Pakistani girl pretending to be Persian, look at this self-hate!!

All i picture when i hear a paki open their mouth about other races and how they are superior.


Indians and pakis forever owned by the whiteman. I always challenge those toucan nosed freaks to find one picture of a somali man serving a white man and they all shrink down to their puny inferior state.

My ancestors were real men and i am proud of them. However post 1940's somalis really ruined our image.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
All i picture when i hear a paki open their mouth about other races and how they are superior.


Indians and pakis forever owned by the whiteman. I always challenge those toucan nosed freaks to find one picture of a somali man serving a white man and they all shrink down to their puny inferior state.

My ancestors were real men and i am proud of them. However post 1940's somalis really ruined our image.


Yaq i wish so much i was the white man in the picture..... DO my pedicure u indians., will be awkward to lift my 19 century gown
Yaq i wish so much i was the white man in the picture..... DO my pedicure u indians., will be awkward to lift my 19 century gown
Given how submissive indians are...your servant would not try to kill you in your sleep.



Atleast they don't pretend to claim lineage to the prophet despite: having no facial hair and beards (s are too feminine), being retardedly thin, having skin that looks like shit, and having disgusting head hair made up of curls (normal people hair is thick and straight). s have to be some of the most awful looking people in the world no offence lol but that's why every tries to get with masculine arab men.
No somali is checking for arabs trust me somali men can be skinny and fucking maseculine am sorry but i wouldn't want a man who is gonna throw acid on me when am fully asleep get out of here you dirty paki:chrisfreshhah:


That's why your women complain about your shit skinned men not doing anything with their lives. That's pure masculinity. Please fix your disgusting african looks are you jelly that we look more like the prophet than you filthy africans :drakelaugh:
Bruhhhh you guys should claim indians cos that's what you are who the f*ck
you calling a dirty african
That inbreeding for generations have got to you disgusting inbreed curry munching paki:susp:@RichEnoughForGucci @Basra @xalimathe6
Come destroy this dirty paki my halimos


Atleast I am not shit skinned and over 6 foot whilst not looking like a fucking match stick. Come back when you finally manage to find some water and have normal straight hair. Acid btw yet you guys still mutilate little girl vaginas :nahgirl:
Lol i have soft long curls i got a brown lovely skin and am not tying to bleach like you pakis so is your cousin raping you will your spewing all this shit?:liberaltears:


Somalis look like burnt match sticks when the walk :siilaanyolaugh:. Pakis are caucasians you fucking retard that automatically makes us closer to the prophet then some filthy un evolved monkey who can't even find water to drink.
Ive got water you dirty pakis are hairy like gorillas how the f*ck can you guys call somalis monkeys:cosbyhmm:
Your probably jealous of somalis atleast we can go a month without shaving why am i even talking to you we all know your gonna be put into a airplane to pakistan in 2 months to marry your already inbreed cousin f*ck off you dirty paki:drakekidding:
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Man, it saddens me to see so many sad racist Somalis.

I've met Kenyan Indians, Ugandan Indians as well as normal Pakistanis and Indians. All of them are really nice, well-mannered people and have clear ambitions for success.

We cannot forget that Somalia had an Indian MP post-independence.
Man, it saddens me to see so many sad racist Somalis.

I've met Kenyan Indians, Ugandan Indians as well as normal Pakistanis and Indians. All of them are really nice, well-mannered people and have clear ambitions for success.

We cannot forget that Somalia had an Indian MP post-independence.
They're very happy racists actually:damn:. But they're not wrong let's all be real:damedamn:
I think it's mostly image and what makes them look "exotic". Pakistanis are known for mostly negative and some seriously disgusting things while Persians are fascinating and there isn't anything negative associated with them.
Persians are known for hook noses and the highest nose jobs, Pakistanis have Zayn Malik, Imran Abbas and Imran Khan, who do persians have?


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