oromos wearing alindi guntiino to their cultural show

Oromos took our fertile land in the highlands.:frdfvsb:
Intensive farming on lower slopes of hills in Misraq Harar… | Flickr

@Hamzza @Burqad

Oromos conquered even the NFD region from somalis? I know somali groups such as Garre and Tunni have went so far as Lamu but got assimilated in the process but did somalis live in present day NEP?

Tana river county is rightfully Somali land.


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It’s so dumb. Oromos and Afars are Cushites and originate in the exact same location we did. They are in effect our ethnic cousins. So why wouldn’t they have the same attire as us? Why is it always Somalis who think like this. Do you see the French lamenting the Belgium or the British for essentially always historically dressing like them?
The irony is the french British Belgians are more closely related to each other then Somalis afars and cushites heck we branched into southern Cushitic 2000 years ago that’s the distance between us and afars and we branched off from that into the Somali branch like 1.5k years ago that’s the difference between us and oromos. Do you see Europeans are a bad example because they are all closely related


@Hamzza @Burqad

Oromos conquered even the NFD region from somalis? I know somali groups such as Garre and Tunni have went so far as Lamu but got assimilated in the process but did somalis live in present day NEP?
Yes, they conquered most of Northern Kenya from Somaloid groups. Oromo migrations separated Rendille in the west from other Somalis in the east.
The irony is the french British Belgians are more closely related to each other then Somalis afars and cushites heck we branched into southern Cushitic 2000 years ago that’s the distance between us and afars and we branched off from that into the Somali branch like 1.5k years ago that’s the difference between us and oromos. Do you see Europeans are a bad example because they are all closely related
And in what way are they more closely related? The difference between the French and English is more than like 1k as well.
There is evidence of Somalis wearing leather clothes as late as 19th and 20th centuries.
This is what I’m saying. I keep seeing leather being thrown around like Somalis weren’t wearing leather. The excuse of them recently adopting guntino is also false because they were also historically wearing leather guntino. Even the prints on our shaash comes from the Persians and Indians

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Yes, they conquered most of Northern Kenya from Somaloid groups. Oromo migrations separated Rendille in the west from other Somalis in the east.View attachment 239988

So oromos isolated Rendille from other somalis which evidently stopped their islamasation:jcoleno: Rendille could have been like Reewin people today, genetically somali but linguistically not. They could have even lost their language to Maay or Maxaa if they would have remained in contact. Damn oromos.
tbh this neighbour excuse is getting old. we neighbour afar but we dont wear their jewlery or their textiles. we historically neightboured the abysinians, yet we never wear their clothes. so why do oromos always wear somali clothes. i just saw a video of an oromo wearing a guntiino with a gorgorad underneath. and it was the western modern guntiino.

this is why they wear our clothes so much. shaash, baati, guntiino, dirac, alindi etc. because of somalians like you who allow them to. we never wear their headwear despite us being neighbours
You’re not well traveled are you? Kkkkk people as far as jabouti and southern Ethiopia wear print clothing & have others traditions. They wear masai checkered print clothing, that black afar skirt with the leaves, that beaded black necklace the afars got from the oromos etc. In places like bale they literally wear their jewelry and have adopted their costumes while being Somali. In north eastern Kenya you have groups like the gabra garre and sukuyu who have a distinctive culture that’s a mixture of both. Gorgarads aren’t Somali as well, they were worn by women all around the world as undergarments. Ur speaking from the perspective of someone from Somalia, which I don’t get bc ofc you'd never see them wearing anything that ur not use to. The fact that you guys discovered today that other groups from bordering countries wear Baatis and made such a big deal out of it is telling. Also using them wearing amharo clothing as a dig doesn’t make sense considered how the amharo literally forced that on them & stunted their cultural growth. Even amharo clothing is Tigray culture 😭 without them they’d be sun worshipping agaw


So oromos isolated Rendille from other somalis which evidently stopped their islamasation:jcoleno: Rendille could have been like Reewin people today, genetically somali but linguistically not.

They actually were starting to receive Islamic elements, and would've been fully Islamized, If it was not for the Oromo migrations.

Look at the names for the months in Rendille, 'Soon(fasting)' for Ramadan and 'Furam(Soonfur)' for Shawaal. That is clearly Islamic influence.

They could have even lost their language to Maay or Maxaa if they would have remained in contact.
Not necessarily, Garre and Jiddu preserved their languages very well in Qoryooley district Lower Shabelle.

NB: Rendille is closer to Somali than Jiddu.
And in what way are they more closely related? The difference between the French and English is more than like 1k as well.
No it’s not they’re much closer then that linguistically and culturally the difference between Europeans is similar to the superficial differences of a Gurage and Amhara. Europeans as a people are roughly as old as habeshas are 2k years max and that’s between a Slav and a Germanic speaker but if you look at the countries you described and used as examples they are as close to each other as a Tigrinya and a Tegaru.
No it’s not they’re much closer then that linguistically and culturally the difference between Europeans is similar to the superficial differences of a Gurage and Amhara. Europeans as a people are roughly as old as habeshas are 2k years max and that’s between a Slav and a Germanic speaker but if you look at the countries you described and used as examples they are as close to each other as a Tigrinya and a Tegaru.
The UK was invaded by Anglo-saxons around 2000 yrs ago. They have a lot of French loan words because of the Norman invasion but ethnically they’re still very much Anglo. Only a small % have Norman ancestors though. Similarly to the way as Somalis we have a lot of Arabic loan words but are not of Arab origin whatsoever.

2K max? The Goths and Vandals were around during and before the Romans? Then you have the French Gauls and the Celtic? Different groups.

Oromos literally have the same counting system as us and use the same words to count. Then you have the Rendile who can be understood 50% of the time.
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