The ‘F’ sound in ‘Pharoah’ is incorrect and is the Greek/Roman/Arabic way of pronouncing the title. The Egyptians pronounced it something like ‘Para/Paro’ with an ceyn sound after the ‘Par’. The meaning is said to be ‘Great house’ similar to how administrations in America or edicts from the president are said to come from ‘the White House’. Interestingly, this has the exact same form and meaning as the Somali/Cushitic ‘Bar-Caan’ which would similarly mean ‘famous house’ or ‘great house’. This makes a lot more sense in light of the recent theory of a Cushitic substrata in the Ancient Egyptian language. There is a chance that the word ‘caan’ could be an Arabic loan word which would make this theory moot but I haven’t seen any evidence of that so far. @Webb
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