Philosophy is kufr and leads to shirk?

Omar del Sur

philosophy is not to be skeptical about everything

Nordic is correct.

Here is who comes up if you google "father of modern philosophy".


The whole basis of Cartesian philosophy is the systematic doubting of everything.


now was he just some innocent person trying to arrive at truth.... and it is just pure coincidence that this kind of thing has anti-religious implications?

no, it is naive to think that. the philosophers were at war with the Church.

look at the big names in Western philosophy since Descartes- David Hume (widely considered to be some sort of crypto-atheist), Voltaire (enemy of religion), Karl Marx (enemy of religion), Nietzsche (enemy of religion).

I would argue the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century is Foucault (besides Lenin, I'm not counting Lenin).

Foucault was some sort of homo degenerate who I assume was not particularly religious. Arguably the two most famous philosophers of the twentieth century are Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell. Sartre held that God doesn't exist, life has no inherent meaning and so we have to invent meaning (that's what his form of existentialism boils down to). Bertrand Russell was a preacher of atheism and he was basically the twentieth century version of Richard Dawkins as well as a "I hecking LOVE science" guy (Russell believed science would/should replace religion).

There are exceptions like Alvin Plantinga, who is a famous modern Christian philosopher but generally speaking modern Western philosophy is very anti-religion.

Then if you go to pre-modern Western philosophy it's people mixing Catholicism with Aristotle. Then earlier it's Plato and Socrates and them. None of these are particularly useful for a Muslim. And most modern Western philosophy is degenerate, atheistic garbage. If I'm not mistaken, the most cited philosopher today if not ever is Foucault

this is the most cited philosopher and the man was a degenerate pervert who died of AIDS.

now maybe some are conservative types who sneer at modern philosophy but think highly of ancient Greek philosophy. I am telling you as someone who read the Republic- Plato was a Communist.

if you read Plato's Republic- he proposed the abolition of the family. women should be "held in common" or however you want to put it. children should be taken from the mother and raised by the state. they should not be raised by their parents because the parents might infect the children with their "superstitions". the child must be raised by the state and taught the ideology that the state wants them to be taught. if you actually read and study Plato's Republic, he is proposing a nightmare dystopian proto-Communistic dictatorship. I think he even proposed forcing vegetarianism on the population to make them more docile- only the elites would be allowed meat.
Nordic is correct.

Here is who comes up if you google "father of modern philosophy".

View attachment 223134

The whole basis of Cartesian philosophy is the systematic doubting of everything.

View attachment 223135

now was he just some innocent person trying to arrive at truth.... and it is just pure coincidence that this kind of thing has anti-religious implications?

no, it is naive to think that. the philosophers were at war with the Church.

look at the big names in Western philosophy since Descartes- David Hume (widely considered to be some sort of crypto-atheist), Voltaire (enemy of religion), Karl Marx (enemy of religion), Nietzsche (enemy of religion).

I would argue the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century is Foucault (besides Lenin, I'm not counting Lenin).

Foucault was some sort of homo degenerate who I assume was not particularly religious. Arguably the two most famous philosophers of the twentieth century are Jean-Paul Sartre and Bertrand Russell. Sartre held that God doesn't exist, life has no inherent meaning and so we have to invent meaning (that's what his form of existentialism boils down to). Bertrand Russell was a preacher of atheism and he was basically the twentieth century version of Richard Dawkins as well as a "I hecking LOVE science" guy (Russell believed science would/should replace religion).

There are exceptions like Alvin Plantinga, who is a famous modern Christian philosopher but generally speaking modern Western philosophy is very anti-religion.

Then if you go to pre-modern Western philosophy it's people mixing Catholicism with Aristotle. Then earlier it's Plato and Socrates and them. None of these are particularly useful for a Muslim. And most modern Western philosophy is degenerate, atheistic garbage. If I'm not mistaken, the most cited philosopher today if not ever is Foucault

this is the most cited philosopher and the man was a degenerate pervert who died of AIDS.

now maybe some are conservative types who sneer at modern philosophy but think highly of ancient Greek philosophy. I am telling you as someone who read the Republic- Plato was a Communist.

if you read Plato's Republic- he proposed the abolition of the family. women should be "held in common" or however you want to put it. children should be taken from the mother and raised by the state. they should not be raised by their parents because the parents might infect the children with their "superstitions". the child must be raised by the state and taught the ideology that the state wants them to be taught. if you actually read and study Plato's Republic, he is proposing a nightmare dystopian proto-Communistic dictatorship. I think he even proposed forcing vegetarianism on the population to make them more docile- only the elites would be allowed meat.
The definition of philosophy and the modern day philosophy are 2 different things.
I don't know a lot about philosophy but I know that the salaf hated kalaam. Our way of giving dawah should be based upon the quraan and sunnah. I've seen a few Muslim vs Atheist debates where they talk about philosophy, contingency arguments, and cosmological arguments and it ussualy leads to nowhere, if anything it makes the atheist more certain and arrogant in his views. I don't think it's beneficial for the viewers either and especially not for the viewers who are already Muslim, it will most likely just make them confused. Most Atheists are Atheists because they are arrogant, and arrogant people won't accept the truth no matter what proofs we bring. On the day of judgement there will be prophets who had no followers and it's not because they were bad at giving dawah, rather they did it in the best way, and the people were just being arrogant. Atheists worship their desires and no matter how hard you try to prove islaam they won't accept it because of arrogance.

Omar del Sur

The definition of philosophy and the modern day philosophy are 2 different things.

well.... I'm not an expert on dictionary definitions.... but I think the definition of something is the meaning of that thing....

philosophy is commonly used to refer to philosophy in the sense that this article is talking about

I think it's actually famously hard to define but.... when we mention "philosophy" in this sense, we're talking about Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, etc.... that kind of thing...

now whatever definition google uses for the word philosophy.... the real definition and what something truly means in reality isn't necessarily the same as what the dictionary says... just like google manipulates search results for ideological reasons, dictionaries- especially modern ones- do the same thing with definitions.... if you read an old dictionary from one hundred years ago versus a new one, for example, you'll see differences... imagine if you look up the word "race" in a dictionary from 1910 versus a dictionary from today- just as an example.... so I actually don't necessarily trust the definitions that are given for things.... but I take "philosophy" as referring to Plato, Aristotle, etc.. that kind of thing... that is one way the word is commonly used, though there are other ways the word is used.

Omar del Sur

apparently this is how google defines it:


the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
a particular system of philosophical thought.
plural noun: philosophies
"Schopenhauer’s philosophy"
the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience.
"the philosophy of science"

but this honestly isn't accurate. Philosophy is stuff like Plato, Aristotle, etc. if you talk about the "fundamental nature of knowledge and reality" but you are actually giving a lecture on tafsir of the Quran, this isn't considered philosophy. if you discuss the meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha, you're going to be discussing the fundamental nature of reality but giving a talk on its tafsir isn't considered philosophy.
apparently this is how google defines it:


the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
a particular system of philosophical thought.
plural noun: philosophies
"Schopenhauer’s philosophy"
the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience.
"the philosophy of science"

but this honestly isn't accurate. Philosophy is stuff like Plato, Aristotle, etc. if you talk about the "fundamental nature of knowledge and reality" but you are actually giving a lecture on tafsir of the Quran, this isn't considered philosophy. if you discuss the meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha, you're going to be discussing the fundamental nature of reality but giving a talk on its tafsir isn't considered philosophy.
I think the definitions of philosophy is getting mixed up,
plao aristotle and all of them didnt invent philosophy, they just participated in it, when referring to philosphy u are referring to it as a whole concept, when u talk about medicine u dont just talk about a specific community of medicine which heavily influenced the way we view medicine today, we look at medicine as a whole in different times and places in history and medicine as a topic
So the definition of philosophy and what it actually means we all use it in every day life,
When u mention the ancient greeks u are reffering to one group of people who particiapted in a specific realm of philosophy
I dont believe we should look into ancient greeks philosophy unless u r a scholar who uses it to understand the way kuffar think, the laymen should not care about this
but in terms of philosophy as a whole we all use it, science is based on philosphy so is maths, if u dont have fundemntal ideas about life u cannot make deductions using sceince
so u cannot say philosophy as a whole is haram
So even philosophy is haram now? First it was music, whats next? Where do you guys think this closed minded mentality will lead you? What other next good thing are you gonna call haram?
So even philosophy is haram now? First it was music, whats next? Where do you guys think this closed minded mentality will lead you? What other next good thing are you gonna call haram?
Yeah its haram deal with it. What is wrong with you. You muslim or not? If you don't like whatever your desires inclined to is haram, then you can just leave Islam.
Yeah its haram deal with it. What is wrong with you. You muslim or not? If you don't like whatever your desires inclined to is haram, then you can just leave Islam.
"what is wrong with you" lmao. people like you will have us stuck in the stone age. also, your comment proved my point. truly a close minded mentality
Philosophy has nothing to do with science. Its just some weirdos tryna understand the reality of the world without revelation. Did you even read @Omar del Sur excellent reply to the thread? Go read it
u have no science without philosophy in fact the scientific method was invented by philosophers,
science is in actuality just philosophy
u have no science without philosophy in fact the scientific method was invented by philosophers,
science is in actuality just philosophy
Even that muslims came up with the scientific methods lol.

If someone says philosophy is haram so is science ,since no philosophy = no science .

Omar del Sur

Even that muslims came up with the scientific methods lol.

If someone says philosophy is haram so is science ,since no philosophy = no science .

this is a weird thing to claim. if you want to develop software or airplanes or nukes.... I don't think you need to study Plato or Aristotle.

Omar del Sur

Even that muslims came up with the scientific methods lol.

If someone says philosophy is haram so is science ,since no philosophy = no science .


If I do an interview to work as a software engineer at Google- which of these philosophers am I going to be asked about at Google?

Omar del Sur

I can't help it... this idea that you need philosophy in order to have science is.... it is less rigorous a claim than flat-earth theory.....

this is a biochemistry course. this is about as sciencey as it gets. what philosopher do you think they'll be studying in the curiculum. what philosopher do they need to read to do biochemistry?

let's be honest. every physical and digital copy of every book by every philosopher ever could be eliminated and it's not going to make a difference to people studying biochemistry. maybe people here went to high school in ancient athens but when I was half-asleep in chemistry class, we weren't learning about ancient greek philosophers, medieval Catholic scholastic philosophers or early modern philosophers.... we were learning the periodic table of elements and mixing stuff in tubes.


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