Listen those of us somalis who reer scandinavia specially Denmark live in the same neighbourhoods and grew up alongside palestinians, as they make up one of the biggest immigrant groups in Denmark. I have never ever and i mean ever met a somali who gets along with them. They are literally the most racist group i have ever met in my life, and i have seen alot of it. Somali fob parents who raise their kids in anglo countries warn them with "mathowga ha raacin". Here in Scandinavia we raised with the phrase "carabta iska ilaali".
But ofcourse we are still obliged as muslims to stand in solidarity with the opressed against the oppressor, we should continue to show support and have desireble community values while also be aware of the qashin nature many of them have. And i say this as someone who has seen Palestinians and their culture up close.
I think that is the most principled stance. I have heard even the other Arabs can't stand them.