somalis by blood. They are classed as an ethnic minority in Somalia. Before the arrival of proto-Somalis inhabiting Somalia, it was believed to have been originally inhabited by hunter-gathers but scholars' opinions vary whether they were Khoisans or their own stock, either way, this was a long ass time ago. There is no evidence this group were assimilated but simply driven out. However, there is proof that remnants of this ancient group did stay behind in Somalia specifically in Buur Heybe and they are believed to be called "Eyle" not to be confused with the big Rahanweyn sub-clan called 'Elaay' but this group Eyle are believed to be ancestors of these bushmen that existed in the Horn of Africa prior to Cushitic expansion but they are a small clan and look heavily mixed with Somalis. By the way, Injera and Laxoox are two different things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahoh

I would like to add that Digil Rahanweyn clans are considered to be the oldest Cushitic stock to exist in Somalia and the ones who would later dominate them were Samaale clans but they didn't assimilate them. There may have been minor assimilation against Oromo, especially Wardey but you cannot deny Oromo expansion in Hararghe and how many Somali clans would later join Afran Qallo. People of Babille (Karanle Hawiye majority), Goromule'i (Gugundhabe Hawiye majority), Gursum (Bursuuk Isaaq majority), Jinacsi (Jarso Dir majority), Ejersa Goro (Jarso Dir majority), Mieso (Issa majority with significant Karanle and Jarso minority) and etc all speak Somali fluently and never forgot their lineage but somehow happen to be part of Oromia. This is due to tribal disputes in the Somali region but Oromos are not doing a good job of representing themselves by absorbing these districts. They merged Goromule'i under the Babille district and separated Ejersa Goro with Jinacsi woreda and gave it an Oromo name. The Dir Dhabe situation is quite sad as it's Gurgura majority but they didn't like it to be the capital of Sitti Zone because they feared an Issa domination so they instead proposed a chattered city but now you have large Nole Oromo and Amhara settlers. I mean just before the Ethiopian conquest of the region it was believed Somalis were the majority of Harar and now look?

You can look up these sources for yourself on Oromo expansion.

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Not true in the slightest, there is no evidence there were pre-existing Cushitic groups in the Somali peninsula before ethnic Somalis nor do Somali clans look different from each other. The wider nose and wider lip people you speak of are Somali Bantus and they are descendants of the slave trade. They originally originated from Southeast Africa. They have adopted the Somali language, culture, and Islam but everyone knows they are not Somalis by blood. They are classed as an ethnic minority in Somalia. Before the arrival of proto-Somalis inhabiting Somalia, it was believed to have been originally inhabited by hunter-gathers but scholars' opinions vary whether they were Khoisans or their own stock, either way, this was a long ass time ago. There is no evidence this group were assimilated but simply driven out. However, there is proof that remnants of this ancient group did stay behind in Somalia specifically in Buur Heybe and they are believed to be called "Eyle" not to be confused with the big Rahanweyn sub-clan called 'Elaay' but this group Eyle are believed to be ancestors of these bushmen that existed in the Horn of Africa prior to Cushitic expansion but they are a small clan and look heavily mixed with Somalis. By the way, Injera and Laxoox are two different things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lahoh

I would like to add that Digil Rahanweyn clans are considered to be the oldest Cushitic stock to exist in Somalia and the ones who would later dominate them were Samaale clans but they didn't assimilate them. There may have been minor assimilation against Oromo, especially Wardey but you cannot deny Oromo expansion in Hararghe and how many Somali clans would later join Afran Qallo. People of Babille (Karanle Hawiye majority), Goromule'i (Gugundhabe Hawiye majority), Gursum (Bursuuk Isaaq majority), Jinacsi (Jarso Dir majority), Ejersa Goro (Jarso Dir majority), Mieso (Issa majority with significant Karanle and Jarso minority) and etc all speak Somali fluently and never forgot their lineage but somehow happen to be part of Oromia. This is due to tribal disputes in the Somali region but Oromos are not doing a good job of representing themselves by absorbing these districts. They merged Goromule'i under the Babille district and separated Ejersa Goro with Jinacsi woreda and gave it an Oromo name. The Dir Dhabe situation is quite sad as it's Gurgura majority but they didn't like it to be the capital of Sitti Zone because they feared an Issa domination so they instead proposed a chattered city but now you have large Nole Oromo and Amhara settlers. I mean just before the Ethiopian conquest of the region it was believed Somalis were the majority of Harar and now look?

You can look up these sources for yourself on Oromo expansion.

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Not talking about Bantu's, I've seen Somali's, proper Somali's, in videos, in the diaspora, etc, who have those features. You can play like somali's are some pure race, when in reality, very few, ethnic groups are ''pure''....


Not talking about Bantu's, I've seen Somali's, proper Somali's, in videos, in the diaspora, etc, who have those features. You can play like somali's are some pure race, when in reality, very few, ethnic groups are ''pure''....

It's perfectly normal. The majority of Somalis have typical Cushitic features but you may find a minority with larger noses but that doesn't mean they're mixed. If they took a DNA test, they're just as pure as any other Somali. You'll find that among white people with large noses. They just happen to be outliers and we should apply those same standards to Somalis.

My issue with you is you think Somali expansion was on an equal level with Oromo expansion when that was not the case. Somali expansion was slow and gradual. It was a two thousand years processes while Oromos expanded into well-established kingdoms and organized settled communities in the 16th century and absorbed as much as they could. If you look into Somali haplogroups, you'll realize the overwhelming majority of Somalis are E1b1b and T1a. Different clans share two thousand years of ancestry but diverged into becoming their own clans as they became bigger.
It's perfectly normal. The majority of Somalis have typical Cushitic features but you may find a minority with larger noses but that doesn't mean they're mixed. If they took a DNA test, they're just as pure as any other Somali. You'll find that among white people with large noses. They just happen to be outliers and we should apply those same standards to Somalis.

My issue with you is you think Somali expansion was on an equal level with Oromo expansion when that was not the case. Somali expansion was slow and gradual. It was a two thousand years processes while Oromos expanded into well-established kingdoms and organized settled communities in the 16th century and absorbed as much as they could. If you look into Somali haplogroups, you'll realize the overwhelming majority of Somalis are E1b1b and T1a. Different clans share two thousand years of ancestry but diverged into becoming their own clans as they became bigger.

I doubt it. A pure race doesn't have so many different looks, hence why it's called pure, as in, unchanged, so the features of the typical oromo or somali, before mixing, for example; is aquiline noses, thinner lips, broad foreheads, etc.... then once they mixed with others, whomever they maybe [bantu/other cushitic groups/omotic groups/etc], they produced offspring who looked different...
pure races are small in number, because we've all inter-married with our neighbors... that's my point, and everyone acknowledges this basic fact for the most part sir.

somali's expanded more than us, because that's what nomads do, they are on the move constantly, while we stopped once we became settled farmers... the oromo lost land to both muslim and christian empires, so when we expanded, we fought both sides, and held our own, with no help from the outside world... the muslim empires got help from fellow muslims [adal empire got firearms from turks and arabs, from what i read], and of course, the habesha christian empire got help from european powers...


I doubt it. A pure race doesn't have so many different looks, hence why it's called pure, as in, unchanged, so the features of the typical oromo or somali, before mixing, for example; is aquiline noses, thinner lips, broad foreheads, etc.... then once they mixed with others, whomever they maybe [bantu/other cushitic groups/omotic groups/etc], they produced offspring who looked different...
pure races are small in number, because we've all inter-married with our neighbors... that's my point, and everyone acknowledges this basic fact for the most part sir.

somali's expanded more than us, because that's what nomads do, they are on the move constantly, while we stopped once we became settled farmers... the oromo lost land to both muslim and christian empires, so when we expanded, we fought both sides, and held our own, with no help from the outside world... the muslim empires got help from fellow muslims [adal empire got firearms from turks and arabs, from what i read], and of course, the habesha christian empire got help from european powers...

I'm not a biased person but what I'm telling you is the truth. Somalis are more Cushitic than any other Cushitic group in Africa. An average Somali ranges between 85%+ on the autosomal DNA records and it includes small percentages from Ethiopia and the Middle East too. Looking at it from this perspective, the Somali coastline is longer than the Somali border with non-Somalis and most Somali clans are mainly surrounded by Somalis but you do have Somali clans bordering Afars and Oromos in Djibouti and Ethiopia, and bordering Gabre people, Sakuye people and Orma people in Kenya. What's interesting is Somalis bordering Oromos especially the ones in Hararghe highlands where most interracial marriages are common happen to look very Somali and practice Somali culture.

By the way, a Somali man from Djibouti can possess a big nose but still look Somali and still come from a pure Somali background. What you would typically call him is an outlier because the Bantu nor the Omotic population were ever-present in Djibouti. Cherry picking a small group of Somalis possessing these features does not mean they have Bantu/Omotic origin and Somalis did not expand more than Oromos when you look through the historical years of expansion.
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I'm not a biased person but what I'm telling you is the truth. Somalis are more Cushitic than any other Cushitic group in Africa. An average Somali ranges between 85%+ on the autosomal DNA records and it includes small percentages from Ethiopia and the Middle East too. Looking at it from this perspective, the Somali coastline is longer than the Somali border with non-Somalis and most Somali clans are mainly surrounded by Somalis but you do have Somali clans bordering Afars and Oromos in Djibouti and Ethiopia, and bordering Gabre people, Sakuye people and Orma people in Kenya. What's interesting is Somalis bordering Oromos especially the ones in Hararghe highlands where most interracial marriages are common happen to look very Somali and practice Somali culture.

By the way, a Somali man from Djibouti can possess a big nose but still look Somali and still come from a pure Somali background. What you would typically call him is an outlier because the Bantu nor the Omotic population were ever-present in Djibouti. Cherry picking a small group of Somalis possessing these features does not mean they have Bantu/Omotic origin and Somalis did not expand more than Oromos when you look through the historical years of expansion.

Somalis expanded more through land expansion while Oromos expansion included assimilation of others and increased our numbers.

The difference in our ways and expansions is that we take land but also adopt those who agree to live amongst us. Somalis wanted the land during the old days and that’s how you currently have the largest land amongst all HOA ethnicities.

It was way of life then, nothing to complain about. Regardless of groups that may have been assimilated into the Oromo nation, they’re all now very Oromo and nothing or no one can change that. It’s who we now are. It’s a way of life, many cultures and ethnicities emerge and disappear throughout history. New languages take over and cultures change on the daily.


Not true. The major two Oromo families, are Borana and Barentu. Borana did preserve the original Oromo culture, true, but they aren't the only Oromo group, but are regarded as 'Angafa' or the elder group.

By the way, Somali's have assimilated and conquered many groups too, hence the reason why you see so many different looks among them, you have some who have the traits a lot of you look down upon- the wider noses, wider lips, etc. While others have, the look type of Cushtic/''Hamitic'' people, i.e. thinner lips, aquiline noses, prominent foreheads, etc.
Ignoring DNA analyses that show not an insignificant amount of J haplogroup and pretty sizable south semitic segment in Oromo autosomal breakdown...

The processes of mogasa and gudifacha were integral in the creation of the modern Oromo ethnicity
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The ancestors of the Arsi Oromo come from the same Ethiosemetic/Abyssinian stock as Gurage and Harari
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More explained in this pdf:


Somalis expanded more through land expansion while Oromos expansion included assimilation of others and increased our numbers.

The difference in our ways and expansions is that we take land but also adopt those who agree to live amongst us. Somalis wanted the land during the old days and that’s how you currently have the largest land amongst all HOA ethnicities.

It was way of life then, nothing to complain about. Regardless of groups that may have been assimilated into the Oromo nation, they’re all now very Oromo and nothing or no one can change that. It’s who we now are. It’s a way of life, many cultures and ethnicities emerge and disappear throughout history. New languages take over and cultures change on the daily.

I'm not arguing about Somali expansion but my point is it was not on the extreme level of Oromo expansion nor did Somalis practice large-scale assimilation methods like the Oromos. Somalis are more like kick you out than absorb you, do you understand? The issue I had with Sadacha was that he made dubious claims that didn't align with the historical context. I have nothing against what Oromos did in the past because everyone has a past they're not proud of but Somali expansion was slow and gradual. If you research on proto-Somalis, they have dominated the Somali peninsula for thousands of years. It's not like they came out of nowhere and caused mayhem.

I agree with you on not changing the past since it wouldn't look good for the two largest ethnic groups in HOA to go to war. I'm a firm supporter of peace and trade but at the same time, we cannot ignore our border disputes. I know there are many assimilated Somalis in Hararghe highlands that no longer claim their Somali identity and I do not wish to speak about them but you cannot ignore the recent districts you illegally took during internal division in the Somali region. Districts like Babille, Goromule, Gursum, Jinacsi (Chinaksen), and Mieso should return to Fafan Zone, Nogob Zone, and Sitti Zone as they did originally. Moyale can become a chartered city to end the scuffle between Boranas and Garres. The Somali population can return to Harar after they were illegally driven out by the anti-Somali state and Harar can be shared by three groups, no problem. If you don't support this neutral peaceful stance then don't blame Somalis who view you guys as modern expansionists and don't cry when Somalis bite back with greed.
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I'm not arguing about Somali expansion but my point is it was not on the extreme level of Oromo expansion nor did Somalis practice large-scale assimilation methods like the Oromos. Somalis are more like kick you out than absorb you, do you understand? The issue I had with Sadacha was that he made dubious claims that didn't align with the historical context. I have nothing against what Oromos did in the past because everyone has a past they're not proud of but Somali expansion was slow and gradual. If you research on proto-Somalis, they have dominated the Somali peninsula for thousands of years. It's not like they came out of nowhere and caused mayhem.

I agree with you on not changing the past since it wouldn't look good for the two largest ethnic groups in HOA to go to war. I'm a firm supporter of peace and trade but at the same time, we cannot ignore our border disputes. I know there are many assimilated Somalis in Hararghe highlands that no longer claim their Somali identity and I do not wish to speak about them but you cannot ignore the recent districts you illegally took during internal division in the Somali region. Districts like Babille, Goromule, Gursum, Jinacsi (Chinaksen), and Mieso should return to Fafan Zone, Nogob Zone, and Sitti Zone as they did originally. Moyale can become a chartered city to end the scuffle between Boranas and Garres. The Somali population can return to Harar after they were illegally driven out by the anti-Somali state and Harar can be shared by three groups, no problem. If you don't support this neutral peaceful stance then don't blame Somalis who view you guys as modern expansionists and don't cry when Somalis bite back with greed.

I understood, this is why I said Somali expansion was mostly land, not people. I’m not disagreeing with you
I'm not arguing about Somali expansion but my point is it was not on the extreme level of Oromo expansion nor did Somalis practice large-scale assimilation methods like the Oromos. Somalis are more like kick you out than absorb you, do you understand? The issue I had with Sadacha was that he made dubious claims that didn't align with the historical context. I have nothing against what Oromos did in the past because everyone has a past they're not proud of but Somali expansion was slow and gradual. If you research on proto-Somalis, they have dominated the Somali peninsula for thousands of years. It's not like they came out of nowhere and caused mayhem.

I agree with you on not changing the past since it wouldn't look good for the two largest ethnic groups in HOA to go to war. I'm a firm supporter of peace and trade but at the same time, we cannot ignore our border disputes. I know there are many assimilated Somalis in Hararghe highlands that no longer claim their Somali identity and I do not wish to speak about them but you cannot ignore the recent districts you illegally took during internal division in the Somali region. Districts like Babille, Goromule, Gursum, Jinacsi (Chinaksen), and Mieso should return to Fafan Zone, Nogob Zone, and Sitti Zone as they did originally. Moyale can become a chartered city to end the scuffle between Boranas and Garres. The Somali population can return to Harar after they were illegally driven out by the anti-Somali state and Harar can be shared by three groups, no problem. If you don't support this neutral peaceful stance then don't blame Somalis who view you guys as modern expansionists and don't cry when Somalis bite back with greed.

Those zones or places in Hararghe are populated by dual ethnic clans: Jarso, Akichu, Hawiye etc. some of Oromo origin, others Somali. They made the decision to join Oromia. Also, anything political within “Ethiopia” or better Oromia region is a result of the ruling pp or OPDO. It’s not your average civilian, who for the most part live their lives the best they can. This ruling party has never been and will never be supported by the majority of Oromos. This is the likes of Abiy, Lema etc. This is a political issue not something for your average individual.

Back when the old province of Ethiopia had their borders drawn, many of those places had more than one ethnicity living there, example is Hararge. It included the 2 portions of Oromia and Galbeed. Bale also included portions of Galbeed. So some of the border clans still living in these areas overlapped and some became more Somali, other Oromo and they vote. I am not giving any excuse but that’s how things are.

The Somali living in Hararge have lived freely and respected with no issue forever before the chaos divide and conquer tactics used in 2018 by OPDO and EPRDF.
Where do all the Muslims live? If I’m not mistaken, all of hararghe oromos are Muslim, then half the bale/arsi are Muslim and jimmah is also muslim.

All of Hararge and Bale are Muslim. Arsi and Wallo have small Christian populations(doubt its even a quarter). Borana is becoming majority Muslim, Jimma is Muslim. Wallaga and ilu are about 30-40% Muslim. Vast majority of Oromos are Muslim.


Where do all the Muslims live? If I’m not mistaken, all of hararghe oromos are Muslim, then half the bale/arsi are Muslim and jimmah is also muslim.

All of Hararge and Bale are Muslim. Arsi and Wallo have small Christian populations(doubt its even a quarter). Borana is becoming majority Muslim, Jimma is Muslim. Wallaga and ilu are about 30-40% Muslim. Vast majority of Oromos are Muslim.

there is borana muslim and borana non muslim.
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
You can't blame the Oromos, the Habesha have a strong culture. Oromos conquered them (not fully though). They carved huge swaths of lebenraum for themselves at the heart of the Highlands. The most fertile lands and the most pleasent weather in the Horn are under the Oromo.

What most people dont understand is strong cultures dont die. When a nation with a strong culture gets conquered. Most of the time the conquerors adopt the customs and traditions of the conquered and become culturally assimilated.

This happened to the Romans(to certain extent, Romans had a well developed civilization by then) who conquered the Greeks from whom they adopted their religion, philosophy and many traditions. Same happened to the Greeks who conquered Egypt( the Ptolemaic-Dynasty), the Mongols who conquered China(Yuan-Dynasty) became Chinese in less than a century, also happened to the Mantşus who conquered China(Qing-dynasty), the Mongols who conquered Persia became Persians etc...

If Im not mistaken Ibn Khaldun an Arab historian described this phenomena back in 13th century in his master piece the Muqaddimah. Essentially when a Nomadic ppl conquer a civilization they become its ruling class and assimilate. This happened in Abyssinia during a period known as Zemene Mesafint(Age of Princes). Oromo chiefs of Barentu branch (known as Warra Sheikh of the Yejju-Oromo, sub branch of Barentu) pretty much ruled the highlands through the half Oromo emperors. For a while every Ethiopian emperor had a Oromo mother and was subservient to his abti.

I believe Oromos would've become fully Habesha if it wasnt for two factors. ethnoreligious identity of the Habesha as decendants of King Solomon(Gods chosen people) and significant portion of Oromos adopting another culture, the Harari one thus becoming part of two cultures and religions.

This is exactly what happened. The Oromo elite, including those who had early on converted to Islam, were absorbed by the Habesha elite over centuries. So by the end of 19th centuries you had men like Mohamed Ali converting to Christianity to become Ras Mikael of Wollo.

I am certain that if you dug up the graves of elite Muslim Oromo from 1800 and sequenced their genes, all of their present day descendants would be Orthodox Amhara.

The Oromo are malleable enough to absorb millions of shegato. This also means that they are malleable enough to be molded into loyal Amhara, and if Somalis play their cards right, into loyal Somali. They are up for grabs.

This is what the Amhara understand but we don’t. I saw on twitter a group of Somalis taking Oromos to task for wearing dirac or guntino or whatever. Amhara would never say anything like that to Oromo. They would encourage the Oromo to appropriate their culture.
You can't blame the Oromos, the Habesha have a strong culture. Oromos conquered them (not fully though). They carved huge swaths of lebenraum for themselves at the heart of the Highlands. The most fertile lands and the most pleasent weather in the Horn are under the Oromo.

What most people dont understand is strong cultures dont die. When a nation with a strong culture gets conquered. Most of the time the conquerors adopt the customs and traditions of the conquered and become culturally assimilated.

This happened to the Romans(to certain extent, Romans had a well developed civilization by then) who conquered the Greeks from whom they adopted their religion, philosophy and many traditions. Same happened to the Greeks who conquered Egypt( the Ptolemaic-Dynasty), the Mongols who conquered China(Yuan-Dynasty) became Chinese in less than a century, also happened to the Mantşus who conquered China(Qing-dynasty), the Mongols who conquered Persia became Persians etc...

If Im not mistaken Ibn Khaldun an Arab historian described this phenomena back in 13th century in his master piece the Muqaddimah. Essentially when a Nomadic ppl conquer a civilization they become its ruling class and assimilate. This happened in Abyssinia during a period known as Zemene Mesafint(Age of Princes). Oromo chiefs of Barentu branch (known as Warra Sheikh of the Yejju-Oromo, sub branch of Barentu) pretty much ruled the highlands through the half Oromo emperors. For a while every Ethiopian emperor had a Oromo mother and was subservient to his abti.

I believe Oromos would've become fully Habesha if it wasnt for two factors. ethnoreligious identity of the Habesha as decendants of King Solomon(Gods chosen people) and significant portion of Oromos adopting another culture, the Harari one thus becoming part of two cultures and religions.

Oromo's always assimilated others, but the more isolated groups who expanded and conquered, ended up being assimilated into the cultures of those they conquered or settled amongst....

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
This is exactly what happened. The Oromo elite, including those who had early on converted to Islam, were absorbed by the Habesha elite over centuries. So by the end of 19th centuries you had men like Mohamed Ali converting to Christianity to become Ras Mikael of Wollo.

I am certain that if you dug up the graves of elite Muslim Oromo from 1800 and sequenced their genes, all of their present day descendants would be Orthodox Amhara.

The Oromo are malleable enough to absorb millions of shegato. This also means that they are malleable enough to be molded into loyal Amhara, and if Somalis play their cards right, into loyal Somali. They are up for grabs.

This is what the Amhara understand but we don’t. I saw on twitter a group of Somalis taking Oromos to task for wearing dirac or guntino or whatever. Amhara would never say anything like that to Oromo. They would encourage the Oromo to appropriate their culture.
I have for long held the view that somalis should have been more assimilationist towards other horner groups. This would have ment more lands, population and eventually being the leading ethnic group in the entire HOA region if handled correctly. Habeshas ( amharas especially ) understood this and now they dominate the horn and even have the oromo in charge larping as one.

One of the long time ills somalis have is being isolated. We like that. Somalis had a good chances in the past to become the leading group in the whole HOA region but we have blew it. You can’t be isolated in the interconnected region called HOA. You will be dominated.


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