oromos wearing alindi guntiino to their cultural show


Oromos literally have the same counting system as us and use the same words to count. Then you have the Rendile who can be understood 50% of the time.
thats literally nothing. slavic peoples can understand each other while speaking different languages. same with the romance languages. someone speaking italian can fully understand someone speaking spanish. the differences between romance languages or slavic languages is the same as the difference between Af Maxaa and Af Maay. also their language families are a lot more recent than cushitic languages. afro asiatic itself is a good 10k years older than indo european. some estimates say that cushitic langauge family are around as old as indo european.

europeans are just a lot more related to each other than cushites are
Most of the people complaining about Oromos don’t even border them.

Ethiopias existence always depended on Semitic union and Cushitic division.

Its time as Somalis we unite amongst ourselves and lead the Cushitic Empire.

we would dominate East Africa and Af Somali would surpass both Swahili and Amharic.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Most of the people complaining about Oromos don’t even border them.

Ethiopias existence always depended on Semitic union and Cushitic division.

Its time as Somalis we unite amongst ourselves and lead the Cushitic Empire.

we would dominate East Africa and Af Somali would surpass both Swahili and Amharic.
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
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OLA were massacring people in Ogaden the minute they were given any power through Abiy Ahmed. They were constantly attacking us in the 19th and 20th century too and trying to invade our land. Ogadens have taken the brunt of Oromo expansionism and savagery yet look at the other Somalis in here acting like they are a docile group. They are just like the tigray but dumber. Shame on all of you caping for oromos here. Were gonna lose jijiga to oromo like we did dire dabo and you b*tches better not cry. The only people in Ethiopia that somalis should have any empathy for are the smaller abused groups, nilotic ethiopians, and our almost finished cousins because of genocidal Amhara, Hararis.
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OLA were killing people in Ogaden the minute they were given any power through Abiy Ahmed. They were constantly attacking us in the 19th and 20th century too and trying to invade our land. Ogadens have taken the brunt of Oromo expansionism and savagery yet look at the other Somalis in here acting like they are a docile group. They are just like the tigray but dumber. Shame on all of you caping for oromos here. Were gonna lose jijiga to oromo like we did dire dabo and you b*tches better not cry. The only people in Ethiopia that somalis should have any empathy for are the smaller abused groups, nilotic ethiopians, and our almost finished cousins because of genocidal Amhara, Hararis.
the people in this thread's mindset is whats going to get us all assimilated. oromos claim so much land somali land. some even claim hargeisa
Some people are confusing historical trade and straight up theft. Trade is when I give you something and you give me something so it is mutual. As far as I am concerned somalis have not traded anything from our culture with oromos, it is only they who have been taking and buying from somalis then claiming so this thing is very one sided. Imagine I go buy a polish dress from a polish store and i like it alot so i tell my kids and their kids that its somali, it would be wrong because it aint somali im just claiming something that aint true, i find it quite creepy whilst others may find it flattering, tbh idk why anybody would feel flattered cus they literally taking credit of the clothes ur ancestors made. "Cushitic Unity" is BS, atleast it aint what oromos believed when the expanded and stole somali lands such as Dir Dhabe, bit scared considering I've mostly seen Oromos use that Cushitic Unity BS when they wanna falsley claim somali culture.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
the people in this thread's mindset is whats going to get us all assimilated. they claim so much land. even say that hargeisa is oromo
OLA were killing people in Ogaden the minute they were given any power through Abiy Ahmed. They were constantly attacking us in the 19th and 20th century too and trying to invade our land. Ogadens have taken the brunt of Oromo expansionism and savagery yet look at the other Somalis in here acting like they are a docile group. They are just like the tigray but dumber. Shame on all of you caping for oromos here. Were gonna lose jijiga to oromo like we did dire dabo and you b*tches better not cry. The only people in Ethiopia that somalis should have any empathy for are the smaller abused groups, nilotic ethiopians, and our almost finished cousins because of genocidal Amhara, Hararis.
WeRe aLl HoRnErz tho Weeeeee1!!! united EaSt AfrIca <33
the people in this thread's mindset is whats going to get us all assimilated. oromos claim so much land somali land. some even claim hargeisa
I've heard an Isaaq dude once tell me that apparently they believe Borama is supposed to be called 'Orama' but somalis stole it and put a B in there :yloezpe:


East Africa UNUKA LEH
WeRe aLl HoRnErz tho Weeeeee1!!! united EaSt AfrIca <33
f*ck that. Somalis are the most civil group in the Horn. We have had our times of greatness and we were not abusing our neighbors, we barely even converted them nonetheless took over their land. We really were not xayawans and let others live in peace. We tried to help Hararis out but they were ultimately genocided to near extinction by Amhara.

It’s either equal or Somalis on top. The rest of these people are pure evil. Somalis dont attack Oromo, Tigray, Amhara or Afar but they all attack us. The people here are very critical of Somalis but don’t want to hold the otherw accountable for anything. There will never be a united Horn, and if there is, it’s because Ethiopians got on top and Abiys wet dream came true. The day that happens, is the day Somalis are finished. You are included in this Somalilanders, don’t think they view yall kindly. Those Oromos are creeping on y’all too.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
As united Somalis we would incorporate only the Muslim Oromo, by doing so …..
1 we double our numbers and take manpower directly away from the Ethiopian project.
2 we would take back the Somali that were once assimilated by the Oromos.
3 we would take away a huge chunk of Ethiopias breadbasket.

The killing of Somali in Sitti is a state sponsored Genocide, it’s to clear somalis from the strategic area.

When you hear Habesha it’s only Tigray and Amhara, Oromos are Colonized just like the rest.

At least get your facts right it’s not OLA that attacked Ogaden, its was a Oromo militia that were taking revenge. For all the killings liyu police committed,on innocent Oromos on behalf of the TPLF During the Abdi illey Era.
Retarded take. Who do you think Oromo Muslims are to be following Somali lead? Amhara and Oromo Muslims are just as nationalistic and pro-their own group as their christian counterpart.

You are right about it not being OLA but you are wrong about the rest. But OLA are not innocent either. They’ve been behind the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Somalis on the border.

First, Liyu police are not all somali, Oromo have their own branch in Oromia were the supposed Liyu killings happened. Do not blame that on Somalis.

Second, you have your timeline fucked up. They’ve been attacking Somalis long before the Liyu attack happened. They have been strategically claiming parts of the Somali-Oromo border as Oromo land and kicking out somalis in the tens of thousands for years! The vast majority of the 500k-1 million people who were left displaced because of these clashes were Somalis. Majority of the people fleeing were Somalis. Let that speak for itself. They are itching onto our land and leaving us displaced in our own land. Then they have the audacity to come to Somalia as “refugees”, a country poorer than their own, and demand political representation.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Let me leave this detailed comment for all the people under Oromo hypnotism here. Ogadens will never accept our people being wiped out.
I’ve realised this too. Cities all over the Ethiopian part of Somalia are vanishing. Moyale, negele, chinhahsen, dire dawa and the somalis of harar are loosing their cities and some have already been lost. People need to realise we are being expanded into. While somalis are fighting eachother Oromos are using our clan war-fare to their dirty work. Before the 2000 clan violence in haraghe, oromos had almost no land in the region. Pretty much all of east hararghe zone and most of west haraghe zone even goin into north shewa zone and the awash region in the afar region was all in-disputably somali. Now look. Our lands are being carved up and resettled by other ethnic groups. My dad once told me that when he was in ethiopia initially when he was migrating out of Somalia he stopped at adama where he got by just speaking somali due to the number of Somalis and somali speaking oromos living there. Now the only language spoken there is amharic and oromo and you’d be lucky to find a somali. Worst part is most of the time the somalis weren’t even deported out of the city they where simply turned into oromos. Large communities of these somalis that became oromos are visble all over oromia. In borana clans like gabra and sakuye are almost completely garre and dir somali in origin going into bale large subclans of the arsi and other clans livin in the region are hawiye in origin yet cannot speak a word of somali and forgot their heritage. Almost all of east haraghes oromos are dir or darood in origin, the largest being obbra and noole who both have clans tracing to absame and jarso with many of its subclans tracing to gherri Kombe not to mention barsuuk which has atleast half a million members all over west Hararghe these people trace back to dir and know this yet speak oromo and call themselves sons of barentu through a fake confederation by the name of afran qallo. This is happening more and more as oromos are flocking the northern part of jijiga and all over somali galbeed. The only two clans that seem to be firm in their treatment of oromos is the Ogaden and issa. The rest are falling into the oromo trap slowly. Even the undefeatable karanle who withstood oromos for centuries and are the reason Oromos aren’t the majority in places like Djibouti and SL are now becoming oromos as babile slowly becomes an oromo speaking town. It’s sad wallahi. In a few years your children will be ilma abba gadaa if we don’t do something about our clan tensions which are being used by oromos to advance into our territory
Let me leave this detailed comment for all the people under Oromo hypnotism here. Ogadens will never accept our people being wiped out.
you need to make a thread about this. a lot of somalis dont realise how much land we lost because of oromo expansionism


East Africa UNUKA LEH
you need to make a thread about this. a lot of somalis dont realise how much land we lost because of oromo expansionism
I’m not as educated on all the clans that have been assimilated and all, so I’ll ask @convincation to make a thread.

@convincation are you up for it? Too many of our own are under oromo hypnotism. They need to truly understand just how much damage they have done.
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They don’t care for facts. Abdi illey was massacring them for absolutely no reason other than the tplf giving him the green light whilst he helped build more orthodox churches in jigjigga for them. They took the state sponsored attacks and they ran with it. They even tried to use the boran and garre beef to fuel the boarder war, instead of de-escalating it. Then you have idiots from mudug speaking on an area they’re not even from bc they love war. You rarely ever heard of clashes between Somalis & oromos in that area up until Abiye.
OLA were massacring people in Ogaden the minute they were given any power through Abiy Ahmed. They were constantly attacking us in the 19th and 20th century too and trying to invade our land. Ogadens have taken the brunt of Oromo expansionism and savagery yet look at the other Somalis in here acting like they are a docile group. They are just like the tigray but dumber. Shame on all of you caping for oromos here. Were gonna lose jijiga to oromo like we did dire dabo and you b*tches better not cry. The only people in Ethiopia that somalis should have any empathy for are the smaller abused groups, nilotic ethiopians, and our almost finished cousins because of genocidal Amhara, Hararis.
“Cousins” if only you knew how they really felt about Somalis looooool. You have more in common with oromos from hararghe culturally & genetically than you ever will with the Ancestors of the Hadiya. You should focus on understanding that majority oromos from that area esp dire dawa are not settlers, rather they’ve always been native to that area. Instead of the invading oromos killing them off the way Somalis do when they conquer land, they gradually became Oromo over time.


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