Pakijeet incel breaks down “flaws” of random Somali female user


Mosthated’s crew despise Somali women but they are a minority but they have such big mouths they are worth 2k Twitter accounts with how loud they are 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
mosthatedsomaIi posted a pic of chunkz and his wife mocking and it got many likes. Hiw is chunkz allowing this to happen???? losing respect for him.
Do you think thats what the somali community needs rn more division. If you support that these guys win.
Why get mad at us instead of those men that constantly target us? Do you know the amount of fgm jokes I see from Somali men. We do indeed need a movement that tells Somali women to put themselves first

Internet Nomad


He's asian/pakistani

Why blame you're own ppl for everything. They're infamous for sex tourism in Morocco.
Not to defend that pakistani guy but the guy he is talking too seems like a bot.

This is the pfp of the guy he is talking too. Its either im going schizo and everyone on twitter is ai or there are just a lot of shady shit going on.

Internet Nomad

Why get mad at us instead of those men that constantly target us? Do you know the amount of fgm jokes I see from Somali men. We do indeed need a movement that tells Somali women to put themselves first
I have done nothing but admonish the trolls all im saying a separatist movement from somali women is just fuel to the fire.

These trolls are a loud minority who get to reign free because of elon musk policies.


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