Pakistani girl pretending to be Persian, look at this self-hate!!

That reminds me of the time my mom argued with a Paki who said they spoke English in her home country. It turns out that it was true but my mom couldn't believe that a people could be so cucked and the lady's English was thank-you-come-again level trash.
Pakistanis are the most antiwhite people in britain, they fight most of the skinheads and race riots, somalis claim arab, the arabs and persians are wannabe whites in britain
All i picture when i hear a paki open their mouth about other races and how they are superior.


Indians and pakis forever owned by the whiteman. I always challenge those toucan nosed freaks to find one picture of a somali man serving a white man and they all shrink down to their puny inferior state.

My ancestors were real men and i am proud of them. However post 1940's somalis really ruined our image.

all 3 Anglo Afghan wars were fought on Pakistani soil, there is 45 million Pashtuns who destroyed winston churchill in those parts, Somalia was always colonized by italians, arabs, and others
These dirty pakis are getting confident @Thatguy007 even tried to claim lingeage to prophet muhammed inbred fucks always trying to look lighter so they could be seen as arabs:drakelaugh:
Pakistanis are whiter than Arabs, 60% are Iranic, they're blond and redheads in Pakistan, 99% of Gulf Arabia is brown to dark brown, there is bunches of green and blue eyed Pakistanis


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
I literally can't think of one paki girl I phukt who didn't smell like curry and seared onions down there. Is every paki girl like that? It's some pungent, stomach turning shit. Like I would make some of the girls have a shower before sex and they would faintly smell of curry and seared onions.

