Philosophy is kufr and leads to shirk?

Omar del Sur

this is a famous and popular book on history of philosophy.


what is it talking about? Plato. Aristotle. etc. people are playing with the definition. any philosophy course in college and this is the kind of thing they're talking about.

Omar del Sur


Bertrand Russell's history of philosophy

"History of Western Philosophy[a] is a 1945 book by the philosopher Bertrand Russell. A survey of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratic philosophers to the early 20th century, it was criticised for Russell's over-generalization and omissions, particularly from the post-Cartesian period, but nevertheless became a popular and commercial success"

who does it start with? pre-socratics- ancient greeks. no, we don't need ancient greek philosophy or whatever other philosophy mixed in with the din.
Philosophy is stuff like Plato and Aristotle. If you take any philosophy course in college, that's the kind of thing they teach. You read any book on history of philosophy and that's the kind of thing they're talking about. You're playing games with the definition.

When Al-Ghazali and Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah and them were talking about philosophy, they were talking about stuff like Aristotle. No, we don't need Plato, Aristotle, etc.
youve got it all wrong. Anyways, is music haram? And if so, why?
Philosophy is stuff like Plato and Aristotle. If you take any philosophy course in college, that's the kind of thing they teach. You read any book on history of philosophy and that's the kind of thing they're talking about. You're playing games with the definition.

When Al-Ghazali and Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah and them were talking about philosophy, they were talking about stuff like Aristotle. No, we don't need Plato, Aristotle, etc.
Al-Ghazali & Ibn Taymiyyah are both philosophers

Omar del Sur

Al-Ghazali & Ibn Taymiyyah are both philosophers

this is what I'm talking about. you're playing with the definition. you could play all kinds of games like this with words. this is the same game feminists do. "feminists just believe in equal rights of women, Islam is feminist!"

Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah and Al-Ghazali both refuted the philosophers.

Al-Ghazali wrote a famous book against the philosophers called Incoherence of the Philosophers.
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this is what I'm talking about. you're playing with the definition. you could play all kinds of games like this with words. this is the same game feminists do. "feminists just believe in equal rights of women, Islam is feminist!"

Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah and Al-Ghazali both refuted the philosophers.

Al-Ghazali wrote a famous book against the philosophers called Incoherence of the Philosophers. You should try reading it.
He wasnt against philosophy, he was debunking errors philosopher's made at that time USING PHILOSOPHY . :snoop:

Omar del Sur

I don't have time to go back and forth endlessly on this issue.

Did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions talk about philosophy? Was this something they called to? The generation after them? The next generation after that?

The word philosophy is Greek. The whole thing comes from the ancient Greeks. There is no zero need to add any new stuff into Islam. Everything that is needed is already there.

On the authority of Abu Najeeh al-’Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. So we said, “O Messenger of Allah! It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “I counsel you to have taqwa (fear) of Allah, and to listen and obey [your leader], even if a slave were to become your ameer. Verily he among you who lives long will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance.”

[Abu Dawud]
It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said that it was a good and sound hadeeth.

I can't help it... this idea that you need philosophy in order to have science is.... it is less rigorous a claim than flat-earth theory.....

this is a biochemistry course. this is about as sciencey as it gets. what philosopher do you think they'll be studying in the curiculum. what philosopher do they need to read to do biochemistry?

let's be honest. every physical and digital copy of every book by every philosopher ever could be eliminated and it's not going to make a difference to people studying biochemistry. maybe people here went to high school in ancient athens but when I was half-asleep in chemistry class, we weren't learning about ancient greek philosophers, medieval Catholic scholastic philosophers or early modern philosophers.... we were learning the periodic table of elements and mixing stuff in tubes.
U do not understand what philosophy is tbh, you need to educate yourself on a topic before you comment on it, Islamically before we make a conclusion on a topic we must fully comprehend it before we make a conclusion on it
biochemistry, the scienfitic method, and all of that, is based on the philosophy of science
without establishing fundamental things in the universe we cannot come up we a reliable scientific method nor can we jump to conclusions without establishing rules first.
You really donot understand what philosophy is
I don't have time to go back and forth endlessly on this issue.

Did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions talk about philosophy? Was this something they called to? The generation after them? The next generation after that?

The word philosophy is Greek. The whole thing comes from the ancient Greeks. There is no zero need to add any new stuff into Islam. Everything that is needed is already there.

On the authority of Abu Najeeh al-’Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. So we said, “O Messenger of Allah! It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us.” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “I counsel you to have taqwa (fear) of Allah, and to listen and obey [your leader], even if a slave were to become your ameer. Verily he among you who lives long will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance.”

[Abu Dawud]
It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said that it was a good and sound hadeeth.

You do not understand what philosophy means tbh.
THe entire Quran talks about fundamental parts of life, and calls us to think about it, this fundamentally is philosophy
in fact the sahaba were the most wise and knowledgeable people in the world and the most knowledgeable on philosophical concepts.
the problem is you conflate a specific people who partook in philosophy with the entire subject of philosophy


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